module Numeric.LAPACK.Linear.LowerUpper (
) where
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Multiply as MM
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Shape.Private as MatrixShape
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Extent.Private as Extent
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Basic as Basic
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Private as Matrix
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Permutation.Private as Perm
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.Split as Split
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Triangular.Basic (UnitLower, Upper)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Shape.Private
(Order(RowMajor, ColumnMajor), Triangle(Triangle))
import Numeric.LAPACK.Matrix.Private
(Full, ZeroInt, zeroInt,
Transposition(NonTransposed, Transposed),
Conjugation(NonConjugated, Conjugated),
Inversion(NonInverted, Inverted), flipInversion)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Linear.Private (solver, withInfo)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Vector (Vector)
import Numeric.LAPACK.Format (Format(format))
import Numeric.LAPACK.Private
(pointerSeq, peekCInt,
copyBlock, copyTransposed, copyToColumnMajor)
import qualified Numeric.LAPACK.FFI.Generic as LapackGen
import qualified Numeric.BLAS.FFI.Generic as BlasGen
import qualified Numeric.Netlib.Utility as Call
import qualified Numeric.Netlib.Class as Class
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable.Unchecked.Monadic as ArrayIO
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Storable.Unchecked as Array
import qualified Data.Array.Comfort.Shape as Shape
import Data.Array.Comfort.Storable.Unchecked (Array(Array))
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (advancePtr)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (ContT(ContT), evalContT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
data LowerUpper vert horiz height width a =
LowerUpper {
_pivot :: Vector ZeroInt CInt,
split_ ::
(MatrixShape.Split MatrixShape.Triangle vert horiz height width) a
} deriving (Show)
type Square sh = LowerUpper Extent.Small Extent.Small sh sh
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width,
Class.Floating a) =>
Format (LowerUpper vert horiz height width a) where
format fmt lu@(LowerUpper _ipiv m) = format fmt (extractP NonInverted lu, m)
mapExtent ::
(Extent.C vertA, Extent.C horizA) =>
(Extent.C vertB, Extent.C horizB) =>
Extent.Map vertA horizA vertB horizB height width ->
LowerUpper vertA horizA height width a ->
LowerUpper vertB horizB height width a
mapExtent f (LowerUpper pivot split) =
LowerUpper pivot $ Array.mapShape (MatrixShape.splitMapExtent f) split
fromMatrix ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width,
Class.Floating a) =>
Full vert horiz height width a ->
LowerUpper vert horiz height width a
fromMatrix (Array (MatrixShape.Full order extent) a) =
let (height,width) = Extent.dimensions extent
m = Shape.size height
n = Shape.size width
in uncurry LowerUpper $
Array.unsafeCreateWithSizeAndResult (zeroInt $ min m n) $ \_ ipivPtr ->
(MatrixShape.Split MatrixShape.Triangle ColumnMajor extent) $ \luPtr ->
evalContT $ do
mPtr <- Call.cint m
nPtr <- Call.cint n
aPtr <- ContT $ withForeignPtr a
ldaPtr <- Call.leadingDim m
liftIO $ do
copyToColumnMajor order m n aPtr luPtr
withInfo "getrf" $ LapackGen.getrf mPtr nPtr luPtr ldaPtr ipivPtr
solve ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Eq height, Shape.C height, Shape.C width,
Class.Floating a) =>
Square height a ->
Full vert horiz height width a ->
Full vert horiz height width a
(Array _ ipiv)
(Array (MatrixShape.Split MatrixShape.Triangle orderLU extentLU) lu)) =
solver "LowerUpper.solve" (Extent.squareSize extentLU) $
\n nPtr nrhsPtr xPtr ldxPtr -> do
let lda = n
transPtr <- Call.char 'N'
aPtr <-
case orderLU of
RowMajor -> do
aPtr <- ContT $ withForeignPtr lu
atmpPtr <- Call.allocaArray (n*n)
liftIO $ copyToColumnMajor orderLU n n aPtr atmpPtr
return atmpPtr
ColumnMajor -> ContT $ withForeignPtr lu
ldaPtr <- Call.leadingDim lda
ipivPtr <- ContT $ withForeignPtr ipiv
liftIO $
withInfo "getrs" $
LapackGen.getrs transPtr
nPtr nrhsPtr aPtr ldaPtr ipivPtr xPtr ldxPtr
determinant :: (Shape.C sh, Class.Floating a, Eq a) => Square sh a -> a
determinant (LowerUpper ipiv split) =
let det = Split.determinantR split
in if Split.oddPermutation $ Array.toList ipiv then -det else det
extractP ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height) =>
Inversion -> LowerUpper vert horiz height width a -> Perm.Permutation height
extractP inverted (LowerUpper ipiv (Array shape _)) =
Perm.fromPivots (flipInversion inverted) (MatrixShape.splitHeight shape) ipiv
multiplyP ::
(Extent.C vertA, Extent.C horizA, Extent.C vertB, Extent.C horizB,
Eq height, Shape.C height, Shape.C widthA, Shape.C widthB,
Class.Floating a) =>
Inversion ->
LowerUpper vertA horizA height widthA a ->
Full vertB horizB height widthB a ->
Full vertB horizB height widthB a
multiplyP inverted
(LowerUpper (Array shapeIPiv ipiv)
(Array (MatrixShape.Split _ _ extentLU) _lu))
(Array shape@(MatrixShape.Full order extent) a) =
Array.unsafeCreate shape $ \bPtr -> do
Call.assert "multiplyP: heights mismatch"
(Extent.height extentLU == Extent.height extent)
let (height,width) = Extent.dimensions extent
let m = Shape.size height
let n = Shape.size width
let k = Shape.size shapeIPiv
evalContT $ do
aPtr <- ContT $ withForeignPtr a
ipivPtr <- ContT $ withForeignPtr ipiv
liftIO $ copyBlock (n*m) aPtr bPtr
case order of
ColumnMajor -> do
nPtr <- Call.cint n
ldaPtr <- Call.leadingDim m
k1Ptr <- Call.cint 1
k2Ptr <- Call.cint k
incxPtr <-
Call.cint $
case inverted of
Inverted -> 1
NonInverted -> -1
liftIO $
LapackGen.laswp nPtr bPtr ldaPtr k1Ptr k2Ptr ipivPtr incxPtr
RowMajor ->
liftIO $ swapColumns m bPtr $ take k $
case inverted of
Inverted -> zip [0..] $ pointerSeq 1 ipivPtr
NonInverted ->
zip (iterate (subtract 1) (k-1)) $
pointerSeq (-1) (advancePtr ipivPtr (k-1))
{-# INLINE swapColumns #-}
swapColumns ::
(Class.Floating a) =>
Int -> Ptr a -> [(Int, Ptr CInt)] -> IO ()
swapColumns m xPtr ptrs = evalContT $ do
mPtr <- Call.cint m
incPtr <- Call.cint 1
let columnPtr k = advancePtr xPtr (m*k)
liftIO $ forM_ ptrs $ \(i,ipivPtr) -> do
j <- subtract 1 <$> peekCInt ipivPtr
BlasGen.swap mPtr (columnPtr i) incPtr (columnPtr j) incPtr
extractL ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width,
Class.Floating a) =>
LowerUpper vert horiz height width a ->
Full vert horiz height width a
extractL = Split.extractTriangle (Left Triangle) . split_
wideExtractL ::
(Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Class.Floating a) =>
LowerUpper Extent.Small horiz height width a -> UnitLower height a
wideExtractL = Split.wideExtractL . split_
wideMultiplyL ::
(Extent.C horizA, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Eq height,
Shape.C widthA, Shape.C widthB, Class.Floating a) =>
Transposition ->
LowerUpper Extent.Small horizA height widthA a ->
Full vert horiz height widthB a ->
Full vert horiz height widthB a
wideMultiplyL transposed = Split.wideMultiplyL transposed . split_
wideSolveL ::
(Extent.C horizA, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C height, Eq height, Shape.C width, Shape.C nrhs, Class.Floating a) =>
Transposition -> Conjugation ->
LowerUpper Extent.Small horizA height width a ->
Full vert horiz height nrhs a -> Full vert horiz height nrhs a
wideSolveL transposed conjugated =
Split.wideSolveL transposed conjugated . split_
extractU ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width,
Class.Floating a) =>
LowerUpper vert horiz height width a ->
Full vert horiz height width a
extractU = Split.extractTriangle (Right Triangle) . split_
tallExtractU ::
(Extent.C vert, Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Class.Floating a) =>
LowerUpper vert Extent.Small height width a -> Upper width a
tallExtractU = Split.tallExtractR . split_
tallMultiplyU ::
(Extent.C vertA, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Eq height,
Shape.C heightA, Shape.C widthB, Class.Floating a) =>
Transposition ->
LowerUpper vertA Extent.Small heightA height a ->
Full vert horiz height widthB a ->
Full vert horiz height widthB a
tallMultiplyU transposed = Split.tallMultiplyR transposed . split_
tallSolveU ::
(Extent.C vertA, Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Eq width, Shape.C nrhs, Class.Floating a) =>
Transposition -> Conjugation ->
LowerUpper vertA Extent.Small height width a ->
Full vert horiz width nrhs a -> Full vert horiz width nrhs a
tallSolveU transposed conjugated =
Split.tallSolveR transposed conjugated . split_
toMatrix ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C height, Eq height, Shape.C width, Eq width, Class.Floating a) =>
LowerUpper vert horiz height width a ->
Full vert horiz height width a
toMatrix =
getToMatrix $
(ToMatrix wideToMatrix)
(ToMatrix wideToMatrix)
(ToMatrix tallToMatrix)
(ToMatrix $
(Matrix.fromFull . tallToMatrix)
(Matrix.fromFull . wideToMatrix) .
newtype ToMatrix height width a vert horiz =
ToMatrix {
getToMatrix ::
LowerUpper vert horiz height width a ->
Full vert horiz height width a
tallToMatrix ::
(Extent.C vert, Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Eq height, Eq width,
Class.Floating a) =>
LowerUpper vert Extent.Small height width a ->
Full vert Extent.Small height width a
tallToMatrix a =
multiplyP NonInverted a $ Basic.transpose $
tallMultiplyU Transposed a $ Basic.transpose $ extractL a
wideToMatrix ::
(Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Eq height, Eq width,
Class.Floating a) =>
LowerUpper Extent.Small horiz height width a ->
Full Extent.Small horiz height width a
wideToMatrix a =
multiplyP NonInverted a $ wideMultiplyL NonTransposed a $ extractU a
multiplyFullRight ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C height, Eq height, Shape.C width, Shape.C fuse, Eq fuse,
Class.Floating a) =>
LowerUpper vert horiz height fuse a ->
Full vert horiz fuse width a ->
Full vert horiz height width a
multiplyFullRight =
getMultiplyFullRight $
(MultiplyFullRight wideMultiplyFullRight)
(MultiplyFullRight wideMultiplyFullRight)
(MultiplyFullRight tallMultiplyFullRight)
(MultiplyFullRight $
either tallMultiplyFullRight wideMultiplyFullRight . caseTallWide)
newtype MultiplyFullRight height fuse width a vert horiz =
MultiplyFullRight {
getMultiplyFullRight ::
LowerUpper vert horiz height fuse a ->
Full vert horiz fuse width a ->
Full vert horiz height width a
tallMultiplyFullRight ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Shape.C fuse, Eq height, Eq fuse,
Class.Floating a) =>
LowerUpper vert Extent.Small height fuse a ->
Full vert horiz fuse width a ->
Full vert horiz height width a
tallMultiplyFullRight a =
multiplyP NonInverted a .
MM.multiply (Matrix.generalizeTall (extractL a)) .
tallMultiplyU NonTransposed a
wideMultiplyFullRight ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz,
Shape.C height, Shape.C width, Shape.C fuse, Eq height, Eq fuse,
Class.Floating a) =>
LowerUpper Extent.Small horiz height fuse a ->
Full vert horiz fuse width a ->
Full vert horiz height width a
wideMultiplyFullRight a =
multiplyP NonInverted a . wideMultiplyL NonTransposed a .
MM.multiply (Matrix.generalizeWide (extractU a))
type Tall = LowerUpper Extent.Big Extent.Small
type Wide = LowerUpper Extent.Small Extent.Big
caseTallWide ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Shape.C height, Shape.C width) =>
LowerUpper vert horiz height width a ->
Either (Tall height width a) (Wide height width a)
caseTallWide (LowerUpper ipiv (Array shape a)) =
(Left . LowerUpper ipiv . flip Array a)
(Right . LowerUpper ipiv . flip Array a) $
MatrixShape.caseTallWideSplit shape
_toRowMajor ::
(Extent.C vert, Extent.C horiz, Eq height, Shape.C height, Shape.C width,
Class.Floating a) =>
LowerUpper vert horiz height width a ->
LowerUpper vert horiz height width a
(LowerUpper ipiv
arr@(Array (MatrixShape.Split MatrixShape.Triangle order extent) a)) =
LowerUpper ipiv $
case order of
RowMajor -> arr
ColumnMajor ->
(MatrixShape.Split MatrixShape.Triangle RowMajor extent) $ \bPtr ->
withForeignPtr a $ \aPtr -> do
let (height, width) = Extent.dimensions extent
let n = Shape.size width
let m = Shape.size height
copyTransposed n m aPtr n bPtr