Dependencies for liquidhaskell-boot-
- aeson
- base (>= && <5)
- binary
- bytestring (>=0.10)
- Cabal (<3.7)
- cereal
- cmdargs (>=0.10)
- containers (>=0.5)
- data-default (>=0.5)
- data-fix
- deepseq (>=1.3)
- Diff (>=0.3 && <0.5)
- directory (>=1.2)
- exceptions (<0.11)
- extra
- filepath (>=1.3)
- fingertree (>=0.1)
- free
- ghc (>=9.2 && <9.3)
- ghc-boot
- ghc-paths (>=0.1)
- ghc-prim
- githash
- gitrev
- hashable (>=1.3 && <1.5)
- hscolour (>=1.22)
- liquid-fixpoint (==
- megaparsec (>=8)
- mtl (>=2.1)
- optparse-applicative (<0.18)
- pretty (>=1.1)
- recursion-schemes (<5.3)
- split
- syb (>=0.4.4)
- template-haskell (>=2.9)
- temporary (>=1.2)
- text (>=1.2)
- th-compat (<0.2)
- time (>=1.4)
- transformers (>=0.3)
- unordered-containers (>=0.2.11)
- vector (>=0.10)
Manual Flags
Name | Description | Default |
devel | Enable more warnings and fail compilation when warnings occur. Turn this flag on in CI. | Disabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info