{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TupleSections #-}
module Network.MPD.Applicative.Status
( clearError
, currentSong
, idle
, noidle
, status
, stats
) where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Network.MPD.Util
import Network.MPD.Applicative.Internal
import Network.MPD.Commands.Arg hiding (Command)
import Network.MPD.Commands.Parse
import Network.MPD.Commands.Types
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
clearError :: Command ()
clearError = Command emptyResponse ["clearerror"]
currentSong :: Command (Maybe Song)
currentSong = Command (liftParser parseMaybeSong) ["currentsong"]
takeSubsystems :: [ByteString] -> Either String [Subsystem]
takeSubsystems = mapM f . toAssocList
f :: (ByteString, ByteString) -> Either String Subsystem
f ("changed", system) =
case system of
"database" -> Right DatabaseS
"update" -> Right UpdateS
"stored_playlist" -> Right StoredPlaylistS
"playlist" -> Right PlaylistS
"player" -> Right PlayerS
"mixer" -> Right MixerS
"output" -> Right OutputS
"options" -> Right OptionsS
k -> Left ("Unknown subsystem: " ++ UTF8.toString k)
f x = Left ("idle: Unexpected " ++ show x)
idle :: [Subsystem] -> Command [Subsystem]
idle ss = Command (liftParser takeSubsystems) c
c = ["idle" <@> foldr (<++>) (Args []) ss]
noidle :: Command ()
noidle = Command emptyResponse ["noidle"]
stats :: Command Stats
stats = Command (liftParser parseStats) ["stats"]
status :: Command Status
status = Command (liftParser parseStatus) ["status"]
parseStatus :: [ByteString] -> Either String Status
parseStatus = foldM go def . toAssocList
go a p@(k, v) = case k of
"volume" -> vol $ \x -> a { stVolume = x }
"repeat" -> bool $ \x -> a { stRepeat = x }
"random" -> bool $ \x -> a { stRandom = x }
"single" -> bool $ \x -> a { stSingle = x }
"consume" -> bool $ \x -> a { stConsume = x }
"playlist" -> num $ \x -> a { stPlaylistVersion = x }
"playlistlength" -> num $ \x -> a { stPlaylistLength = x }
"state" -> state $ \x -> a { stState = x }
"song" -> int $ \x -> a { stSongPos = Just x }
"songid" -> int $ \x -> a { stSongID = Just $ Id x }
"nextsong" -> int $ \x -> a { stNextSongPos = Just x }
"nextsongid" -> int $ \x -> a { stNextSongID = Just $ Id x }
"time" -> time $ \x -> a { stTime = Just x }
"elapsed" -> frac $ \x -> a { stTime = fmap ((x,) . snd) (stTime a) }
"duration" -> frac $ \x -> a { stTime = fmap ((, round x) . fst) (stTime a) }
"bitrate" -> int $ \x -> a { stBitrate = Just x }
"xfade" -> num $ \x -> a { stXFadeWidth = x }
"mixrampdb" -> frac $ \x -> a { stMixRampdB = x }
"mixrampdelay" -> frac $ \x -> a { stMixRampDelay = x }
"audio" -> audio $ \x -> a { stAudio = x }
"updating_db" -> num $ \x -> a { stUpdatingDb = Just x }
"error" -> Right a { stError = Just (UTF8.toString v) }
_ -> unexpectedPair
unexpectedPair = Left ("unexpected key-value pair: " ++ show p)
int f = maybe unexpectedPair (Right . f) (parseNum v :: Maybe Int)
num f = maybe unexpectedPair (Right . f) (parseNum v)
bool f = maybe unexpectedPair (Right . f) (parseBool v)
frac f = maybe unexpectedPair (Right . f) (parseFrac v)
audio f = Right $ maybe a f (parseTriple ':' parseNum v)
time f = case parseFrac *** parseNum $ breakChar ':' v of
(Just a_, Just b) -> (Right . f) (a_, b)
_ -> unexpectedPair
state f = case v of
"play" -> (Right . f) Playing
"pause" -> (Right . f) Paused
"stop" -> (Right . f) Stopped
_ -> unexpectedPair
vol f = case parseNum v of
Nothing -> unexpectedPair
Just v' -> (Right . f) (g v')
where g n | n < 0 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (n::Int)