Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
ECMAScript 3 syntax. Spec refers to the ECMA-262 specification, 3rd edition.
- data JavaScript a = Script a [Statement a]
- unJavaScript :: JavaScript a -> [Statement a]
- data Statement a
- = BlockStmt a [Statement a]
- | EmptyStmt a
- | ExprStmt a (Expression a)
- | IfStmt a (Expression a) (Statement a) (Statement a)
- | IfSingleStmt a (Expression a) (Statement a)
- | SwitchStmt a (Expression a) [CaseClause a]
- | WhileStmt a (Expression a) (Statement a)
- | DoWhileStmt a (Statement a) (Expression a)
- | BreakStmt a (Maybe (Id a))
- | ContinueStmt a (Maybe (Id a))
- | LabelledStmt a (Id a) (Statement a)
- | ForInStmt a (ForInInit a) (Expression a) (Statement a)
- | ForStmt a (ForInit a) (Maybe (Expression a)) (Maybe (Expression a)) (Statement a)
- | TryStmt a (Statement a) (Maybe (CatchClause a)) (Maybe (Statement a))
- | ThrowStmt a (Expression a)
- | ReturnStmt a (Maybe (Expression a))
- | WithStmt a (Expression a) (Statement a)
- | VarDeclStmt a [VarDecl a]
- | FunctionStmt a (Id a) [Id a] [Statement a]
- isIterationStmt :: Statement a -> Bool
- data CaseClause a
- = CaseClause a (Expression a) [Statement a]
- | CaseDefault a [Statement a]
- data CatchClause a = CatchClause a (Id a) (Statement a)
- data ForInit a
- = NoInit
- | VarInit [VarDecl a]
- | ExprInit (Expression a)
- data ForInInit a
- data VarDecl a = VarDecl a (Id a) (Maybe (Expression a))
- data Expression a
- = StringLit a String
- | RegexpLit a String Bool Bool
- | NumLit a Double
- | IntLit a Int
- | BoolLit a Bool
- | NullLit a
- | ArrayLit a [Expression a]
- | ObjectLit a [(Prop a, Expression a)]
- | ThisRef a
- | VarRef a (Id a)
- | DotRef a (Expression a) (Id a)
- | BracketRef a (Expression a) (Expression a)
- | NewExpr a (Expression a) [Expression a]
- | PrefixExpr a PrefixOp (Expression a)
- | UnaryAssignExpr a UnaryAssignOp (LValue a)
- | InfixExpr a InfixOp (Expression a) (Expression a)
- | CondExpr a (Expression a) (Expression a) (Expression a)
- | AssignExpr a AssignOp (LValue a) (Expression a)
- | ListExpr a [Expression a]
- | CallExpr a (Expression a) [Expression a]
- | FuncExpr a (Maybe (Id a)) [Id a] [Statement a]
- data InfixOp
- = OpLT
- | OpLEq
- | OpGT
- | OpGEq
- | OpIn
- | OpInstanceof
- | OpEq
- | OpNEq
- | OpStrictEq
- | OpStrictNEq
- | OpLAnd
- | OpLOr
- | OpMul
- | OpDiv
- | OpMod
- | OpSub
- | OpLShift
- | OpSpRShift
- | OpZfRShift
- | OpBAnd
- | OpBXor
- | OpBOr
- | OpAdd
- data AssignOp
- data Id a = Id a String
- unId :: Id a -> String
- data PrefixOp
- = PrefixLNot
- | PrefixBNot
- | PrefixPlus
- | PrefixMinus
- | PrefixTypeof
- | PrefixVoid
- | PrefixDelete
- data Prop a
- data UnaryAssignOp
- = PrefixInc
- | PrefixDec
- | PostfixInc
- | PostfixDec
- data LValue a
- = LVar a String
- | LDot a (Expression a) String
- | LBracket a (Expression a) (Expression a)
- data SourcePos
data JavaScript a Source
Functor JavaScript | |
Typeable1 JavaScript | |
Foldable JavaScript | |
Traversable JavaScript | |
Eq a => Eq (JavaScript a) | |
Data a => Data (JavaScript a) | |
Ord a => Ord (JavaScript a) | |
Show a => Show (JavaScript a) | |
(Data a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (JavaScript a) | |
Default a => Default (JavaScript a) | |
Pretty (JavaScript a) |
unJavaScript :: JavaScript a -> [Statement a]Source
extracts statements from a JavaScript type
Statements, spec 12.
BlockStmt a [Statement a] |
EmptyStmt a |
ExprStmt a (Expression a) |
IfStmt a (Expression a) (Statement a) (Statement a) |
IfSingleStmt a (Expression a) (Statement a) |
SwitchStmt a (Expression a) [CaseClause a] |
WhileStmt a (Expression a) (Statement a) |
DoWhileStmt a (Statement a) (Expression a) |
BreakStmt a (Maybe (Id a)) |
ContinueStmt a (Maybe (Id a)) |
LabelledStmt a (Id a) (Statement a) |
ForInStmt a (ForInInit a) (Expression a) (Statement a) |
ForStmt a (ForInit a) (Maybe (Expression a)) (Maybe (Expression a)) (Statement a) |
TryStmt a (Statement a) (Maybe (CatchClause a)) (Maybe (Statement a)) |
ThrowStmt a (Expression a) |
ReturnStmt a (Maybe (Expression a)) |
WithStmt a (Expression a) (Statement a) |
VarDeclStmt a [VarDecl a] |
FunctionStmt a (Id a) [Id a] [Statement a] |
isIterationStmt :: Statement a -> BoolSource
Returns True
if the statement is an IterationStatement
according to spec 12.6.
data CaseClause a Source
Case clauses, spec 12.11
CaseClause a (Expression a) [Statement a] | case e: stmts; |
CaseDefault a [Statement a] | default: stmts; |
Functor CaseClause | |
Typeable1 CaseClause | |
Foldable CaseClause | |
Traversable CaseClause | |
HasAnnotation CaseClause | |
Eq a => Eq (CaseClause a) | |
Data a => Data (CaseClause a) | |
Ord a => Ord (CaseClause a) | |
Show a => Show (CaseClause a) | |
Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (CaseClause a) | |
Pretty (CaseClause a) |
data CatchClause a Source
Catch clause, spec 12.14
CatchClause a (Id a) (Statement a) | catch (x) {...} |
Functor CatchClause | |
Typeable1 CatchClause | |
Foldable CatchClause | |
Traversable CatchClause | |
HasAnnotation CatchClause | |
Eq a => Eq (CatchClause a) | |
Data a => Data (CatchClause a) | |
Ord a => Ord (CatchClause a) | |
Show a => Show (CatchClause a) | |
Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (CatchClause a) |
for initializer, spec 12.6
NoInit | empty |
VarInit [VarDecl a] | var x, y=42 |
ExprInit (Expression a) | expr | initializer, spec 12.6
A variable declaration, spec 12.2
VarDecl a (Id a) (Maybe (Expression a)) | var x = e; |
data Expression a Source
Expressions, see spec 11
StringLit a String |
RegexpLit a String Bool Bool |
NumLit a Double |
IntLit a Int |
BoolLit a Bool |
NullLit a |
ArrayLit a [Expression a] |
ObjectLit a [(Prop a, Expression a)] |
ThisRef a |
VarRef a (Id a) |
DotRef a (Expression a) (Id a) |
BracketRef a (Expression a) (Expression a) |
NewExpr a (Expression a) [Expression a] |
PrefixExpr a PrefixOp (Expression a) |
UnaryAssignExpr a UnaryAssignOp (LValue a) |
InfixExpr a InfixOp (Expression a) (Expression a) |
CondExpr a (Expression a) (Expression a) (Expression a) |
AssignExpr a AssignOp (LValue a) (Expression a) |
ListExpr a [Expression a] |
CallExpr a (Expression a) [Expression a] |
FuncExpr a (Maybe (Id a)) [Id a] [Statement a] |
Functor Expression | |
Typeable1 Expression | |
Foldable Expression | |
Traversable Expression | |
HasAnnotation Expression | |
Eq a => Eq (Expression a) | |
Data a => Data (Expression a) | |
Ord a => Ord (Expression a) | |
Show a => Show (Expression a) | |
Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Expression a) | |
Pretty (Expression a) |
Infix operators: see spec 11.5-11.11
OpLT | < |
OpLEq | <= |
OpGT | > |
OpGEq | >= |
OpIn | in |
OpInstanceof | instanceof |
OpEq | == |
OpNEq | != |
OpStrictEq | === |
OpStrictNEq | !=== |
OpLAnd | && |
OpLOr | || |
OpMul | * |
OpDiv | / |
OpMod | % |
OpSub | - |
OpLShift | << |
OpSpRShift | >> |
OpZfRShift | >>> |
OpBAnd | & |
OpBXor | ^ |
OpBOr | | |
OpAdd | + |
Assignment operators: see spec 11.13
OpAssign | simple assignment, |
OpAssignAdd | += |
OpAssignSub | -= |
OpAssignMul | *= |
OpAssignDiv | /= |
OpAssignMod | %= |
OpAssignLShift | <<= |
OpAssignSpRShift | >>= |
OpAssignZfRShift | >>>= |
OpAssignBAnd | &= |
OpAssignBXor | ^= |
OpAssignBOr | |= |
Prefix operators: see spec 11.4 (excluding 11.4.4, 11.4.5)
PrefixLNot | ! |
PrefixBNot | ~ |
PrefixPlus | + |
PrefixMinus | - |
PrefixTypeof | typeof |
PrefixVoid | void |
PrefixDelete | delete |
Property names in an object initializer: see spec 11.1.5
data UnaryAssignOp Source
Unary assignment operators: see spec 11.3, 11.4.4, 11.4.5
PrefixInc | ++x |
PrefixDec | --x |
PostfixInc | x++ |
PostfixDec | x-- |
Left-hand side expressions: see spec 11.2
LVar a String | variable reference, |
LDot a (Expression a) String | |
LBracket a (Expression a) (Expression a) | foo[bar] |