{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language CPP #-}
{-# language ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language MagicHash #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
module Language.Asn.Encoding
, toDefinitionString
, sequence
, sequenceOf
, choice
, tag
, implicitTag
, required
, optional
, defaulted
, option
, integer
, integerRanged
, int32
, int
, word32
, word64
, word
, octetString
, octetStringWord8
, octetStringWord32
, utf8String
, null
, null'
, objectIdentifier
, int64Log256
, encodeLength
) where
import Prelude hiding (sequence,null)
import Language.Asn.Types.Internal
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder)
import Data.Text (Text)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Word (Word8, Word32, Word64)
import Data.Int (Int32, Int64)
import Data.Bits (Bits(..), FiniteBits(..))
import Data.Primitive (PrimArray,Prim)
import GHC.Int (Int(..))
import Data.Foldable hiding (null)
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Primitive as PM
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
der :: AsnEncoding a -> a -> LB.ByteString
der e = encodeTaggedByteString . encodeBerInternal e
tagClassPrefix :: TagClass -> String
tagClassPrefix = \case
Universal -> "UNIVERSAL "
Private -> "PRIVATE "
Application -> "APPLICATION "
ContextSpecific -> ""
toDefinitionString :: AsnEncoding a -> String
toDefinitionString = PP.render . go where
go :: forall b. AsnEncoding b -> PP.Doc
go (EncUniversalValue u) = prettyPrintUniversalValue u
go (EncRetag (TagAndExplicitness theTag expl) e) =
PP.text (prettyPrintTag theTag ++ " " ++ ppExplicitness expl ++ " ") <> go e
go (EncChoice (Choice _ allCtors getValAndEnc)) = (PP.$+$)
( PP.nest 2 $ PP.vcat $ map (ppValEnc . getValAndEnc) allCtors)
go (EncSequence fields) = (PP.$+$)
( PP.nest 2 $ PP.vcat $ map ppField fields)
go (EncSequenceOf _ e) = PP.text "SEQUENCE OF" PP.<+> go e
ppField :: forall b. Field b -> PP.Doc
ppField = \case
FieldRequired (FieldName name) _ e -> PP.text (name ++ " ") <> go e
FieldOptional (FieldName name) _ e -> PP.text (name ++ " OPTIONAL ") <> go e
FieldDefaulted (FieldName name) _ defVal showVal _ e ->
PP.text (name ++ " DEFAULT " ++ showVal defVal ++ " ") <> go e
ppValEnc :: ValueAndEncoding -> PP.Doc
ppValEnc (ValueAndEncoding _ (OptionName name) _ enc) = PP.text (name ++ " ") <> go enc
ppExplicitness :: Explicitness -> String
ppExplicitness = \case
Implicit -> "IMPLICIT"
Explicit -> "EXPLICIT"
prettyPrintTag :: Tag -> String
prettyPrintTag (Tag c n) = "[" ++ tagClassPrefix c ++ show n ++ "]"
prettyPrintUniversalValue :: UniversalValue x -> PP.Doc
prettyPrintUniversalValue = \case
UniversalValueBoolean _ _ -> PP.text "BOOLEAN"
UniversalValueInteger _ ss -> PP.text $ "INTEGER" ++ strSubtypes show ss
UniversalValueNull -> PP.text "NULL"
UniversalValueOctetString _ _ -> PP.text "OCTET STRING"
UniversalValueObjectIdentifier _ _ -> PP.text "OBJECT IDENTIFIER"
UniversalValueTextualString typ _ _ _ -> PP.text (strStringType typ)
strStringType :: StringType -> String
strStringType = \case
Utf8String -> "UTF8String"
NumericString -> "NumericString"
PrintableString -> "PrintableString"
TeletexString -> "TeletexString"
VideotexString -> "VideotexString"
IA5String -> "IA5String"
GraphicString -> "GraphicString"
VisibleString -> "VisibleString"
GeneralString -> "GeneralString"
UniversalString -> "UniversalString"
CharacterString -> "CHARACTER STRING"
BmpString -> "BMPString"
strSubtypes :: (a -> String) -> Subtypes a -> String
strSubtypes f (Subtypes ss)
| length ss == 0 = ""
| otherwise = " (" ++ List.intercalate " | " (map (strSubtype f) ss) ++ ")"
strSubtype :: (a -> String) -> Subtype a -> String
strSubtype f = \case
SubtypeSingleValue a -> f a
SubtypeValueRange lo hi -> f lo ++ " .. " ++ f hi
makeTag :: TagClass -> Int -> Tag
makeTag = Tag
sequence :: [Field a] -> AsnEncoding a
sequence = EncSequence
sequenceOf :: Foldable f => AsnEncoding a -> AsnEncoding (f a)
sequenceOf = EncSequenceOf toList
choice :: [a] -> (a -> ValueAndEncoding) -> AsnEncoding a
choice xs f = EncChoice (Choice id xs f)
option :: Int -> OptionName -> b -> AsnEncoding b -> ValueAndEncoding
option = ValueAndEncoding
tag :: TagClass -> Int -> Explicitness -> AsnEncoding a -> AsnEncoding a
tag c n e = EncRetag (TagAndExplicitness (Tag c n) e)
implicitTag :: Tag -> AsnEncoding a -> AsnEncoding a
implicitTag t = EncRetag (TagAndExplicitness t Implicit)
required :: FieldName -> (a -> b) -> AsnEncoding b -> Field a
required = FieldRequired
optional :: FieldName -> (a -> Maybe b) -> AsnEncoding b -> Field a
optional = FieldOptional
defaulted :: (Eq b, Show b) => FieldName -> (a -> b) -> AsnEncoding b -> b -> Field a
defaulted name getVal enc defVal = FieldDefaulted name getVal defVal show (==) enc
objectIdentifier :: AsnEncoding ObjectIdentifier
objectIdentifier = EncUniversalValue (UniversalValueObjectIdentifier id mempty)
null :: AsnEncoding ()
null = null'
null' :: AsnEncoding a
null' = EncUniversalValue UniversalValueNull
integer :: AsnEncoding Integer
integer = EncUniversalValue (UniversalValueInteger id mempty)
integerRanged :: Integer -> Integer -> AsnEncoding Integer
integerRanged lo hi = EncUniversalValue
(UniversalValueInteger id (Subtypes [SubtypeValueRange lo hi]))
word32 :: AsnEncoding Word32
word32 = EncUniversalValue (UniversalValueInteger fromIntegral (Subtypes [SubtypeValueRange 0 4294967295]))
word64 :: AsnEncoding Word64
word64 = EncUniversalValue (UniversalValueInteger fromIntegral (Subtypes [SubtypeValueRange 0 18446744073709551615]))
octetStringWord32 :: AsnEncoding Word32
octetStringWord32 = EncUniversalValue (UniversalValueOctetString (LB.toStrict . Builder.toLazyByteString . Builder.word32BE) mempty)
octetStringWord8 :: AsnEncoding Word8
octetStringWord8 = EncUniversalValue
( UniversalValueOctetString
int32 :: AsnEncoding Int32
int32 = EncUniversalValue (UniversalValueInteger fromIntegral (Subtypes [SubtypeValueRange (-2147483648) 2147483647]))
word :: AsnEncoding Word
word = EncUniversalValue (UniversalValueInteger fromIntegral (Subtypes [SubtypeValueRange 0 (fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word))]))
int :: AsnEncoding Int
int = EncUniversalValue (UniversalValueInteger fromIntegral (Subtypes [SubtypeValueRange (fromIntegral (minBound :: Int)) (fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int))]))
octetString :: AsnEncoding ByteString
octetString = EncUniversalValue (UniversalValueOctetString id mempty)
utf8String :: AsnEncoding Text
utf8String = EncUniversalValue (UniversalValueTextualString Utf8String id mempty mempty)
universalValueTag :: UniversalValue a -> Int
universalValueTag = \case
UniversalValueOctetString _ _ -> 4
UniversalValueBoolean _ _ -> 1
UniversalValueInteger _ _ -> 2
UniversalValueNull -> 5
UniversalValueObjectIdentifier _ _ -> 6
UniversalValueTextualString typ _ _ _ -> tagNumStringType typ
univsersalValueConstruction :: UniversalValue a -> Construction
univsersalValueConstruction = \case
UniversalValueOctetString _ _ -> Primitive
UniversalValueBoolean _ _ -> Primitive
UniversalValueInteger _ _ -> Primitive
UniversalValueNull -> Primitive
UniversalValueTextualString _ _ _ _ -> Primitive
UniversalValueObjectIdentifier _ _ -> Primitive
encodeBerInternal :: AsnEncoding a -> a -> TaggedByteString
encodeBerInternal x a = case x of
EncRetag (TagAndExplicitness outerTag explicitness) e ->
let TaggedByteString construction innerTag lbs = encodeBerInternal e a
in case explicitness of
Implicit -> TaggedByteString construction outerTag lbs
Explicit -> TaggedByteString Constructed outerTag (encodeTaggedByteString (TaggedByteString construction innerTag lbs))
EncUniversalValue p -> TaggedByteString (univsersalValueConstruction p) (makeTag Universal (universalValueTag p)) (encodePrimitiveBer p a)
EncChoice (Choice conv _ f) -> case f (conv a) of
ValueAndEncoding _ _ b enc2 -> encodeBerInternal enc2 b
EncSequence fields -> TaggedByteString Constructed sequenceTag (foldMap (encodeField a) fields)
EncSequenceOf listify e -> TaggedByteString Constructed sequenceTag
(foldMap (encodeTaggedByteString . encodeBerInternal e) (listify a))
encodeField :: a -> Field a -> LB.ByteString
encodeField a = \case
FieldRequired _ func enc -> encodeTaggedByteString (encodeBerInternal enc (func a))
FieldDefaulted _ func defVal _ eqVal enc ->
let val = func a
in if eqVal defVal val
then mempty
else encodeTaggedByteString (encodeBerInternal enc val)
FieldOptional _ mfunc enc -> case mfunc a of
Nothing -> mempty
Just v -> encodeTaggedByteString (encodeBerInternal enc v)
encodeTaggedByteString :: TaggedByteString -> LB.ByteString
encodeTaggedByteString (TaggedByteString construction theTag lbs) =
encodeTag construction theTag <> encodeLength (LB.length lbs) <> lbs
encodeTag :: Construction -> Tag -> LB.ByteString
encodeTag c (Tag tclass tnum)
| tnum < 31 = LB.singleton (firstThreeBits .|. intToWord8 tnum)
| otherwise = error "tag number above 30: write this"
!firstThreeBits = constructionBit c .|. tagClassBit tclass
encodeLength :: Int64 -> LB.ByteString
encodeLength x
| x < 128 = LB.singleton (int64ToWord8 x)
| otherwise =
let totalOctets = fromIntegral (int64Log256 x + 1) :: Word8
in LB.singleton (128 .|. totalOctets)
<> lengthBE (fromIntegral x)
int64Log256 :: Int64 -> Int
int64Log256 x = unsafeShiftR (int64Log2 x) 3
int64Log2 :: Int64 -> Int
int64Log2 x = finiteBitSize x - 1 - countLeadingZeros x
int64ToWord8 :: Int64 -> Word8
int64ToWord8 = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE int64ToWord8 #-}
intToWord8 :: Int -> Word8
intToWord8 = fromIntegral
{-# INLINE intToWord8 #-}
encodePrimitiveBer :: UniversalValue a -> a -> LB.ByteString
encodePrimitiveBer p x = case p of
UniversalValueTextualString typ f _ _ -> LB.fromStrict (encodeText typ (f x))
UniversalValueOctetString f _ -> LB.fromStrict (f x)
UniversalValueObjectIdentifier f _ -> oidBE (f x)
UniversalValueBoolean f _ -> case f x of
True -> LB.singleton 1
False -> LB.singleton 0
UniversalValueInteger f _ -> integerBE (f x)
UniversalValueNull -> LB.empty
encodeText :: StringType -> Text -> ByteString
encodeText x t = case x of
Utf8String -> TE.encodeUtf8 t
_ -> error "encodeText: handle more ASN.1 string types"
lengthBE :: Int64 -> LB.ByteString
lengthBE i = if i > 0
then Builder.toLazyByteString (goPos i)
else error "lengthBE: handle the negative case"
goPos :: Int64 -> Builder
goPos n1 = if n1 == 0
then mempty
else let (!n2,!byteVal) = quotRem n1 256
in goPos n2 <> Builder.word8 (fromIntegral byteVal)
integerBE :: Integer -> LB.ByteString
integerBE i
| i < 128 && i > (-129) = Builder.toLazyByteString (Builder.int8 (fromIntegral i))
| otherwise = if i > 0
then let lb = Builder.toLazyByteString (goPos i)
in if LB.head lb > 127 then LB.cons 0 lb else lb
else error "integerBE: handle the negative case"
goPos :: Integer -> Builder
goPos n1 = if n1 == 0
then mempty
else let (!n2,!byteVal) = quotRem n1 256
in goPos n2 <> Builder.word8 (fromIntegral byteVal)
oidBE :: ObjectIdentifier -> LB.ByteString
oidBE (ObjectIdentifier nums1)
| sz > 2 =
let !n1 = PM.indexPrimArray nums1 0
!n2 = PM.indexPrimArray nums1 1
!firstOctet = fromIntegral n1 * 40 + fromIntegral n2 :: Word8
in Builder.toLazyByteString (Builder.word8 firstOctet <> foldMapPrimArrayFromTo 2 sz multiByteBase127Encoding nums1)
| otherwise = error "oidBE: OID with less than 3 identifiers"
sz = PM.sizeofPrimArray nums1
foldMapPrimArrayFromTo :: forall a b. (Prim a, Monoid b) => Int -> Int -> (a -> b) -> PrimArray a -> b
foldMapPrimArrayFromTo !start !end f !arr = go start where
go !i
| end > i = mappend (f (PM.indexPrimArray arr i)) (go (i+1))
| otherwise = mempty
multiByteBase127Encoding :: Word -> Builder
multiByteBase127Encoding i0 =
let (!i1,!byteVal) = quotRem i0 128
in go i1 <> Builder.word8 (fromIntegral byteVal)
go n1 = if n1 == 0
then mempty
else let (!n2,!byteVal) = quotRem n1 128
in go n2 <> Builder.word8 (128 .|. fromIntegral byteVal)