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limp- representation of Integer Linear Programs

Safe HaskellNone




data Constraint z r c where Source #

Different kind of constraints.

These are not all necessary, but I have a hunch that keeping some structure may be helpful in the future.


Equality constraint
Less than or equal
Strictly less than: this is only allowed for purely integer functions
Greater than or equal
Strictly greater than: this is only allowed for purely integer functions
Between a b c is equivalent to a :<= b :&& b :<= c
Conjunction of two constraints
"name" :! constr Annotate a constraint with a name, or other useless information
Trivially true constraint


(:==) :: Linear z r c k1 -> Linear z r c k2 -> Constraint z r c infix 5 
(:<=) :: Linear z r c k1 -> Linear z r c k2 -> Constraint z r c infix 5 
(:<) :: Linear z r c KZ -> Linear z r c KZ -> Constraint z r c infix 5 
(:>=) :: Linear z r c k1 -> Linear z r c k2 -> Constraint z r c infix 5 
(:>) :: Linear z r c KZ -> Linear z r c KZ -> Constraint z r c infix 5 
Between :: Linear z r c k1 -> Linear z r c k2 -> Linear z r c k3 -> Constraint z r c 
(:&&) :: Constraint z r c -> Constraint z r c -> Constraint z r c infixr 3 
(:!) :: String -> Constraint z r c -> Constraint z r c infix 4 
CTrue :: Constraint z r c 


(Show z, Show r, Show (Z c), Show (R c)) => Show (Constraint z r c) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Constraint z r c -> ShowS #

show :: Constraint z r c -> String #

showList :: [Constraint z r c] -> ShowS #

Semigroup (Constraint z r c) Source # 


(<>) :: Constraint z r c -> Constraint z r c -> Constraint z r c #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Constraint z r c) -> Constraint z r c #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Constraint z r c -> Constraint z r c #

Monoid (Constraint z r c) Source # 


mempty :: Constraint z r c #

mappend :: Constraint z r c -> Constraint z r c -> Constraint z r c #

mconcat :: [Constraint z r c] -> Constraint z r c #