{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
module Language.Fixpoint.Smt.Theories
, sortSmtSort
, smt2Symbol
, preamble
, sizeBv
, theorySymbols
, dataDeclSymbols
, setEmpty, setEmp, setCap, setSub, setAdd, setMem
, setCom, setCup, setDif, setSng, mapSel, mapCup, mapSto, mapDef
, isSmt2App
, axiomLiterals
, maxLamArg
) where
import Prelude hiding (map)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,14,0)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup (..))
import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Sorts
import Language.Fixpoint.Types.Config
import Language.Fixpoint.Types
import Language.Fixpoint.Smt.Types
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import Data.Text.Format
import qualified Data.Text
import Data.String (IsString(..))
elt, set, map :: Raw
elt = "Elt"
set = "LSet"
map = "Map"
emp, add, cup, cap, mem, dif, sub, com, sel, sto, mcup, mdef :: Raw
emp = "smt_set_emp"
add = "smt_set_add"
cup = "smt_set_cup"
cap = "smt_set_cap"
mem = "smt_set_mem"
dif = "smt_set_dif"
sub = "smt_set_sub"
com = "smt_set_com"
sel = "smt_map_sel"
sto = "smt_map_sto"
mcup = "smt_map_cup"
mdef = "smt_map_def"
setEmpty, setEmp, setCap, setSub, setAdd, setMem, setCom, setCup, setDif, setSng :: Symbol
setEmpty = "Set_empty"
setEmp = "Set_emp"
setCap = "Set_cap"
setSub = "Set_sub"
setAdd = "Set_add"
setMem = "Set_mem"
setCom = "Set_com"
setCup = "Set_cup"
setDif = "Set_dif"
setSng = "Set_sng"
mapSel, mapSto, mapCup, mapDef :: Symbol
mapSel = "Map_select"
mapSto = "Map_store"
mapCup = "Map_union"
mapDef = "Map_default"
strLen, strSubstr, strConcat :: (IsString a) => a
strLen = "strLen"
strSubstr = "subString"
strConcat = "concatString"
z3strlen, z3strsubstr, z3strconcat :: Raw
z3strlen = "str.len"
z3strsubstr = "str.substr"
z3strconcat = "str.++"
strLenSort, substrSort, concatstrSort :: Sort
strLenSort = FFunc strSort intSort
substrSort = mkFFunc 0 [strSort, intSort, intSort, strSort]
concatstrSort = mkFFunc 0 [strSort, strSort, strSort]
string :: Raw
string = strConName
z3Preamble :: Config -> [T.Text]
z3Preamble u
= stringPreamble u ++
[ format "(define-sort {} () Int)"
(Only elt)
, format "(define-sort {} () (Array {} Bool))"
(set, elt)
, format "(define-fun {} () {} ((as const {}) false))"
(emp, set, set)
, format "(define-fun {} ((x {}) (s {})) Bool (select s x))"
(mem, elt, set)
, format "(define-fun {} ((s {}) (x {})) {} (store s x true))"
(add, set, elt, set)
, format "(define-fun {} ((s1 {}) (s2 {})) {} ((_ map or) s1 s2))"
(cup, set, set, set)
, format "(define-fun {} ((s1 {}) (s2 {})) {} ((_ map and) s1 s2))"
(cap, set, set, set)
, format "(define-fun {} ((s {})) {} ((_ map not) s))"
(com, set, set)
, format "(define-fun {} ((s1 {}) (s2 {})) {} ({} s1 ({} s2)))"
(dif, set, set, set, cap, com)
, format "(define-fun {} ((s1 {}) (s2 {})) Bool (= {} ({} s1 s2)))"
(sub, set, set, emp, dif)
, format "(define-sort {} () (Array {} {}))"
(map, elt, elt)
, format "(define-fun {} ((m {}) (k {})) {} (select m k))"
(sel, map, elt, elt)
, format "(define-fun {} ((m {}) (k {}) (v {})) {} (store m k v))"
(sto, map, elt, elt, map)
, format "(define-fun {} ((m1 {}) (m2 {})) {} ((_ map (+ ({} {}) {})) m1 m2))"
(mcup, map, map, map, elt, elt, elt)
, format "(define-fun {} ((v {})) {} ((as const ({})) v))"
(mdef, elt, map, map)
, format "(define-fun {} ((b Bool)) Int (ite b 1 0))"
(Only (boolToIntName :: T.Text))
, uifDef u (symbolText mulFuncName) ("*" :: T.Text)
, uifDef u (symbolText divFuncName) "div"
uifDef :: Config -> Data.Text.Text -> T.Text -> T.Text
uifDef cfg f op
| linear cfg || Z3 /= solver cfg
= format "(declare-fun {} (Int Int) Int)" (Only f)
| otherwise
= format "(define-fun {} ((x Int) (y Int)) Int ({} x y))" (f, op)
cvc4Preamble :: Config -> [T.Text]
cvc4Preamble _
= [ "(set-logic ALL_SUPPORTED)"
, format "(define-sort {} () Int)" (Only elt)
, format "(define-sort {} () Int)" (Only set)
, format "(define-sort {} () Int)" (Only string)
, format "(declare-fun {} () {})" (emp, set)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) {})" (add, set, elt, set)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) {})" (cup, set, set, set)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) {})" (cap, set, set, set)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) {})" (dif, set, set, set)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) Bool)" (sub, set, set)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) Bool)" (mem, elt, set)
, format "(define-sort {} () (Array {} {}))"
(map, elt, elt)
, format "(define-fun {} ((m {}) (k {})) {} (select m k))"
(sel, map, elt, elt)
, format "(define-fun {} ((m {}) (k {}) (v {})) {} (store m k v))"
(sto, map, elt, elt, map)
, format "(define-fun {} ((b Bool)) Int (ite b 1 0))"
(Only (boolToIntName :: Raw))
smtlibPreamble :: Config -> [T.Text]
smtlibPreamble _
= [
format "(define-sort {} () Int)" (Only elt)
, format "(define-sort {} () Int)" (Only set)
, format "(declare-fun {} () {})" (emp, set)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) {})" (add, set, elt, set)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) {})" (cup, set, set, set)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) {})" (cap, set, set, set)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) {})" (dif, set, set, set)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) Bool)" (sub, set, set)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) Bool)" (mem, elt, set)
, format "(define-sort {} () Int)" (Only map)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) {})" (sel, map, elt, elt)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {} {}) {})" (sto, map, elt, elt, map)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {} {}) {})" (sto, map, elt, elt, map)
, format "(define-fun {} ((b Bool)) Int (ite b 1 0))" (Only (boolToIntName :: Raw))
stringPreamble :: Config -> [T.Text]
stringPreamble cfg | stringTheory cfg
= [
format "(define-sort {} () String)" (Only string)
, format "(define-fun {} ((s {})) Int ({} s))"
(strLen :: Raw, string, z3strlen)
, format "(define-fun {} ((s {}) (i Int) (j Int)) {} ({} s i j))"
(strSubstr :: Raw, string, string, z3strsubstr)
, format "(define-fun {} ((x {}) (y {})) {} ({} x y))"
(strConcat :: Raw, string, string, string, z3strconcat)
stringPreamble _
= [
format "(define-sort {} () Int)" (Only string)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({}) Int)"
(strLen :: Raw, string)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} Int Int) {})"
(strSubstr :: Raw, string, string)
, format "(declare-fun {} ({} {}) {})"
(strConcat :: Raw, string, string, string)
smt2Symbol :: SymEnv -> Symbol -> Maybe Builder.Builder
smt2Symbol env x = Builder.fromLazyText . tsRaw <$> symEnvTheory x env
instance SMTLIB2 SmtSort where
smt2 _ = smt2SmtSort
smt2SmtSort :: SmtSort -> Builder.Builder
smt2SmtSort SInt = "Int"
smt2SmtSort SReal = "Real"
smt2SmtSort SBool = "Bool"
smt2SmtSort SString = build "{}" (Only string)
smt2SmtSort SSet = build "{}" (Only set)
smt2SmtSort SMap = build "{}" (Only map)
smt2SmtSort (SBitVec n) = build "(_ BitVec {})" (Only n)
smt2SmtSort (SVar n) = build "T{}" (Only n)
smt2SmtSort (SData c []) = symbolBuilder c
smt2SmtSort (SData c ts) = build "({} {})" (symbolBuilder c , smt2SmtSorts ts)
smt2SmtSorts :: [SmtSort] -> Builder.Builder
smt2SmtSorts = buildMany . fmap smt2SmtSort
type VarAs = SymEnv -> Symbol -> Sort -> Builder.Builder
smt2App :: VarAs -> SymEnv -> Expr -> [Builder.Builder] -> Maybe Builder.Builder
smt2App _ _ (ECst (EVar f) _) [d]
| f == setEmpty = Just $ build "{}" (Only emp)
| f == setEmp = Just $ build "(= {} {})" (emp, d)
| f == setSng = Just $ build "({} {} {})" (add, emp, d)
smt2App k env f (d:ds)
| Just fb <- smt2AppArg k env f
= Just $ build "({} {})" (fb, d <> mconcat [ " " <> d | d <- ds])
smt2App _ _ _ _ = Nothing
smt2AppArg :: VarAs -> SymEnv -> Expr -> Maybe Builder.Builder
smt2AppArg k env (ECst (EVar f) t)
| Just fThy <- symEnvTheory f env
= Just $ if isPolyCtor fThy t
then (k env f (ffuncOut t))
else (build "{}" (Only (tsRaw fThy)))
smt2AppArg _ _ _
= Nothing
isPolyCtor :: TheorySymbol -> Sort -> Bool
isPolyCtor fThy t = isPolyInst (tsSort fThy) t && tsInterp fThy == Ctor
ffuncOut :: Sort -> Sort
ffuncOut t = maybe t (last . snd) (bkFFunc t)
isSmt2App :: SEnv TheorySymbol -> Expr -> Maybe Int
isSmt2App g (EVar f)
| f == setEmpty = Just 1
| f == setEmp = Just 1
| f == setSng = Just 1
| otherwise = lookupSEnv f g >>= thyAppInfo
isSmt2App _ _ = Nothing
thyAppInfo :: TheorySymbol -> Maybe Int
thyAppInfo ti = case tsInterp ti of
Field -> Just 1
_ -> sortAppInfo (tsSort ti)
sortAppInfo :: Sort -> Maybe Int
sortAppInfo t = case bkFFunc t of
Just (_, ts) -> Just (length ts - 1)
Nothing -> Nothing
preamble :: Config -> SMTSolver -> [T.Text]
preamble u Z3 = z3Preamble u
preamble u Cvc4 = cvc4Preamble u
preamble u _ = smtlibPreamble u
theorySymbols :: [DataDecl] -> SEnv TheorySymbol
theorySymbols ds = fromListSEnv $
++ concatMap dataDeclSymbols ds
interpSymbols :: [(Symbol, TheorySymbol)]
interpSymbols =
[ interpSym setEmp emp (FAbs 0 $ FFunc (setSort $ FVar 0) boolSort)
, interpSym setEmpty emp (FAbs 0 $ FFunc intSort (setSort $ FVar 0))
, interpSym setAdd add setAddSort
, interpSym setCup cup setBopSort
, interpSym setCap cap setBopSort
, interpSym setMem mem setMemSort
, interpSym setDif dif setBopSort
, interpSym setSub sub setCmpSort
, interpSym setCom com setCmpSort
, interpSym mapSel sel mapSelSort
, interpSym mapSto sto mapStoSort
, interpSym mapCup mcup mapCupSort
, interpSym mapDef mdef mapDefSort
, interpSym bvOrName "bvor" bvBopSort
, interpSym bvAndName "bvand" bvBopSort
, interpSym strLen strLen strLenSort
, interpSym strSubstr strSubstr substrSort
, interpSym strConcat strConcat concatstrSort
, interpSym boolInt boolInt (FFunc boolSort intSort)
boolInt = boolToIntName
setAddSort = FAbs 0 $ FFunc (setSort $ FVar 0) $ FFunc (FVar 0) (setSort $ FVar 0)
setBopSort = FAbs 0 $ FFunc (setSort $ FVar 0) $ FFunc (setSort $ FVar 0) (setSort $ FVar 0)
setMemSort = FAbs 0 $ FFunc (FVar 0) $ FFunc (setSort $ FVar 0) boolSort
setCmpSort = FAbs 0 $ FFunc (setSort $ FVar 0) $ FFunc (setSort $ FVar 0) boolSort
mapSelSort = FAbs 0 $ FAbs 1 $ FFunc (mapSort (FVar 0) (FVar 1))
$ FFunc (FVar 0) (FVar 1)
mapCupSort = FAbs 0 $ FFunc (mapSort (FVar 0) intSort)
$ FFunc (mapSort (FVar 0) intSort)
(mapSort (FVar 0) intSort)
mapStoSort = FAbs 0 $ FAbs 1 $ FFunc (mapSort (FVar 0) (FVar 1))
$ FFunc (FVar 0)
$ FFunc (FVar 1)
(mapSort (FVar 0) (FVar 1))
mapDefSort = FAbs 0 $ FAbs 1 $ FFunc (FVar 1)
(mapSort (FVar 0) (FVar 1))
bvBopSort = FFunc bitVecSort $ FFunc bitVecSort bitVecSort
interpSym :: Symbol -> Raw -> Sort -> (Symbol, TheorySymbol)
interpSym x n t = (x, Thy x n t Theory)
maxLamArg :: Int
maxLamArg = 7
axiomLiterals :: [(Symbol, Sort)] -> [Expr]
axiomLiterals lts = catMaybes [ lenAxiom l <$> litLen l | (l, t) <- lts, isString t ]
lenAxiom l n = EEq (EApp (expr (strLen :: Symbol)) (expr l)) (expr n `ECst` intSort)
litLen = fmap (Data.Text.length . symbolText) . unLitSymbol
dataDeclSymbols :: DataDecl -> [(Symbol, TheorySymbol)]
dataDeclSymbols d = ctorSymbols d ++ testSymbols d ++ selectSymbols d
selfSort :: DataDecl -> Sort
selfSort (DDecl c n _) = fAppTC c (FVar <$> [0..(n-1)])
fldSort :: DataDecl -> Sort -> Sort
fldSort d (FTC c)
| c == ddTyCon d = selfSort d
fldSort _ s = s
ctorSymbols :: DataDecl -> [(Symbol, TheorySymbol)]
ctorSymbols d = ctorSort d <$> ddCtors d
ctorSort :: DataDecl -> DataCtor -> (Symbol, TheorySymbol)
ctorSort d ctor = (x, Thy x (symbolRaw x) t Ctor)
x = symbol ctor
t = mkFFunc n (ts ++ [selfSort d])
n = ddVars d
ts = fldSort d . dfSort <$> dcFields ctor
testSymbols :: DataDecl -> [(Symbol, TheorySymbol)]
testSymbols d = testTheory t . symbol <$> ddCtors d
t = mkFFunc (ddVars d) [selfSort d, boolSort]
testTheory :: Sort -> Symbol -> (Symbol, TheorySymbol)
testTheory t x = (sx, Thy sx raw t Test)
sx = testSymbol x
raw = "is-" <> symbolRaw x
symbolRaw :: Symbol -> T.Text
symbolRaw = T.fromStrict . symbolSafeText
selectSymbols :: DataDecl -> [(Symbol, TheorySymbol)]
selectSymbols d = theorify <$> concatMap (ctorSelectors d) (ddCtors d)
theorify :: (Symbol, Sort) -> (Symbol, TheorySymbol)
theorify (x, t) = (x, Thy x (symbolRaw x) t Field)
ctorSelectors :: DataDecl -> DataCtor -> [(Symbol, Sort)]
ctorSelectors d ctor = fieldSelector d <$> dcFields ctor
fieldSelector :: DataDecl -> DataField -> (Symbol, Sort)
fieldSelector d f = (symbol f, mkFFunc n [selfSort d, ft])
ft = fldSort d $ dfSort f
n = ddVars d