module Test.LeanCheck.Function.CoListable
( CoListable (..)
import Test.LeanCheck
import Test.LeanCheck.Tiers
import Test.LeanCheck.Utils (Nat(..), Nat2(..), Nat3(..))
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
(\+:/) :: [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
xss \+:/ yss = xss \/ ([]:yss)
infixr 9 \+:/
class CoListable a where
cotiers :: [[b]] -> [[a -> b]]
instance CoListable () where
cotiers rs = mapT (\r () -> r) rs
instance CoListable Bool where
cotiers rs = productWith (\r1 r2 b -> if b then r1 else r2) rs rs
instance CoListable a => CoListable (Maybe a) where
cotiers rs = productWith (\z f m -> case m of
Nothing -> z
Just x -> f x) rs (cotiers rs)
instance (CoListable a, CoListable b) => CoListable (Either a b) where
cotiers rs = productWith (\f g e -> case e of
Left x -> f x
Right x -> g x) (cotiers rs) (cotiers rs)
instance (CoListable a) => CoListable [a] where
cotiers rss = mapT const rss
\+:/ productWith
(\y f xs -> case xs of
[] -> y
(x:xs') -> f x xs')
(cotiers (cotiers rss))
instance (CoListable a, CoListable b) => CoListable (a,b) where
cotiers = mapT uncurry . cotiers . cotiers
instance CoListable Int where
cotiers rss = mapT const rss
\+:/ productWith
(\f g i -> if i >= 0 then f (i-1) else g (i+1))
(cotiers rss) (cotiers rss)
instance CoListable Nat where
cotiers rss = mapT const rss
\+:/ productWith
(\f g i -> if even i then f (i`div`2) else g (i`div`2))
(cotiers rss) (cotiers rss)
instance CoListable Nat2 where
cotiers rss = (\rs x -> rs !! fromIntegral x) `mapT` products [rss,rss]
instance CoListable Nat3 where
cotiers rss = (\rs x -> rs !! fromIntegral x) `mapT` products [rss,rss,rss]
alts0 :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
alts0 = id
alts1 :: CoListable a => [[b]] -> [[a->b]]
alts1 bs = cotiers bs
alts2 :: (CoListable a, CoListable b) => [[c]] -> [[a->b->c]]
alts2 cs = cotiers (cotiers cs)
alts3 :: (CoListable a, CoListable b, CoListable c) => [[d]] -> [[a->b->c->d]]
alts3 ds = cotiers (cotiers (cotiers ds))
ftiers :: (CoListable a, Listable b) => [[a->b]]
ftiers = cotiers tiers