module Lambdabot.Plugin.Reference.OEIS (oeisPlugin) where
import Lambdabot.Plugin
import Math.OEIS
import Data.Char
oeisPlugin :: Module ()
oeisPlugin = newModule
{ moduleCmds = return
[ (command "oeis")
{ aliases = ["sequence"]
, help = say "oeis <sequence>. Look up a sequence in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences"
, process = ios80 . lookupOEIS'
lookupOEIS' :: String -> IO String
lookupOEIS' a = do
let a' = commas . reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace $ a
x <- searchSequence_IO a'
case x of
Nothing -> return "Sequence not found."
Just s -> return $ unlines [
concat ("" : take 1 (catalogNums s)) ++
' ' : description s,
show $ sequenceData s]
commas [] = []
commas (x:' ':xs) | isDigit x = x : ',' : commas xs
commas (x:xs) = x : commas xs