{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Language.Bash.Parse
( parse
) where
import Control.Applicative hiding (many)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Either
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Text.Parsec.Char hiding (newline)
import Text.Parsec.Combinator hiding (optional)
import Text.Parsec.Error (ParseError)
import Text.Parsec.Expr
import Text.Parsec.Pos
import Text.Parsec.Prim hiding (parse, (<|>))
import qualified Language.Bash.Cond as Cond
import Language.Bash.Operator
import Language.Bash.Parse.Internal
import Language.Bash.Syntax
import Language.Bash.Word (unquote, stringToWord)
data U = U { postHeredoc :: Maybe (State D U) }
type Parser = ParsecT D U Identity
parse :: SourceName -> String -> Either ParseError List
parse source = runParser script (U Nothing) source . pack (initialPos source)
infixl 3 </>
infix 0 ?:
(</>) :: ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
p </> q = try p <|> q
(?:) :: String -> ParsecT s u m a -> ParsecT s u m a
(?:) = flip (<?>)
heredoc :: Bool -> String -> Parser String
heredoc strip end = "here document" ?: do
(h, s) <- lookAhead duck
setState $ U (Just s)
return h
process = if strip then dropWhile (== '\t') else id
duck = do
u <- getState
case postHeredoc u of
Nothing -> () <$ line
Just s -> () <$ setParserState s
h <- unlines <$> heredocLines
s <- getParserState
return (h, s)
line = many (satisfy (/= '\n')) <* optional (char '\n')
heredocLines = [] <$ eof
<|> nextLine
nextLine = do
l <- process <$> line
if l == end then return [] else (l :) <$> heredocLines
newline :: Parser String
newline = "newline" ?: do
_ <- operator "\n"
u <- getState
case postHeredoc u of
Nothing -> return ()
Just s -> () <$ setParserState s
setState $ U Nothing
return "\n"
listTerm :: Parser ListTerm
listTerm = term <* newlineList <?> "list terminator"
term = Sequential <$ newline
<|> Sequential <$ operator ";"
<|> Asynchronous <$ operator "&"
newlineList :: Parser ()
newlineList = skipMany newline
redir :: Parser Redir
redir = normalRedir
<|> heredocRedir
<?> "redirection"
normalRedir = do
redirDesc <- optional ioDesc
redirOp <- redirOperator
redirTarget <- anyWord
return Redir{..}
heredocRedir = do
heredocOp <- heredocOperator
w <- anyWord
let heredocDelim = unquote w
heredocDelimQuoted = stringToWord heredocDelim /= w
h <- heredoc (heredocOp == HereStrip) heredocDelim
hereDocument <- if heredocDelimQuoted
then return (stringToWord h)
else heredocWord h
return Heredoc{..}
redirOperator = selectOperator operator <?> "redirection operator"
heredocOperator = selectOperator operator <?> "here document operator"
redirList :: Parser [Redir]
redirList = many redir
commandParts :: Parser a -> Parser ([a], [Redir])
commandParts p = partitionEithers <$> many part
part = Left <$> p
<|> Right <$> redir
simpleCommand :: Parser Command
simpleCommand = do
notFollowedBy reservedWord
assignCommand </> normalCommand
assignCommand = "assignment builtin" ?: do
rs1 <- redirList
w <- assignBuiltin
(args, rs2) <- commandParts assignArg
return $ Command (AssignBuiltin w args) (rs1 ++ rs2)
normalCommand = "simple command" ?: do
(as, rs1) <- commandParts assign
(ws, rs2) <- commandParts anyWord
guard (not $ null as && null ws)
return $ Command (SimpleCommand as ws) (rs1 ++ rs2)
assignArg = Left <$> assign
<|> Right <$> anyWord
singleton :: ShellCommand -> List
singleton c =
List [Statement (Last (unmodifiedPipeline [Command c []])) Sequential]
unmodifiedPipeline :: [Command] -> Pipeline
unmodifiedPipeline cs = Pipeline
{ timed = False
, timedPosix = False
, inverted = False
, commands = cs
pipelineCommand :: Parser Pipeline
pipelineCommand = time
<|> invert
<|> pipeline1
<?> "pipeline"
invert = do
_ <- word "!"
p <- pipeline0
return $ p { inverted = not (inverted p) }
time = do
_ <- word "time"
p <- posixFlag <|> invert <|> pipeline0
return $ p { timed = True }
posixFlag = do
_ <- word "-p"
_ <- optional (word "--")
p <- invert <|> pipeline0
return $ p { timedPosix = True }
pipeline0 = unmodifiedPipeline <$> commandList0
pipeline1 = unmodifiedPipeline <$> commandList1
commandList0 = option [] commandList1
commandList1 = do
c <- command
pipelineSep c <|> pure [c]
pipelineSep c = do
c' <- c <$ operator "|"
<|> addRedir c <$ operator "|&"
(c' :) <$> commandList0
addRedir (Command c rs) = Command c (stderrRedir : rs)
stderrRedir = Redir (Just (IONumber 2)) OutAnd (stringToWord "1")
compoundList :: Parser List
compoundList = List <$ newlineList <*> many1 statement <?> "list"
statement = Statement <$> andOr <*> option Sequential listTerm
andOr = do
p <- pipelineCommand
let rest = And p <$ operator "&&" <* newlineList <*> andOr
<|> Or p <$ operator "||" <* newlineList <*> andOr
rest <|> pure (Last p)
inputList :: Parser List
inputList = newlineList *> option (List []) compoundList
doGroup :: Parser List
doGroup = word "do" *> compoundList <* word "done"
<|> word "{" *> compoundList <* word "}"
shellCommand :: Parser ShellCommand
shellCommand = group
<|> ifCommand
<|> caseCommand
<|> forCommand
<|> whileCommand
<|> untilCommand
<|> selectCommand
<|> condCommand
<|> arithCommand
<|> subshell
<?> "compound command"
caseCommand :: Parser ShellCommand
caseCommand = Case <$ word "case"
<*> anyWord <* newlineList
<* word "in" <* newlineList
<*> clauses
clauses = [] <$ word "esac"
<|> do p <- pattern
c <- inputList
nextClause (CaseClause p c)
nextClause f = (:) <$> (f <$> clauseTerm) <* newlineList <*> clauses
<|> [f Break] <$ newlineList <* word "esac"
pattern = optional (operator "(")
*> anyWord `sepBy` operator "|"
<* operator ")"
<?> "pattern list"
clauseTerm = selectOperator operator <?> "case clause terminator"
whileCommand :: Parser ShellCommand
whileCommand = While <$ word "while"
<*> compoundList
<* word "do" <*> compoundList <* word "done"
untilCommand :: Parser ShellCommand
untilCommand = Until <$ word "until"
<*> compoundList
<* word "do" <*> compoundList <* word "done"
wordList :: Parser WordList
wordList = Args <$ operator ";" <* newlineList
<|> newlineList *> inList
<?> "word list"
inList = WordList <$ word "in" <*> many anyWord <* listTerm
<|> pure Args
forCommand :: Parser ShellCommand
forCommand = word "for" *> (arithFor_ <|> for_)
arithFor_ = ArithFor <$> arith <* optional listTerm <*> doGroup
for_ = For <$> name <*> wordList <*> doGroup
selectCommand :: Parser ShellCommand
selectCommand = Select <$ word "select" <*> name <*> wordList <*> doGroup
ifCommand :: Parser ShellCommand
ifCommand = word "if" *> if_
if_ = If <$> compoundList <* word "then" <*> compoundList <*> alternative
alternative = Just . singleton <$ word "elif" <*> if_
<|> Just <$ word "else" <*> compoundList <* word "fi"
<|> Nothing <$ word "fi"
subshell :: Parser ShellCommand
subshell = Subshell <$ operator "(" <*> compoundList <* operator ")"
group :: Parser ShellCommand
group = Group <$ word "{" <*> compoundList <* word "}"
arithCommand :: Parser ShellCommand
arithCommand = Arith <$> arith
condCommand :: Parser ShellCommand
condCommand = Cond <$ word "[[" <*> expr <* word "]]"
expr = buildExpressionParser opTable term
term = word "(" *> expr <* word ")"
<|> Cond.Unary <$> unaryOp <*> condWord
<|> (condWord >>= wordTerm)
wordTerm w = Cond.Binary w <$> binaryOp <*> condWord
<|> pure (Cond.Unary Cond.NonzeroString w)
opTable =
[ [Prefix (Cond.Not <$ word "!")]
, [Infix (Cond.And <$ operator "&&") AssocLeft]
, [Infix (Cond.Or <$ operator "||") AssocLeft]
condWord = anyWord `satisfying` (/= stringToWord "]]")
<|> stringToWord <$> anyOperator
<?> "word"
condOperator op = condWord `satisfying` (== stringToWord op) <?> op
unaryOp = selectOperator condOperator <?> "unary operator"
binaryOp = selectOperator condOperator <?> "binary operator"
coproc :: Parser ShellCommand
coproc = word "coproc" *> coprocCommand <?> "coprocess"
coprocCommand = Coproc <$> option "COPROC" name
<*> (Command <$> shellCommand <*> pure [])
</> Coproc "COPROC" <$> simpleCommand
functionDef :: Parser ShellCommand
functionDef = functionDef2
<|> functionDef1
<?> "function definition"
functionDef1 = FunctionDef
<$> try (word "function" *> name
<* optional functionParens <* newlineList)
<*> functionBody
functionDef2 = FunctionDef
<$> try (name <* functionParens <* newlineList)
<*> functionBody
functionParens = operator "(" <* operator ")"
functionBody = unwrap <$> group
<|> singleton <$> shellCommand
unwrap (Group l) = l
unwrap _ = List []
command :: Parser Command
command = Command <$> compoundCommand <*> redirList
<|> simpleCommand
<?> "command"
compoundCommand = shellCommand
<|> coproc
<|> functionDef
script :: Parser List
script = skipSpace *> inputList <* eof