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lens-process- Optics for system processes

Copyright2019 Emily Pillmore
MaintainerEmily Pillmore <emilypi@cohomolo.gy>
PortabilityTypeFamilies, Rank2Types
Safe HaskellSafe




This module provides the associated optics and combinators for working with CreateProcess objects.

Because CreateProcess was created before the `_` prefix record name convention, some record accessors don't have an apparently "good" name for their corresponding lens. Those that do not are post-fixed with `_`. Thankfully, there are only 6 that meet the criteria: cmdspec_, env_, cwd_, stdin_, stdout_, and stderr_.

We provide classy variants of what we consider the significant portions of CreateProcess - namely, the std_in, std_out, and std_err entries.



cmdspec_ :: Lens' CreateProcess CmdSpec Source #

Lens into the cmdspec entry of the CreateProcess record

cwd_ :: Lens' CreateProcess (Maybe FilePath) Source #

Lens into the cwd entry of the CreateProcess record

env_ :: Lens' CreateProcess (Maybe [(String, String)]) Source #

Lens into the env entry of the CreateProcess record

stdin_ :: Lens' CreateProcess StdStream Source #

Lens into the std_in entry of the CreateProcess record

stdout_ :: Lens' CreateProcess StdStream Source #

Lens into the std_out entry of the CreateProcess record

stderr_ :: Lens' CreateProcess StdStream Source #

Lens into the std_err entry of the CreateProcess record

closefds :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool Source #

Lens into the close_fds entry of the CreateProcess record

creategroup :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool Source #

Lens into the create_group entry of the CreateProcess record

delegatectlc :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool Source #

Lens into the delegate_ctlc entry of the CreateProcess record

newsession :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool Source #

Lens into the new_session entry of the CreateProcess record

detachconsole :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool Source #

Lens into the detach_console entry of the CreateProcess record

createnewconsole :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool Source #

Lens into the create_new_console entry of the CreateProcess record

childgroup :: Lens' CreateProcess (Maybe CGid) Source #

Lens into the child_group entry of the CreateProcess record

childuser :: Lens' CreateProcess (Maybe CUid) Source #

Lens into the child_user entry of the CreateProcess record

useprocessjobs :: Lens' CreateProcess Bool Source #

Lens into the use_process_jobs entry of the CreateProcess record

Classy Lenses

class HasStdin a where Source #

Classy lens for types with a stdin

Minimal complete definition



_Stdin :: Lens' a StdStream Source #

class HasStdout a where Source #

Classy lens for types with a stdout

Minimal complete definition



_Stdout :: Lens' a StdStream Source #

class HasStderr a where Source #

Classy lens for types with a stderr

Minimal complete definition



_Stderr :: Lens' a StdStream Source #