{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
#define USE_TYPE_LITS 1
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_reflection
#define MIN_VERSION_reflection(x,y,z) 1
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_transformers
#define MIN_VERSION_transformers(x,y,z) 1
module Linear.V
( V(V,toVector)
#ifdef MIN_VERSION_template_haskell
, int
, dim
, Dim(..)
, reifyDim
, reifyVector
#if (MIN_VERSION_reflection(2,0,0)) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
, reifyDimNat
, reifyVectorNat
, fromVector
) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
import Control.Monad.Zip
import Control.Lens as Lens
import Data.Binary as Binary
import Data.Bytes.Serial
import Data.Data
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Functor.Bind
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Functor.Rep as Rep
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 708
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Reflection as R
import Data.Serialize as Cereal
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Traversable (sequenceA)
import Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as M
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import GHC.TypeLits
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
import GHC.Generics (Generic1)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_reflection(1,3,0)) && defined(MIN_VERSION_template_haskell)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Linear.Epsilon
import Linear.Metric
import Linear.Vector
#if (MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,5,0)) || !(MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0))
import Prelude as P
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Monoid
#ifdef HLINT
{-# ANN module "hlint: ignore Eta reduce" #-}
class Dim n where
reflectDim :: p n -> Int
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
type role V nominal representational
newtype V n a = V { toVector :: V.Vector a } deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read,Typeable,NFData
, Generic
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
dim :: forall n a. Dim n => V n a -> Int
dim _ = reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n)
{-# INLINE dim #-}
instance KnownNat n => Dim (n :: Nat) where
reflectDim = fromInteger . natVal
{-# INLINE reflectDim #-}
data ReifiedDim (s :: *)
retagDim :: (Proxy s -> a) -> proxy (ReifiedDim s) -> a
retagDim f _ = f Proxy
{-# INLINE retagDim #-}
instance Reifies s Int => Dim (ReifiedDim s) where
reflectDim = retagDim reflect
{-# INLINE reflectDim #-}
#if (MIN_VERSION_reflection(2,0,0)) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
reifyDimNat :: Int -> (forall (n :: Nat). KnownNat n => Proxy n -> r) -> r
reifyDimNat i f = R.reifyNat (fromIntegral i) f
{-# INLINE reifyDimNat #-}
reifyVectorNat :: forall a r. Vector a -> (forall (n :: Nat). KnownNat n => V n a -> r) -> r
reifyVectorNat v f = reifyNat (fromIntegral $ V.length v) $ \(Proxy :: Proxy n) -> f (V v :: V n a)
{-# INLINE reifyVectorNat #-}
reifyDim :: Int -> (forall (n :: *). Dim n => Proxy n -> r) -> r
reifyDim i f = R.reify i (go f) where
go :: Reifies n Int => (Proxy (ReifiedDim n) -> a) -> proxy n -> a
go g _ = g Proxy
{-# INLINE reifyDim #-}
reifyVector :: forall a r. Vector a -> (forall (n :: *). Dim n => V n a -> r) -> r
reifyVector v f = reifyDim (V.length v) $ \(Proxy :: Proxy n) -> f (V v :: V n a)
{-# INLINE reifyVector #-}
instance Dim n => Dim (V n a) where
reflectDim _ = reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n)
{-# INLINE reflectDim #-}
instance Functor (V n) where
fmap f (V as) = V (fmap f as)
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
instance FunctorWithIndex Int (V n) where
imap f (V as) = V (Lens.imap f as)
{-# INLINE imap #-}
instance Foldable (V n) where
fold (V as) = fold as
{-# INLINE fold #-}
foldMap f (V as) = foldMap f as
{-# INLINE foldMap #-}
foldr f z (V as) = V.foldr f z as
{-# INLINE foldr #-}
foldl f z (V as) = V.foldl f z as
{-# INLINE foldl #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
foldr' f z (V as) = V.foldr' f z as
{-# INLINE foldr' #-}
foldl' f z (V as) = V.foldl' f z as
{-# INLINE foldl' #-}
foldr1 f (V as) = V.foldr1 f as
{-# INLINE foldr1 #-}
foldl1 f (V as) = V.foldl1 f as
{-# INLINE foldl1 #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
length (V as) = V.length as
{-# INLINE length #-}
null (V as) = V.null as
{-# INLINE null #-}
toList (V as) = V.toList as
{-# INLINE toList #-}
elem a (V as) = V.elem a as
{-# INLINE elem #-}
maximum (V as) = V.maximum as
{-# INLINE maximum #-}
minimum (V as) = V.minimum as
{-# INLINE minimum #-}
sum (V as) = V.sum as
{-# INLINE sum #-}
product (V as) = V.product as
{-# INLINE product #-}
instance FoldableWithIndex Int (V n) where
ifoldMap f (V as) = ifoldMap f as
{-# INLINE ifoldMap #-}
instance Traversable (V n) where
traverse f (V as) = V <$> traverse f as
{-# INLINE traverse #-}
instance TraversableWithIndex Int (V n) where
itraverse f (V as) = V <$> itraverse f as
{-# INLINE itraverse #-}
instance Apply (V n) where
V as <.> V bs = V (V.zipWith id as bs)
{-# INLINE (<.>) #-}
instance Dim n => Applicative (V n) where
pure = V . V.replicate (reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n))
{-# INLINE pure #-}
V as <*> V bs = V (V.zipWith id as bs)
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
instance Bind (V n) where
V as >>- f = V $ generate (V.length as) $ \i ->
toVector (f (as `unsafeIndex` i)) `unsafeIndex` i
{-# INLINE (>>-) #-}
instance Dim n => Monad (V n) where
return = V . V.replicate (reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n))
{-# INLINE return #-}
V as >>= f = V $ generate (reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n)) $ \i ->
toVector (f (as `unsafeIndex` i)) `unsafeIndex` i
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
instance Dim n => Additive (V n) where
zero = pure 0
{-# INLINE zero #-}
liftU2 f (V as) (V bs) = V (V.zipWith f as bs)
{-# INLINE liftU2 #-}
liftI2 f (V as) (V bs) = V (V.zipWith f as bs)
{-# INLINE liftI2 #-}
instance (Dim n, Num a) => Num (V n a) where
V as + V bs = V $ V.zipWith (+) as bs
{-# INLINE (+) #-}
V as - V bs = V $ V.zipWith (-) as bs
{-# INLINE (-) #-}
V as * V bs = V $ V.zipWith (*) as bs
{-# INLINE (*) #-}
negate = fmap negate
{-# INLINE negate #-}
abs = fmap abs
{-# INLINE abs #-}
signum = fmap signum
{-# INLINE signum #-}
fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
{-# INLINE fromInteger #-}
instance (Dim n, Fractional a) => Fractional (V n a) where
recip = fmap recip
{-# INLINE recip #-}
V as / V bs = V $ V.zipWith (/) as bs
{-# INLINE (/) #-}
fromRational = pure . fromRational
{-# INLINE fromRational #-}
instance (Dim n, Floating a) => Floating (V n a) where
pi = pure pi
{-# INLINE pi #-}
exp = fmap exp
{-# INLINE exp #-}
sqrt = fmap sqrt
{-# INLINE sqrt #-}
log = fmap log
{-# INLINE log #-}
V as ** V bs = V $ V.zipWith (**) as bs
{-# INLINE (**) #-}
logBase (V as) (V bs) = V $ V.zipWith logBase as bs
{-# INLINE logBase #-}
sin = fmap sin
{-# INLINE sin #-}
tan = fmap tan
{-# INLINE tan #-}
cos = fmap cos
{-# INLINE cos #-}
asin = fmap asin
{-# INLINE asin #-}
atan = fmap atan
{-# INLINE atan #-}
acos = fmap acos
{-# INLINE acos #-}
sinh = fmap sinh
{-# INLINE sinh #-}
tanh = fmap tanh
{-# INLINE tanh #-}
cosh = fmap cosh
{-# INLINE cosh #-}
asinh = fmap asinh
{-# INLINE asinh #-}
atanh = fmap atanh
{-# INLINE atanh #-}
acosh = fmap acosh
{-# INLINE acosh #-}
instance Dim n => Distributive (V n) where
distribute f = V $ V.generate (reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n)) $ \i -> fmap (\(V v) -> unsafeIndex v i) f
{-# INLINE distribute #-}
instance (Dim n, Storable a) => Storable (V n a) where
sizeOf _ = reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n) * sizeOf (undefined:: a)
{-# INLINE sizeOf #-}
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: a)
{-# INLINE alignment #-}
poke ptr (V xs) = Foldable.forM_ [0..reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n)-1] $ \i ->
pokeElemOff ptr' i (unsafeIndex xs i)
where ptr' = castPtr ptr
{-# INLINE poke #-}
peek ptr = V <$> generateM (reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n)) (peekElemOff ptr')
where ptr' = castPtr ptr
{-# INLINE peek #-}
instance (Dim n, Epsilon a) => Epsilon (V n a) where
nearZero = nearZero . quadrance
{-# INLINE nearZero #-}
instance Dim n => Metric (V n) where
dot (V a) (V b) = V.sum $ V.zipWith (*) a b
{-# INLINE dot #-}
fromVector :: forall n a. Dim n => Vector a -> Maybe (V n a)
fromVector v
| V.length v == reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n) = Just (V v)
| otherwise = Nothing
#if !(MIN_VERSION_reflection(1,3,0)) && defined(MIN_VERSION_template_haskell)
data Z
data D (n :: *)
data SD (n :: *)
data PD (n :: *)
instance Reifies Z Int where
reflect _ = 0
{-# INLINE reflect #-}
retagD :: (Proxy n -> a) -> proxy (D n) -> a
retagD f _ = f Proxy
{-# INLINE retagD #-}
retagSD :: (Proxy n -> a) -> proxy (SD n) -> a
retagSD f _ = f Proxy
{-# INLINE retagSD #-}
retagPD :: (Proxy n -> a) -> proxy (PD n) -> a
retagPD f _ = f Proxy
{-# INLINE retagPD #-}
instance Reifies n Int => Reifies (D n) Int where
reflect = (\n -> n+n) <$> retagD reflect
{-# INLINE reflect #-}
instance Reifies n Int => Reifies (SD n) Int where
reflect = (\n -> n+n+1) <$> retagSD reflect
{-# INLINE reflect #-}
instance Reifies n Int => Reifies (PD n) Int where
reflect = (\n -> n+n-1) <$> retagPD reflect
{-# INLINE reflect #-}
int :: Int -> TypeQ
int n = case quotRem n 2 of
(0, 0) -> conT ''Z
(q,-1) -> conT ''PD `appT` int q
(q, 0) -> conT ''D `appT` int q
(q, 1) -> conT ''SD `appT` int q
_ -> error "ghc is bad at math"
instance Dim n => Representable (V n) where
type Rep (V n) = Int
tabulate = V . generate (reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n))
{-# INLINE tabulate #-}
index (V xs) i = xs V.! i
{-# INLINE index #-}
type instance Index (V n a) = Int
type instance IxValue (V n a) = a
instance Ixed (V n a) where
ix i f (V as)
| i < 0 || i >= V.length as = pure $ V as
| otherwise = f (as ! i) <&> \a -> V $ as V.// [(i, a)]
{-# INLINE ix #-}
instance Dim n => MonadZip (V n) where
mzip (V as) (V bs) = V $ V.zip as bs
mzipWith f (V as) (V bs) = V $ V.zipWith f as bs
instance Dim n => MonadFix (V n) where
mfix f = tabulate $ \r -> let a = Rep.index (f a) r in a
instance Each (V n a) (V n b) a b where
each = traverse
{-# INLINE each #-}
instance (Bounded a, Dim n) => Bounded (V n a) where
minBound = pure minBound
{-# INLINE minBound #-}
maxBound = pure maxBound
{-# INLINE maxBound #-}
vConstr :: Constr
vConstr = mkConstr vDataType "variadic" [] Prefix
{-# NOINLINE vConstr #-}
vDataType :: DataType
vDataType = mkDataType "Linear.V.V" [vConstr]
{-# NOINLINE vDataType #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
#define Typeable1 Typeable
instance (Typeable1 (V n), Typeable (V n a), Dim n, Data a) => Data (V n a) where
gfoldl f z (V as) = z (V . fromList) `f` V.toList as
toConstr _ = vConstr
gunfold k z c = case constrIndex c of
1 -> k (z (V . fromList))
_ -> error "gunfold"
dataTypeOf _ = vDataType
dataCast1 f = gcast1 f
instance Dim n => Serial1 (V n) where
serializeWith = traverse_
deserializeWith f = sequenceA $ pure f
instance (Dim n, Serial a) => Serial (V n a) where
serialize = traverse_ serialize
deserialize = sequenceA $ pure deserialize
instance (Dim n, Binary a) => Binary (V n a) where
put = serializeWith Binary.put
get = deserializeWith Binary.get
instance (Dim n, Serialize a) => Serialize (V n a) where
put = serializeWith Cereal.put
get = deserializeWith Cereal.get
#if (MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,5,0)) || !(MIN_VERSION_transformers(0,4,0))
instance Eq1 (V n) where
liftEq f0 (V as0) (V bs0) = go f0 (V.toList as0) (V.toList bs0) where
go _ [] [] = True
go f (a:as) (b:bs) = f a b && go f as bs
go _ _ _ = False
instance Ord1 (V n) where
liftCompare f0 (V as0) (V bs0) = go f0 (V.toList as0) (V.toList bs0) where
go f (a:as) (b:bs) = f a b `mappend` go f as bs
go _ [] [] = EQ
go _ _ [] = GT
go _ [] _ = LT
instance Show1 (V n) where
liftShowsPrec _ g d (V as) = showParen (d > 10) $ showString "V " . g (V.toList as)
instance Dim n => Read1 (V n) where
liftReadsPrec _ g d = readParen (d > 10) $ \r ->
[ (V (V.fromList as), r2)
| ("V",r1) <- lex r
, (as, r2) <- g r1
, P.length as == reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n)
instance Dim n => Eq1 (V n) where eq1 = (==)
instance Dim n => Ord1 (V n) where compare1 = compare
instance Dim n => Show1 (V n) where showsPrec1 = showsPrec
instance Dim n => Read1 (V n) where readsPrec1 = readsPrec
data instance U.Vector (V n a) = V_VN {-# UNPACK #-} !Int !(U.Vector a)
data instance U.MVector s (V n a) = MV_VN {-# UNPACK #-} !Int !(U.MVector s a)
instance (Dim n, U.Unbox a) => U.Unbox (V n a)
instance (Dim n, U.Unbox a) => M.MVector U.MVector (V n a) where
{-# INLINE basicLength #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeSlice #-}
{-# INLINE basicOverlaps #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeNew #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeRead #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeWrite #-}
basicLength (MV_VN n _) = n
basicUnsafeSlice m n (MV_VN _ v) = MV_VN n (M.basicUnsafeSlice (d*m) (d*n) v)
where d = reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n)
basicOverlaps (MV_VN _ v) (MV_VN _ u) = M.basicOverlaps v u
basicUnsafeNew n = liftM (MV_VN n) (M.basicUnsafeNew (d*n))
where d = reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n)
basicUnsafeRead (MV_VN _ v) i =
liftM V $ V.generateM d (\j -> M.basicUnsafeRead v (d*i+j))
where d = reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n)
basicUnsafeWrite (MV_VN _ v0) i0 (V vn0) = let d0 = V.length vn0 in go v0 vn0 d0 (d0*i0) i0
go v vn d o i
| i >= d = return ()
| otherwise = do
a <- G.basicUnsafeIndexM vn i
M.basicUnsafeWrite v o a
go v vn d (o+1) (i-1)
#if MIN_VERSION_vector(0,11,0)
basicInitialize (MV_VN _ v) = M.basicInitialize v
{-# INLINE basicInitialize #-}
instance (Dim n, U.Unbox a) => G.Vector U.Vector (V n a) where
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeFreeze #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeThaw #-}
{-# INLINE basicLength #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeSlice #-}
{-# INLINE basicUnsafeIndexM #-}
basicUnsafeFreeze (MV_VN n v) = liftM ( V_VN n) (G.basicUnsafeFreeze v)
basicUnsafeThaw ( V_VN n v) = liftM (MV_VN n) (G.basicUnsafeThaw v)
basicLength ( V_VN n _) = n
basicUnsafeSlice m n (V_VN _ v) = V_VN n (G.basicUnsafeSlice (d*m) (d*n) v)
where d = reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n)
basicUnsafeIndexM (V_VN _ v) i =
liftM V $ V.generateM d (\j -> G.basicUnsafeIndexM v (d*i+j))
where d = reflectDim (Proxy :: Proxy n)