lens- Lenses, Folds and Traversals

Copyright(C) 2012-2014 Edward Kmett
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerEdward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone



Lazy ByteString lenses.



packedBytes :: Iso' [Word8] ByteString Source

pack (or unpack) a list of bytes into a ByteString.

packedBytesfrom unpackedBytes
pack x ≡  x '^.' packedBytes
unpack x ≡ x '^.' from packedBytes
>>> [104,101,108,108,111]^.packedBytes == Char8.pack "hello"

unpackedBytes :: Iso' ByteString [Word8] Source

unpack (or pack) a ByteString into a list of bytes

unpackedBytesfrom packedBytes
unpack x ≡ x '^.' unpackedBytes
pack x ≡  x '^.' from unpackedBytes
>>> "hello"^.packedChars.unpackedBytes

bytes :: IndexedTraversal' Int64 ByteString Word8 Source

Traverse the individual bytes in a ByteString.

This Traversal walks each strict ByteString chunk in a tree-like fashion enable zippers to seek to locations more quickly and accelerate many monoidal queries, but up to associativity (and constant factors) it is equivalent to the much slower:

bytesunpackedBytes . traversed
>>> anyOf bytes (== 0x80) (Char8.pack "hello")

Note that when just using this as a Setter, setting map can be more efficient.

packedChars :: Iso' String ByteString Source

pack (or unpack) a list of characters into a ByteString.

When writing back to the ByteString it is assumed that every Char lies between '\x00' and '\xff'.

packedCharsfrom unpackedChars
pack x ≡ x '^.' packedChars
unpack x ≡ x '^.' from packedChars
>>> "hello"^.packedChars.each.re (base 16 . enum).to (\x -> if Prelude.length x == 1 then '0':x else x)

unpackedChars :: Iso' ByteString String Source

unpack (or pack) a list of characters into a ByteString

When writing back to the ByteString it is assumed that every Char lies between '\x00' and '\xff'.

unpackedCharsfrom packedChars
unpack x ≡ x '^.' unpackedChars
pack x ≡ x '^.' from unpackedChars
>>> [104,101,108,108,111]^.packedBytes.unpackedChars

chars :: IndexedTraversal' Int64 ByteString Char Source

Traverse the individual bytes in a ByteString as characters.

When writing back to the ByteString it is assumed that every Char lies between '\x00' and '\xff'.

This Traversal walks each strict ByteString chunk in a tree-like fashion enable zippers to seek to locations more quickly and accelerate many monoidal queries, but up to associativity (and constant factors) it is equivalent to:

chars = unpackedChars . traversed
>>> anyOf chars (== 'h') "hello"