Safe Haskell | None |
- data Permutation sh
- data Inversion
- = NonInverted
- | Inverted
- fromPivots :: C sh => Inversion -> sh -> Vector ZeroInt CInt -> Permutation sh
- toPivots :: C sh => Inversion -> Permutation sh -> Vector sh CInt
- toMatrix :: (C sh, Floating a) => Permutation sh -> Square sh a
- determinant :: C sh => Permutation sh -> Sign
- numberFromSign :: Floating a => Sign -> a
- transpose :: C sh => Permutation sh -> Permutation sh
- multiply :: (C sh, Eq sh) => Permutation sh -> Permutation sh -> Permutation sh
- apply :: (C vert, C horiz, C height, Eq height, C width, Floating a) => Bool -> Permutation height -> Full vert horiz height width a -> Full vert horiz height width a
data Permutation sh Source
(Show sh, C sh) => Show (Permutation sh) | |
C sh => Format (Permutation sh) |
NonInverted | |
Inverted |
fromPivots :: C sh => Inversion -> sh -> Vector ZeroInt CInt -> Permutation shSource
The pivot array must be at most as long as Shape.size sh
determinant :: C sh => Permutation sh -> SignSource
numberFromSign :: Floating a => Sign -> aSource
transpose :: C sh => Permutation sh -> Permutation shSource
multiply :: (C sh, Eq sh) => Permutation sh -> Permutation sh -> Permutation shSource