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limp- representation of Integer Linear Programs

Safe HaskellNone



Define upper and lower bounds of program variables.



data Bounds z r c Source #

Define upper and lower bounds of program variables. Bounds may be specified multiple times: the intersection of all bounds is used.


BoundZ (B (Z c) z) 
BoundR (B (R c) r) 


(Show z, Show r, Show (Z c), Show (R c)) => Show (Bounds z r c) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Bounds z r c -> ShowS #

show :: Bounds z r c -> String #

showList :: [Bounds z r c] -> ShowS #

type B rep v = (Maybe rep, v, Maybe rep) Source #

Maybe a lower bound, the variable's name, and maybe an upper bound.

lowerUpperZ :: Rep c => Z c -> z -> Z c -> Bounds z r c Source #

Create a lower and upper bound for an integer variable.

lowerZ :: Rep c => Z c -> z -> Bounds z r c Source #

Create only a lower bound for an integer variable.

upperZ :: Rep c => z -> Z c -> Bounds z r c Source #

Create only an upper bound for an integer variable.

binary :: Rep c => z -> Bounds z r c Source #

A binary integer variable: can only be 0 or 1.

lowerUpperR :: Rep c => R c -> r -> R c -> Bounds z r c Source #

Create a lower and upper bound for a real variable.

lowerR :: Rep c => R c -> r -> Bounds z r c Source #

Create only a lower bound for a real variable.

upperR :: Rep c => r -> R c -> Bounds z r c Source #

Create only an upper bound for a real variable.