{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Language.Python.Common.SrcLocation (
SrcLocation (..),
SrcSpan (..),
Span (..),
) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 803
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Language.Python.Common.Pretty
import Data.Data
data SrcLocation =
Sloc { sloc_filename :: !String
, sloc_row :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, sloc_column :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
| NoLocation
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)
instance Pretty SrcLocation where
pretty = pretty . getSpan
class Span a where
getSpan :: a -> SrcSpan
getSpan x = SpanEmpty
spanning :: (Span a, Span b) => a -> b -> SrcSpan
spanning x y = combineSrcSpans (getSpan x) (getSpan y)
instance Span a => Span [a] where
getSpan [] = SpanEmpty
getSpan [x] = getSpan x
getSpan list@(x:xs) = combineSrcSpans (getSpan x) (getSpan (last list))
instance Span a => Span (Maybe a) where
getSpan Nothing = SpanEmpty
getSpan (Just x) = getSpan x
instance (Span a, Span b) => Span (Either a b) where
getSpan (Left x) = getSpan x
getSpan (Right x) = getSpan x
instance (Span a, Span b) => Span (a, b) where
getSpan (x,y) = spanning x y
instance Span SrcSpan where
getSpan = id
initialSrcLocation :: String -> SrcLocation
initialSrcLocation filename
= Sloc
{ sloc_filename = filename
, sloc_row = 1
, sloc_column = 1
decColumn :: Int -> SrcLocation -> SrcLocation
decColumn n loc
| n < col = loc { sloc_column = col - n }
| otherwise = loc
col = sloc_column loc
incColumn :: Int -> SrcLocation -> SrcLocation
incColumn n loc@(Sloc { sloc_column = col })
= loc { sloc_column = col + n }
incColumn _ NoLocation = NoLocation
incTab :: SrcLocation -> SrcLocation
incTab loc@(Sloc { sloc_column = col })
= loc { sloc_column = newCol }
newCol = col + 8 - (col - 1) `mod` 8
incTab NoLocation = NoLocation
incLine :: Int -> SrcLocation -> SrcLocation
incLine n loc@(Sloc { sloc_row = row })
= loc { sloc_column = 1, sloc_row = row + n }
incLine _ NoLocation = NoLocation
data SrcSpan
= SpanCoLinear
{ span_filename :: !String
, span_row :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, span_start_column :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, span_end_column :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
| SpanMultiLine
{ span_filename :: !String
, span_start_row :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, span_start_column :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, span_end_row :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, span_end_column :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
| SpanPoint
{ span_filename :: !String
, span_row :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, span_column :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
| SpanEmpty
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Typeable,Data)
instance Pretty SrcSpan where
pretty span@(SpanCoLinear {}) = prettyMultiSpan span
pretty span@(SpanMultiLine {}) = prettyMultiSpan span
pretty span@(SpanPoint {})
= text (span_filename span) <> colon <+>
parens (pretty (span_row span) <> comma <> pretty (span_column span))
pretty SpanEmpty = empty
prettyMultiSpan :: SrcSpan -> Doc
prettyMultiSpan span
= text (span_filename span) <> colon <+>
parens (pretty (startRow span) <> comma <> pretty (startCol span)) <> char '-' <>
parens (pretty (endRow span) <> comma <> pretty (endCol span))
instance Span SrcLocation where
getSpan loc@(Sloc {})
= SpanPoint
{ span_filename = sloc_filename loc
, span_row = sloc_row loc
, span_column = sloc_column loc
getSpan NoLocation = SpanEmpty
spanStartPoint :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan
spanStartPoint SpanEmpty = SpanEmpty
spanStartPoint span =
{ span_filename = span_filename span
, span_row = startRow span
, span_column = startCol span
mkSrcSpan :: SrcLocation -> SrcLocation -> SrcSpan
mkSrcSpan NoLocation _ = SpanEmpty
mkSrcSpan _ NoLocation = SpanEmpty
mkSrcSpan loc1 loc2
| line1 == line2 =
if col2 <= col1
then SpanPoint file line1 col1
else SpanCoLinear file line1 col1 col2
| otherwise =
SpanMultiLine file line1 col1 line2 col2
line1 = sloc_row loc1
line2 = sloc_row loc2
col1 = sloc_column loc1
col2 = sloc_column loc2
file = sloc_filename loc1
combineSrcSpans :: SrcSpan -> SrcSpan -> SrcSpan
combineSrcSpans SpanEmpty r = r
combineSrcSpans l SpanEmpty = l
combineSrcSpans start end
= case row1 `compare` row2 of
EQ -> case col1 `compare` col2 of
EQ -> SpanPoint file row1 col1
LT -> SpanCoLinear file row1 col1 col2
GT -> SpanCoLinear file row1 col2 col1
LT -> SpanMultiLine file row1 col1 row2 col2
GT -> SpanMultiLine file row2 col2 row1 col1
row1 = startRow start
col1 = startCol start
row2 = endRow end
col2 = endCol end
file = span_filename start
startRow :: SrcSpan -> Int
startRow (SpanCoLinear { span_row = row }) = row
startRow (SpanMultiLine { span_start_row = row }) = row
startRow (SpanPoint { span_row = row }) = row
startRow SpanEmpty = error "startRow called on empty span"
endRow :: SrcSpan -> Int
endRow (SpanCoLinear { span_row = row }) = row
endRow (SpanMultiLine { span_end_row = row }) = row
endRow (SpanPoint { span_row = row }) = row
endRow SpanEmpty = error "endRow called on empty span"
startCol :: SrcSpan -> Int
startCol (SpanCoLinear { span_start_column = col }) = col
startCol (SpanMultiLine { span_start_column = col }) = col
startCol (SpanPoint { span_column = col }) = col
startCol SpanEmpty = error "startCol called on empty span"
endCol :: SrcSpan -> Int
endCol (SpanCoLinear { span_end_column = col }) = col
endCol (SpanMultiLine { span_end_column = col }) = col
endCol (SpanPoint { span_column = col }) = col
endCol SpanEmpty = error "endCol called on empty span"