lapack- Numerical Linear Algebra using LAPACK

Safe HaskellNone




type family RealOf x Source

toList :: (C sh, Storable a) => Vector sh a -> [a]Source

fromList :: (C sh, Storable a) => sh -> [a] -> Vector sh aSource

append :: (C shx, C shy, Storable a) => Array shx a -> Array shy a -> Array (:+: shx shy) a

(+++) :: (C shx, C shy, Storable a) => Vector shx a -> Vector shy a -> Vector (shx :+: shy) aSource

Precedence and associativity (right) of (List.++). This also matches '(Shape.:+:)'.

take :: (Integral n, Storable a) => n -> Array (ZeroBased n) a -> Array (ZeroBased n) a

drop :: (Integral n, Storable a) => n -> Array (ZeroBased n) a -> Array (ZeroBased n) a

takeLeft :: (C sh0, C sh1, Storable a) => Array (:+: sh0 sh1) a -> Array sh0 a

takeRight :: (C sh0, C sh1, Storable a) => Array (:+: sh0 sh1) a -> Array sh1 a

swap :: (Indexed sh, Storable a) => Index sh -> Index sh -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

singleton :: Storable a => a -> Array () a

constant :: (C sh, Floating a) => sh -> a -> Vector sh aSource

 constant () = singleton

However, singleton does not need Floating constraint.

zero :: (C sh, Floating a) => sh -> Vector sh aSource

one :: (C sh, Floating a) => sh -> Vector sh aSource

unit :: (Indexed sh, Floating a) => sh -> Index sh -> Vector sh aSource

dot :: (C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh a -> aSource

 dot x y = Matrix.toScalar (singleRow x <#> singleColumn y)

inner :: (C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh a -> aSource

 inner x y = dot (conjugate x) y

(-*|) :: (C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh a -> aSource

 dot x y = Matrix.toScalar (singleRow x <#> singleColumn y)

sum :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> aSource

absSum :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> RealOf aSource

Sum of the absolute values of real numbers or components of complex numbers. For real numbers it is equivalent to norm1.

norm1 :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> RealOf aSource

norm2 :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> RealOf aSource

Euclidean norm of a vector or Frobenius norm of a matrix.

norm2Squared :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> RealOf aSource

normInf :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> RealOf aSource

normInf1 :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> RealOf aSource

Computes (almost) the infinity norm of the vector. For complex numbers every element is replaced by the sum of the absolute component values first.

argAbsMaximum :: (InvIndexed sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> (Index sh, a)Source

Returns the index and value of the element with the maximal absolute value. Caution: It actually returns the value of the element, not its absolute value!

argAbs1Maximum :: (InvIndexed sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> (Index sh, a)Source

Returns the index and value of the element with the maximal absolute value. The function does not strictly compare the absolute value of a complex number but the sum of the absolute complex components. Caution: It actually returns the value of the element, not its absolute value!

product :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> aSource

scale :: (C sh, Floating a) => a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

scaleReal :: (C sh, Floating a) => RealOf a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

(.*|) :: (C sh, Floating a) => a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

add :: (C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

sub :: (C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

(|+|) :: (C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

(|-|) :: (C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

negate :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

raise :: (C sh, Floating a) => a -> Array sh a -> Array sh aSource

mac :: (C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

mul :: (C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

divide :: (C sh, Eq sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

recip :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

minimum :: (C sh, Real a) => Vector sh a -> aSource

For restrictions see limits.

argMinimum :: (InvIndexed sh, Index sh ~ ix, Real a) => Vector sh a -> (ix, a)Source

For restrictions see limits.

maximum :: (C sh, Real a) => Vector sh a -> aSource

For restrictions see limits.

argMaximum :: (InvIndexed sh, Index sh ~ ix, Real a) => Vector sh a -> (ix, a)Source

For restrictions see limits.

limits :: (C sh, Real a) => Vector sh a -> (a, a)Source

It should hold limits x = Array.limits x. The function is based on fast BLAS functions. It should be faster than Array.minimum and Array.maximum although it is certainly not as fast as possible. It is less precise if minimum and maximum differ considerably in magnitude and there are several minimum or maximum candidates of similar value. E.g. you cannot rely on the property that raise (- minimum x) x has only non-negative elements.

argLimits :: (InvIndexed sh, Index sh ~ ix, Real a) => Vector sh a -> ((ix, a), (ix, a))Source

foldl :: (C sh, Storable a) => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Array sh a -> b

foldl1 :: (C sh, Storable a) => (a -> a -> a) -> Array sh a -> a

foldMap :: (C sh, Storable a, Ord a, Semigroup m) => (a -> m) -> Array sh a -> m

conjugate :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh aSource

fromReal :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh (RealOf a) -> Vector sh aSource

toComplex :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh (ComplexOf a)Source

realPart :: (C sh, Floating a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh (RealOf a)Source

imaginaryPart :: (C sh, Real a) => Vector sh (Complex a) -> Vector sh aSource

zipComplex :: (C sh, Eq sh, Real a) => Vector sh a -> Vector sh a -> Vector sh (Complex a)Source

unzipComplex :: (C sh, Real a) => Vector sh (Complex a) -> (Vector sh a, Vector sh a)Source

random :: (C sh, Floating a) => RandomDistribution -> sh -> Word64 -> Vector sh aSource