lio-eci11-0.1: Labeled IO library



This is the main module to be included by code using the Labeled IO (LIO) library. The core of the library is documented in the LIO.TCB module. Note, however, that unprivileged code must not be allowed to import LIO.TCB--instead, a module LIO.Base exports just the safe symbols from LIO.TCB. This module, LIO.LIO, re-exports LIO.Base as well as a few other handy modules. For many modules it should be the only import necessary.

Certain symbols in the LIO library supersede variants in the standard Haskell libraries. Thus, depending on the modules imported and functions used, you may wish to import LIO with commands like these:

    import Prelude hiding (readFile, writeFile, catch)
    import Control.Exception hiding (throwIO, catch, handle, onException
                                    , bracket, block, unblock)
    import LIO.LIO

The LIO variants of the system functions hidden in the above import commands are designed to work in both the IO and LIO monads, making it easier to have both types of code in the same module.

Warning: For security, at a minimum untrusted code must not be allowed to do any of the following:

  • Import LIO.TCB,
  • Use any symbols with names ending ...TCB,
  • Use the foreign keyword,
  • Use functions such as unsafePerformIO, unsafeInterleaveIO, inlinePerformIO,
  • Use language extensions such as Generalized Newtype Deriving and Stand-alone Deriving to extend LIO types (such as by deriving an instance of Show for Lref, or deriving an instance of the MonadTrans class for LIO, which would allow untrusted code to bypass all security with lift),
  • Manually define typeOf methods (as this would cause the supposedly safe cast method to make usafe casts); automatically deriving Typeable should be safe.
  • Define new Ix instances (which could produce out of bounds array references).

In general, pragmas and imports should be highly scrutinized. For example, most of the Foreign class of modules are probably dangerous. With GHC 7.2, we will use the SafeHaskell extension to enforce these.


module LIO.Base

module LIO.Handle

module LIO.LIORef