{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
module Physics.Learn.Volume
, unitBall
, unitBallCartesian
, centeredBall
, ball
, northernHalfBall
, centeredCylinder
, shiftVolume
, volumeIntegral
import Data.VectorSpace
( VectorSpace
, InnerSpace
, Scalar
import Physics.Learn.CarrotVec
( Vec
, vec
, sumV
, (^+^)
, (^-^)
, (^*)
, (^/)
, (<.>)
, (><)
, magnitude
import Physics.Learn.Position
( Position
, Displacement
, Field
, cartesian
, cylindrical
, spherical
, shiftPosition
, displacement
data Volume = Volume { volumeFunc :: (Double,Double,Double) -> Position
, loLimit :: Double
, upLimit :: Double
, loCurve :: Double -> Double
, upCurve :: Double -> Double
, loSurf :: Double -> Double -> Double
, upSurf :: Double -> Double -> Double
unitBall :: Volume
unitBall = Volume spherical 0 1 (const 0) (const pi) (\_ _ -> 0) (\_ _ -> 2*pi)
unitBallCartesian :: Volume
unitBallCartesian = Volume cartesian (-1) 1 (\x -> -sqrtTol (1 - x*x)) (\x -> sqrtTol (1 - x*x))
(\x y -> -sqrtTol (1 - x*x - y*y)) (\x y -> sqrtTol (1 - x*x - y*y))
centeredBall :: Double -> Volume
centeredBall a = Volume spherical 0 a (const 0) (const pi) (\_ _ -> 0) (\_ _ -> 2*pi)
ball :: Double
-> Position
-> Volume
ball a c = Volume (\(r,th,phi) -> shiftPosition (vec (r * sin th * cos phi) (r * sin th * sin phi) (r * cos th)) c)
0 a (const 0) (const pi) (\_ _ -> 0) (\_ _ -> 2*pi)
northernHalfBall :: Volume
northernHalfBall = Volume spherical 0 1 (const 0) (const (pi/2)) (\_ _ -> 0) (\_ _ -> 2*pi)
centeredCylinder :: Double
-> Double
-> Volume
centeredCylinder r h = Volume cylindrical 0 r (const 0) (const (2*pi)) (\_ _ -> 0) (\_ _ -> h)
volumeIntegral :: (VectorSpace v, Scalar v ~ Double) =>
-> Int
-> Int
-> Field v
-> Volume
-> v
volumeIntegral n1 n2 n3 field (Volume f s_l s_u t_l t_u u_l u_u)
= sumV $ map sumV $ map (map sumV) (zipCubeWith (^*) aveVals volumes)
pts = [[[f (s,t,u) | u <- linSpaced n3 (u_l s t) (u_u s t) ] | t <- linSpaced n2 (t_l s) (t_u s)] | s <- linSpaced n1 s_l s_u]
volumes = zipWith3 (zipWith3 (zipWith3 (\du dv dw -> du <.> (dv >< dw)))) dus dvs dws
dus = uncurry zipSub3 (shift1 pts)
dvs = uncurry zipSub3 (shift2 pts)
dws = uncurry zipSub3 (shift3 pts)
vals = map (map (map field)) pts
aveVals = ((uncurry zipAve3 . shift1) . (uncurry zipAve3 . shift2) . (uncurry zipAve3 . shift3)) vals
zipCubeWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [[[a]]] -> [[[b]]] -> [[[c]]]
zipCubeWith = zipWith . zipWith . zipWith
zipSub3 :: [[[Position]]] -> [[[Position]]] -> [[[Vec]]]
zipSub3 = zipCubeWith displacement
zipAve3 :: (VectorSpace v, Scalar v ~ Double) => [[[v]]] -> [[[v]]] -> [[[v]]]
zipAve3 = zipCubeWith ave
shift1 :: [a] -> ([a],[a])
shift1 pts = (pts, tail pts)
shift2 :: [[a]] -> ([[a]],[[a]])
shift2 pts2d = (pts2d, map tail pts2d)
shift3 :: [[[a]]] -> ([[[a]]],[[[a]]])
shift3 pts3d = (pts3d, map (map tail) pts3d)
linSpaced :: Int -> Double -> Double -> [Double]
linSpaced n a b
| a < b = let dx = (b - a) / fromIntegral n
in [a,a+dx..b]
| a ~~ b = [ave a b]
| otherwise = error $ "linSpaced: lower limit greater than upper limit: (n,a,b) = " ++ show (n,a,b)
(~~) :: (InnerSpace v, Scalar v ~ Double) => v -> v -> Bool
a ~~ b = magnitude (a ^-^ b) < tolerance
tolerance :: Double
tolerance = 1e-10
ave :: (VectorSpace v, Scalar v ~ Double) => v -> v -> v
ave v1 v2 = (v1 ^+^ v2) ^/ 2
sqrtTol :: Double -> Double
sqrtTol x
| x >= 0 = sqrt x
| abs x <= tolerance = 0
| otherwise = error ("sqrtTol: I can't take the sqrt of " ++ show x)
shiftVolume :: Displacement -> Volume -> Volume
shiftVolume d (Volume f sl su tl tu ul uu)
= Volume (shiftPosition d . f) sl su tl tu ul uu