{-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module LAoP.Matrix.Internal
Matrix (..),
import LAoP.Utils.Internal
import Data.Bool
import Data.Kind
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Void
import GHC.TypeLits
import Data.Type.Equality
import GHC.Generics
import Control.DeepSeq
import Prelude hiding (id, (.))
import qualified Prelude (id, (.))
data Matrix e cols rows where
Empty :: Matrix e Void Void
One :: e -> Matrix e () ()
Join :: Matrix e a rows -> Matrix e b rows -> Matrix e (Either a b) rows
Fork :: Matrix e cols a -> Matrix e cols b -> Matrix e cols (Either a b)
deriving instance (Show e) => Show (Matrix e cols rows)
type family Count (d :: Type) :: Nat where
Count (Natural n m) = (m - n) + 1
Count (List a) = (^) 2 (Count a)
Count (Either a b) = (+) (Count a) (Count b)
Count (a, b) = (*) (Count a) (Count b)
Count (a -> b) = (^) (Count b) (Count a)
Count (M1 _ _ f p) = Count (f p)
Count (K1 _ _ _) = 1
Count (V1 _) = 0
Count (U1 _) = 1
Count ((:*:) a b p) = Count (a p) * Count (b p)
Count ((:+:) a b p) = Count (a p) + Count (b p)
Count d = Count (Rep d R)
type family FromNat (n :: Nat) :: Type where
FromNat 0 = Void
FromNat 1 = ()
FromNat n = FromNat' (Mod n 2 == 0) (FromNat (Div n 2))
type family FromNat' (b :: Bool) (m :: Type) :: Type where
FromNat' 'True m = Either m m
FromNat' 'False m = Either () (Either m m)
type family Normalize (d :: Type) :: Type where
Normalize (Either a b) = Either (Normalize a) (Normalize b)
Normalize d = FromNat (Count d)
type Countable a = KnownNat (Count a)
type CountableN a = KnownNat (Count (Normalize a))
type CountableDimensions a b = (Countable a, Countable b)
type CountableDimensionsN a b = (CountableN a, CountableN b)
type FromListsN e a b = FromLists e (Normalize a) (Normalize b)
type Liftable e a b = (Bounded a, Bounded b, Enum a, Enum b, Eq b, Num e, Ord e)
type Trivial a = FromNat (Count a) ~ a
instance (Num e) => Category (Matrix e) where
type Object (Matrix e) a = (FromLists e a a, Countable a)
id = iden
(.) = comp
instance NFData e => NFData (Matrix e cols rows) where
rnf Empty = ()
rnf (One e) = rnf e
rnf (Join a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
rnf (Fork a b) = rnf a `seq` rnf b
instance Eq e => Eq (Matrix e cols rows) where
Empty == Empty = True
(One a) == (One b) = a == b
(Join a b) == (Join c d) = a == c && b == d
(Fork a b) == (Fork c d) = a == c && b == d
x@(Fork _ _) == y@(Join _ _) = x == abideJF y
x@(Join _ _) == y@(Fork _ _) = abideJF x == y
instance Num e => Num (Matrix e cols rows) where
a + b = zipWithM (+) a b
a - b = zipWithM (-) a b
a * b = zipWithM (*) a b
abs Empty = Empty
abs (One a) = One (abs a)
abs (Join a b) = Join (abs a) (abs b)
abs (Fork a b) = Fork (abs a) (abs b)
signum Empty = Empty
signum (One a) = One (signum a)
signum (Join a b) = Join (signum a) (signum b)
signum (Fork a b) = Fork (signum a) (signum b)
instance Ord e => Ord (Matrix e cols rows) where
Empty <= Empty = True
(One a) <= (One b) = a <= b
(Join a b) <= (Join c d) = (a <= c) && (b <= d)
(Fork a b) <= (Fork c d) = (a <= c) && (b <= d)
x@(Fork _ _) <= y@(Join _ _) = x <= abideJF y
x@(Join _ _) <= y@(Fork _ _) = abideJF x <= y
empty :: Matrix e Void Void
empty = Empty
one :: e -> Matrix e () ()
one = One
join :: Matrix e a rows -> Matrix e b rows -> Matrix e (Either a b) rows
join = Join
infixl 3 |||
(|||) :: Matrix e a rows -> Matrix e b rows -> Matrix e (Either a b) rows
(|||) = Join
fork :: Matrix e cols a -> Matrix e cols b -> Matrix e cols (Either a b)
fork = Fork
infixl 2 ===
(===) :: Matrix e cols a -> Matrix e cols b -> Matrix e cols (Either a b)
(===) = Fork
class FromLists e cols rows where
fromLists :: [[e]] -> Matrix e cols rows
instance FromLists e Void Void where
fromLists [] = Empty
fromLists _ = error "Wrong dimensions"
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} FromLists e () () where
fromLists [[e]] = One e
fromLists _ = error "Wrong dimensions"
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (FromLists e cols ()) => FromLists e (Either () cols) () where
fromLists [h : t] = Join (One h) (fromLists [t])
fromLists _ = error "Wrong dimensions"
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (FromLists e a (), FromLists e b (), Countable a) => FromLists e (Either a b) () where
fromLists [l] =
let rowsA = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count a)))
in Join (fromLists [take rowsA l]) (fromLists [drop rowsA l])
fromLists _ = error "Wrong dimensions"
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (FromLists e () rows) => FromLists e () (Either () rows) where
fromLists ([h] : t) = Fork (One h) (fromLists t)
fromLists _ = error "Wrong dimensions"
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (FromLists e () a, FromLists e () b, Countable a) => FromLists e () (Either a b) where
fromLists l@([_] : _) =
let rowsA = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count a)))
in Fork (fromLists (take rowsA l)) (fromLists (drop rowsA l))
fromLists _ = error "Wrong dimensions"
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (FromLists e (Either a b) c, FromLists e (Either a b) d, Countable c) => FromLists e (Either a b) (Either c d) where
fromLists l@(h : t) =
let lh = length h
rowsC = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count c)))
condition = all ((== lh) . length) t
in if lh > 0 && condition
then Fork (fromLists (take rowsC l)) (fromLists (drop rowsC l))
else error "Not all rows have the same length"
matrixBuilder' ::
forall e cols rows.
( FromLists e cols rows,
CountableDimensions cols rows
) => ((Int, Int) -> e) -> Matrix e cols rows
matrixBuilder' f =
let c = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count cols))
r = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count rows))
positions = [(a, b) | a <- [0 .. (r - 1)], b <- [0 .. (c - 1)]]
in fromLists . map (map f) . groupBy (\(x, _) (w, _) -> x == w) $ positions
matrixBuilder ::
forall e a b.
( FromListsN e a b,
CountableN b,
Enum a,
Enum b,
Bounded a,
Bounded b,
Eq a,
CountableDimensionsN a b
) => ((a, b) -> e) -> Matrix e (Normalize a) (Normalize b)
matrixBuilder f =
let r = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count (Normalize b)))
positions = [(a, b) | a <- [minBound .. maxBound], b <- [minBound .. maxBound]]
in fromLists . map (map f) . transpose . buildList r $ positions
buildList _ [] = []
buildList r l = take r l : buildList r (drop r l)
col :: (FromLists e () rows) => [e] -> Matrix e () rows
col = fromLists . map (: [])
row :: (FromLists e cols ()) => [e] -> Matrix e cols ()
row = fromLists . (: [])
fromF' ::
forall a b cols rows e.
( Liftable e a b,
CountableDimensions cols rows,
FromLists e rows cols
) =>
(a -> b) ->
Matrix e cols rows
fromF' f =
let minA = minBound @a
maxA = maxBound @a
minB = minBound @b
maxB = maxBound @b
ccols = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count cols))
rrows = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count rows))
elementsA = take ccols [minA .. maxA]
elementsB = take rrows [minB .. maxB]
combinations = (,) <$> elementsA <*> elementsB
combAp = map snd . sort . map (\(a, b) -> if f a == b
then ((fromEnum a, fromEnum b), 1)
else ((fromEnum a, fromEnum b), 0)) $ combinations
mList = buildList combAp rrows
in tr $ fromLists mList
buildList [] _ = []
buildList l r = take r l : buildList (drop r l) r
fromF ::
forall a b e.
( Liftable e a b,
CountableDimensionsN a b,
FromListsN e b a
) =>
(a -> b) ->
Matrix e (Normalize a) (Normalize b)
fromF f =
let minA = minBound @a
maxA = maxBound @a
minB = minBound @b
maxB = maxBound @b
ccols = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count (Normalize a)))
rrows = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count (Normalize b)))
elementsA = take ccols [minA .. maxA]
elementsB = take rrows [minB .. maxB]
combinations = (,) <$> elementsA <*> elementsB
combAp = map snd . sort . map (\(a, b) -> if f a == b
then ((fromEnum a, fromEnum b), 1)
else ((fromEnum a, fromEnum b), 0)) $ combinations
mList = buildList combAp rrows
in tr $ fromLists mList
buildList [] _ = []
buildList l r = take r l : buildList (drop r l) r
toLists :: Matrix e cols rows -> [[e]]
toLists Empty = []
toLists (One e) = [[e]]
toLists (Fork l r) = toLists l ++ toLists r
toLists (Join l r) = zipWith (++) (toLists l) (toLists r)
toList :: Matrix e cols rows -> [e]
toList = concat . toLists
zeros :: (Num e, FromLists e cols rows, CountableDimensions cols rows) => Matrix e cols rows
zeros = matrixBuilder' (const 0)
ones :: (Num e, FromLists e cols rows, CountableDimensions cols rows) => Matrix e cols rows
ones = matrixBuilder' (const 1)
constant :: (Num e, FromLists e cols rows, CountableDimensions cols rows) => e -> Matrix e cols rows
constant e = matrixBuilder' (const e)
bang :: forall e cols. (Num e, Enum e, FromLists e cols (), Countable cols) => Matrix e cols ()
bang =
let c = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count cols))
in fromLists [take c [1, 1 ..]]
iden :: forall e cols . (Num e, FromLists e cols cols, Countable cols) => Matrix e cols cols
iden = matrixBuilder' (bool 0 1 . uncurry (==))
{-# NOINLINE iden #-}
comp :: (Num e) => Matrix e cr rows -> Matrix e cols cr -> Matrix e cols rows
comp Empty Empty = Empty
comp (One a) (One b) = One (a * b)
comp (Join a b) (Fork c d) = comp a c + comp b d
comp (Fork a b) c = Fork (comp a c) (comp b c)
comp c (Join a b) = Join (comp c a) (comp c b)
{-# NOINLINE comp #-}
"comp/iden1" forall m. comp m iden = m ;
"comp/iden2" forall m. comp iden m = m
infixl 7 .|
(.|) :: Num e => e -> Matrix e cols rows -> Matrix e cols rows
(.|) _ Empty = Empty
(.|) e (One a) = One (e * a)
(.|) e (Join a b) = Join (e .| a) (e .| b)
(.|) e (Fork a b) = Fork (e .| a) (e .| b)
infixl 7 ./
(./) :: Fractional e => Matrix e cols rows -> e -> Matrix e cols rows
(./) Empty _ = Empty
(./) (One a) e = One (a / e)
(./) (Join a b) e = Join (a ./ e) (b ./ e)
(./) (Fork a b) e = Fork (a ./ e) (b ./ e)
p1 :: (Num e, CountableDimensions n m, FromLists e n m, FromLists e m m) => Matrix e (Either m n) m
p1 = join id zeros
p2 :: (Num e, CountableDimensions n m, FromLists e m n, FromLists e n n) => Matrix e (Either m n) n
p2 = join zeros id
i1 :: (Num e, CountableDimensions n m, FromLists e n m, FromLists e m m) => Matrix e m (Either m n)
i1 = tr p1
i2 :: (Num e, CountableDimensions n m, FromLists e m n, FromLists e n n) => Matrix e n (Either m n)
i2 = tr p2
rows :: forall e cols rows. (Countable rows) => Matrix e cols rows -> Int
rows _ = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count rows))
columns :: forall e cols rows. (Countable cols) => Matrix e cols rows -> Int
columns _ = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count cols))
infixl 5 -|-
(-|-) ::
forall e n k m j.
( Num e,
CountableDimensions j k,
FromLists e k k,
FromLists e j k,
FromLists e k j,
FromLists e j j
) =>
Matrix e n k ->
Matrix e m j ->
Matrix e (Either n m) (Either k j)
(-|-) a b = Join (i1 . a) (i2 . b)
fstM ::
forall e m k .
( Num e,
CountableDimensions k m,
FromLists e (Normalize (m, k)) m,
CountableN (m, k)
) => Matrix e (Normalize (m, k)) m
fstM = matrixBuilder' f
offset = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count k)))
f (x, y)
| y >= (x * offset) && y <= (x * offset + offset - 1) = 1
| otherwise = 0
sndM ::
forall e m k .
( Num e,
CountableDimensions k m,
FromLists e (Normalize (m, k)) k,
CountableN (m, k)
) => Matrix e (Normalize (m, k)) k
sndM = matrixBuilder' f
offset = fromInteger (natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count k)))
f (x, y)
| x == y || mod (y - x) offset == 0 = 1
| otherwise = 0
kr ::
forall e cols a b.
( Num e,
CountableDimensions a b,
CountableN (a, b),
FromLists e (Normalize (a, b)) a,
FromLists e (Normalize (a, b)) b
) => Matrix e cols a -> Matrix e cols b -> Matrix e cols (Normalize (a, b))
kr a b =
let fstM' = fstM @e @a @b
sndM' = sndM @e @a @b
in (tr fstM' . a) * (tr sndM' . b)
infixl 4 ><
(><) ::
forall e m p n q.
( Num e,
CountableDimensions m n,
CountableDimensions p q,
CountableDimensionsN (m, n) (p, q),
FromLists e (Normalize (m, n)) m,
FromLists e (Normalize (m, n)) n,
FromLists e (Normalize (p, q)) p,
FromLists e (Normalize (p, q)) q
=> Matrix e m p -> Matrix e n q -> Matrix e (Normalize (m, n)) (Normalize (p, q))
(><) a b =
let fstM' = fstM @e @m @n
sndM' = sndM @e @m @n
in kr (a . fstM') (b . sndM')
abideJF :: Matrix e cols rows -> Matrix e cols rows
abideJF (Join (Fork a c) (Fork b d)) = Fork (Join (abideJF a) (abideJF b)) (Join (abideJF c) (abideJF d))
abideJF Empty = Empty
abideJF (One e) = One e
abideJF (Join a b) = Join (abideJF a) (abideJF b)
abideJF (Fork a b) = Fork (abideJF a) (abideJF b)
abideFJ :: Matrix e cols rows -> Matrix e cols rows
abideFJ (Fork (Join a b) (Join c d)) = Join (Fork (abideFJ a) (abideFJ c)) (Fork (abideFJ b) (abideFJ d))
abideFJ Empty = Empty
abideFJ (One e) = One e
abideFJ (Join a b) = Join (abideFJ a) (abideFJ b)
abideFJ (Fork a b) = Fork (abideFJ a) (abideFJ b)
tr :: Matrix e cols rows -> Matrix e rows cols
tr Empty = Empty
tr (One e) = One e
tr (Join a b) = Fork (tr a) (tr b)
tr (Fork a b) = Join (tr a) (tr b)
select :: (Num e, FromLists e b b, Countable b) => Matrix e cols (Either a b) -> Matrix e a b -> Matrix e cols b
select (Fork a b) y = y . a + b
select (Join (Fork a c) (Fork b d)) y = join (y . a + c) (y . b + d)
select m y = join y id . m
branch ::
( Num e,
CountableDimensions a b,
CountableDimensions c (Either b c),
FromLists e c b,
FromLists e a b,
FromLists e a a,
FromLists e b b,
FromLists e c c,
FromLists e b a,
FromLists e b c,
FromLists e (Either b c) b,
FromLists e (Either b c) c
=> Matrix e cols (Either a b) -> Matrix e a c -> Matrix e b c -> Matrix e cols c
branch x l r = f x `select` g l `select` r
f :: (Num e, Countable a, CountableDimensions b c, FromLists e a b, FromLists e c b, FromLists e b b, FromLists e b a, FromLists e a a)
=> Matrix e cols (Either a b) -> Matrix e cols (Either a (Either b c))
f m = fork (tr i1) (i1 . tr i2) . m
g :: (Num e, CountableDimensions b c, FromLists e b c, FromLists e c c) => Matrix e a c -> Matrix e a (Either b c)
g m = i2 . m
cond ::
( Trivial cols,
Countable cols,
FromLists e () cols,
FromLists e cols (),
FromLists e cols cols,
Bounded a,
Enum a,
Num e,
Ord e
(a -> Bool) -> Matrix e cols rows -> Matrix e cols rows -> Matrix e cols rows
cond p f g = join f g . grd p
grd ::
( Trivial q,
Countable q,
FromLists e () q,
FromLists e q (),
FromLists e q q,
Bounded a,
Enum a,
Num e,
Ord e
(a -> Bool) -> Matrix e q (Either q q)
grd f = fork (corr f) (corr (not . f))
corr ::
forall e a q .
( Trivial q,
Countable q,
FromLists e () q,
FromLists e q (),
FromLists e q q,
Liftable e a Bool
=> (a -> Bool) -> Matrix e q q
corr p = let f = fromF' p :: Matrix e q ()
in kr f (id :: Matrix e q q)
prettyAux :: Show e => [[e]] -> [[e]] -> String
prettyAux [] _ = ""
prettyAux [[e]] m = "│ " ++ fill (show e) ++ " │\n"
v = fmap show m
widest = maximum $ fmap length v
fill str = replicate (widest - length str - 2) ' ' ++ str
prettyAux [h] m = "│ " ++ fill (unwords $ map show h) ++ " │\n"
v = fmap show m
widest = maximum $ fmap length v
fill str = replicate (widest - length str - 2) ' ' ++ str
prettyAux (h : t) l = "│ " ++ fill (unwords $ map show h) ++ " │\n" ++
prettyAux t l
v = fmap show l
widest = maximum $ fmap length v
fill str = replicate (widest - length str - 2) ' ' ++ str
pretty :: (CountableDimensions cols rows, Show e) => Matrix e cols rows -> String
pretty m = concat
[ "┌ ", unwords (replicate (columns m) blank), " ┐\n"
, unlines
[ "│ " ++ unwords (fmap (\j -> fill $ show $ getElem i j m) [1..columns m]) ++ " │" | i <- [1..rows m] ]
, "└ ", unwords (replicate (columns m) blank), " ┘"
strings = map show (toList m)
widest = maximum $ map length strings
fill str = replicate (widest - length str) ' ' ++ str
blank = fill ""
safeGet i j m
| i > rows m || j > columns m || i < 1 || j < 1 = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ unsafeGet i j m (toList m)
unsafeGet i j m l = l !! encode (columns m) (i,j)
encode m (i,j) = (i-1)*m + j - 1
getElem i j m =
(error $
"getElem: Trying to get the "
++ show (i, j)
++ " element from a "
++ show (rows m) ++ "x" ++ show (columns m)
++ " matrix."
(safeGet i j m)
prettyPrint :: (CountableDimensions cols rows, Show e) => Matrix e cols rows -> IO ()
prettyPrint = putStrLn . pretty
zipWithM :: (e -> f -> g) -> Matrix e cols rows -> Matrix f cols rows -> Matrix g cols rows
zipWithM _ Empty Empty = Empty
zipWithM f (One a) (One b) = One (f a b)
zipWithM f (Join a b) (Join c d) = Join (zipWithM f a c) (zipWithM f b d)
zipWithM f (Fork a b) (Fork c d) = Fork (zipWithM f a c) (zipWithM f b d)
zipWithM f x@(Fork _ _) y@(Join _ _) = zipWithM f x (abideJF y)
zipWithM f x@(Join _ _) y@(Fork _ _) = zipWithM f (abideJF x) y
type Boolean = Natural 0 1
type Relation a b = Matrix Boolean a b
toBool :: (Num e, Eq e) => e -> Bool
toBool n
| n == 0 = False
| n == 1 = True
fromBool :: Bool -> Natural 0 1
fromBool True = nat 1
fromBool False = nat 0
negateM :: Relation cols rows -> Relation cols rows
negateM Empty = Empty
negateM (One (Nat p)) = One (Nat (negate p))
negateM (Join a b) = Join (negateM a) (negateM b)
negateM (Fork a b) = Fork (negateM a) (negateM b)
orM :: Relation cols rows -> Relation cols rows -> Relation cols rows
orM Empty Empty = Empty
orM (One a) (One b) = One (fromBool (toBool a || toBool b))
orM (Join a b) (Join c d) = Join (orM a c) (orM b d)
orM (Fork a b) (Fork c d) = Fork (orM a c) (orM b d)
orM x@(Fork _ _) y@(Join _ _) = orM x (abideJF y)
orM x@(Join _ _) y@(Fork _ _) = orM (abideJF x) y
andM :: Relation cols rows -> Relation cols rows -> Relation cols rows
andM Empty Empty = Empty
andM (One a) (One b) = One (fromBool (toBool a && toBool b))
andM (Join a b) (Join c d) = Join (andM a c) (andM b d)
andM (Fork a b) (Fork c d) = Fork (andM a c) (andM b d)
andM x@(Fork _ _) y@(Join _ _) = andM x (abideJF y)
andM x@(Join _ _) y@(Fork _ _) = andM (abideJF x) y
subM :: Relation cols rows -> Relation cols rows -> Relation cols rows
subM Empty Empty = Empty
subM (One a) (One b) = if a - b < nat 0 then One (nat 0) else One (a - b)
subM (Join a b) (Join c d) = Join (subM a c) (subM b d)
subM (Fork a b) (Fork c d) = Fork (subM a c) (subM b d)
subM x@(Fork _ _) y@(Join _ _) = subM x (abideJF y)
subM x@(Join _ _) y@(Fork _ _) = subM (abideJF x) y
compRel :: Relation cr rows -> Relation cols cr -> Relation cols rows
compRel Empty Empty = Empty
compRel (One a) (One b) = One (fromBool (toBool a && toBool b))
compRel (Join a b) (Fork c d) = orM (compRel a c) (compRel b d)
compRel (Fork a b) c = Fork (compRel a c) (compRel b c)
compRel c (Join a b) = Join (compRel c a) (compRel c b)
divR :: Relation b c -> Relation b a -> Relation a c
divR Empty Empty = Empty
divR (One a) (One b) = One (fromBool (not (toBool b) || toBool a))
divR (Join a b) (Join c d) = andM (divR a c) (divR b d)
divR (Fork a b) c = Fork (divR a c) (divR b c)
divR c (Fork a b) = Join (divR c a) (divR c b)
divL :: Relation c b -> Relation a b -> Relation a c
divL x y = tr (divR (tr y) (tr x))
divS :: Relation c a -> Relation b a -> Relation c b
divS s r = divL r s `intersection` divR (tr r) (tr s)
intersection = andM
fromFRel' ::
forall a b cols rows.
( Liftable Boolean a b,
CountableDimensions cols rows,
FromLists Boolean rows cols
) =>
(a -> b) ->
Relation cols rows
fromFRel' f =
let minA = minBound @a
maxA = maxBound @a
minB = minBound @b
maxB = maxBound @b
ccols = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count cols))
rrows = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count rows))
elementsA = take ccols [minA .. maxA]
elementsB = take rrows [minB .. maxB]
combinations = (,) <$> elementsA <*> elementsB
combAp = map snd . sort . map (\(a, b) -> if f a == b
then ((fromEnum a, fromEnum b), nat 1)
else ((fromEnum a, fromEnum b), nat 0)) $ combinations
mList = buildList combAp rrows
in tr $ fromLists mList
buildList [] _ = []
buildList l r = take r l : buildList (drop r l) r
fromFRel ::
forall a b.
( Liftable Boolean a b,
CountableDimensionsN a b,
FromLists Boolean (Normalize b) (Normalize a)
) =>
(a -> b) ->
Relation (Normalize a) (Normalize b)
fromFRel f =
let minA = minBound @a
maxA = maxBound @a
minB = minBound @b
maxB = maxBound @b
ccols = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count (Normalize a)))
rrows = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count (Normalize b)))
elementsA = take ccols [minA .. maxA]
elementsB = take rrows [minB .. maxB]
combinations = (,) <$> elementsA <*> elementsB
combAp = map snd . sort . map (\(a, b) -> if f a == b
then ((fromEnum a, fromEnum b), nat 1)
else ((fromEnum a, fromEnum b), nat 0)) $ combinations
mList = buildList combAp rrows
in tr $ fromLists mList
buildList [] _ = []
buildList l r = take r l : buildList (drop r l) r
toRel ::
forall a b.
( Bounded a,
Bounded b,
Enum a,
Enum b,
Eq b,
CountableDimensionsN a b,
FromListsN Boolean b a
=> (a -> b -> Bool) -> Relation (Normalize a) (Normalize b)
toRel f =
let minA = minBound @a
maxA = maxBound @a
minB = minBound @b
maxB = maxBound @b
ccols = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count (Normalize a)))
rrows = fromInteger $ natVal (Proxy :: Proxy (Count (Normalize b)))
elementsA = take ccols [minA .. maxA]
elementsB = take rrows [minB .. maxB]
combinations = (,) <$> elementsA <*> elementsB
combAp = map snd . sort . map (\(a, b) -> if uncurry f (a, b)
then ((fromEnum a, fromEnum b), nat 1)
else ((fromEnum a, fromEnum b), nat 0)) $ combinations
mList = buildList combAp rrows
in tr $ fromLists mList
buildList [] _ = []
buildList l r = take r l : buildList (drop r l) r