liquidhaskell- Liquid Types for Haskell
Safe HaskellNone



This module contains various functions that add/update in the CG monad.



addC :: SubC -> String -> CG () #

addC adds a subtyping constraint into the global pool.

addPost :: CGEnv -> SpecType -> CG SpecType #

addPost: RJ: what DOES this function do?

addW :: WfC -> CG () #

Add Well formedness Constraint

addWarning :: Error -> CG () #

Add a warning

addIdA :: Var -> Annot SpecType -> CG () #

Add Identifier Annotations, used for annotation binders (i.e. at binder sites)

addLocA :: Maybe Var -> SrcSpan -> Annot SpecType -> CG () #

Used for annotating reads (i.e. at Var x sites)

addHole :: Var -> SpecType -> CGEnv -> CG () #

Used for annotating holes

updateLocA :: Maybe SrcSpan -> SpecType -> CG () #

Update annotations for a location, due to (ghost) predicate applications

addA :: Outputable a => SrcSpan -> Maybe a -> b -> AnnInfo b -> AnnInfo b #

envToSub :: [(a, b)] -> ([(a, b)], b, b) #