-- | This module contains the types for representing dependency
--   graphs between kvars and constraints.

{-# LANGUAGE ImplicitParams        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

module Language.Fixpoint.Graph.Types (

  -- * Graphs
    CVertex (..)
  , CEdge
  , isRealEdge
  , KVGraph (..)

  -- * Components
  , Comps
  , KVComps

  -- * Printing
  , writeGraph
  , writeEdges

  -- * Constraints
  , F.SubcId
  , KVRead
  , DepEdge

  -- * Slice of relevant constraints
  , Slice (..)

  -- * Constraint Dependency Graphs
  , CGraph (..)

  -- * Alias for Constraint Maps
  , F.CMap
  , lookupCMap

  -- * Ranks
  , Rank (..)

  -- * Constraint Dependencies
  , CDeps (..)

  -- * Solver Info
  , SolverInfo (..)

import           GHC.Generics              (Generic)
import           Data.Hashable
import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ.Compat

import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc         -- hiding (group)
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.PrettyPrint
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.Refinements -- Constraints
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types.Solutions as F
-- import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc (safeLookup)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types   as F
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict       as M
import qualified Data.HashSet              as S

import GHC.Stack

data CVertex = KVar  !KVar    -- ^ real kvar vertex
             | DKVar !KVar    -- ^ dummy to ensure each kvar has a successor
             | EBind !F.Symbol  -- ^ existentially bound "ghost paramter" to solve for
             | Cstr  !Integer -- ^ constraint-id which creates a dependency
               deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic)

instance PPrint CVertex where
  pprintTidy _ (KVar k)  = doubleQuotes $ pprint $ kv k
  pprintTidy _ (EBind s)  = doubleQuotes $ pprint $ s
  pprintTidy _ (Cstr i)  = text "id_" <-> pprint i
  pprintTidy _ (DKVar k) = pprint k   <-> text "*"

instance Hashable CVertex

data KVGraph    = KVGraph { kvgEdges :: [(CVertex, CVertex, [CVertex])] }
type CEdge      = (CVertex, CVertex)
type Comps a    = [[a]]
type KVComps    = Comps CVertex

instance PPrint KVGraph where
  pprintTidy _ = pprint . kvgEdges

writeGraph :: FilePath -> KVGraph -> IO ()
writeGraph f = writeEdges f . graphEdges
    graphEdges :: KVGraph -> [CEdge]
    graphEdges (KVGraph g) = [ (v, v') | (v,_,vs) <- g, v' <- vs]

writeEdges :: FilePath -> [CEdge] -> IO ()
writeEdges f = writeFile f . render . ppEdges

ppEdges :: [CEdge] -> Doc
ppEdges             = vcat . wrap ["digraph Deps {"] ["}"]
                           . map ppE
                           . (if True then filter isRealEdge else txEdges)  -- RJ: use this to collapse "constraint" vertices
    ppE (v, v')     = pprint v <+> "->" <+> pprint v'

isRealEdge :: CEdge -> Bool
isRealEdge (DKVar _, _)     = False
isRealEdge (_, DKVar _)     = False
isRealEdge (Cstr _, Cstr _) = False
isRealEdge _                = True

txEdges    :: [CEdge] -> [CEdge]
txEdges es = concatMap iEs is
    is     = [i | (Cstr i, Cstr _) <- es]
    kvInM  = group [ (i, k) | (KVar k, Cstr i) <- es]
    kvOutM = group [ (i, k') | (Cstr i, KVar k') <- es]
    ins i  = M.lookupDefault [] i kvInM
    outs i = M.lookupDefault [] i kvOutM
    iEs i  = case (ins i, outs i) of
                 (ks, [] ) -> [(KVar k, Cstr i ) | k  <- ks ]
                 ([], ks') -> [(Cstr i, KVar k') | k' <- ks']
                 (ks, ks') -> [(KVar k, KVar k') | k  <- ks, k' <- ks']

-- | Dramatis Personae
type KVRead  = M.HashMap F.KVar [F.SubcId]
type DepEdge = (F.SubcId, F.SubcId, [F.SubcId])

data Slice = Slice { slKVarCs :: [F.SubcId]     -- ^ F.SubcIds that transitively "reach" below
                   , slConcCs :: [F.SubcId]     -- ^ F.SubcIds with Concrete RHS
                   , slEdges  :: [DepEdge] -- ^ Dependencies between slKVarCs
                   } deriving (Eq, Show)

data CGraph = CGraph { gEdges :: [DepEdge]
                     , gRanks :: !(F.CMap Int)
                     , gSucc  :: !(F.CMap [F.SubcId])
                     , gSccs  :: !Int

-- | CMap API -------------------------------------------------------------
lookupCMap :: (?callStack :: CallStack) => F.CMap a -> F.SubcId -> a
lookupCMap rm i = safeLookup err i rm
    err      = "lookupCMap: cannot find info for " ++ show i

-- | Constraint Dependencies ---------------------------------------------------

data CDeps = CDs { cSucc   :: !(F.CMap [F.SubcId]) -- ^ Constraints *written by* a SubcId
                 , cPrev   :: !(F.CMap [F.KVar])   -- ^ (Cut) KVars *read by*    a SubcId
                 , cRank   :: !(F.CMap Rank)       -- ^ SCC rank of a SubcId
                 , cNumScc :: !Int                 -- ^ Total number of Sccs

-- | Ranks ---------------------------------------------------------------------

data Rank = Rank { rScc  :: !Int    -- ^ SCC number with ALL dependencies
                 , rIcc  :: !Int    -- ^ SCC number without CUT dependencies
                 , rTag  :: !F.Tag  -- ^ The constraint's Tag
                 } deriving (Eq, Show)

instance PPrint Rank where
  pprintTidy _ = text . show

-- | `SolverInfo` contains all the stuff needed to produce a result, and is the
--   the essential ingredient of the state needed by solve_
data SolverInfo a b = SI
  { siSol     :: !(F.Sol b F.QBind)             -- ^ the initial solution
  , siQuery   :: !(F.SInfo a)                   -- ^ the whole input query
  , siDeps    :: !CDeps                         -- ^ dependencies between constraints/ranks etc.
  , siVars    :: !(S.HashSet F.KVar)            -- ^ set of KVars to actually solve for