module Lambdabot.Plugin.Reference.Metar (metarPlugin) where
import Lambdabot.Plugin
import Lambdabot.Util.Browser (browseLB)
import Network.Browser (request)
import Network.HTTP (getRequest, rspCode, rspBody)
import Data.Char (isAlpha, toUpper)
metarPlugin :: Module ()
metarPlugin = newModule
{ moduleCmds = return
[ (command "metar")
{ help = say "metar <ICAO airport code>\n\
\Look up METAR weather data for given airport."
, process = doMetar
addsUri :: String
addsUri =
addsSrc :: String -> String
addsSrc code = addsUri ++
\&mostRecentForEachStation=true&stationString=" ++ code
doMetar :: MonadLB m => String -> Cmd m ()
doMetar code | length code == 4 && all isAlpha code = do
msg <- browseLB $ do
let src = addsSrc (map toUpper code)
(uri, resp) <- request $ getRequest src
case rspCode resp of
(2,_,_) -> return $ extractMetar (rspBody resp)
_ -> return $ "Request failed."
say msg
doMetar _ = return ()
extractMetar :: String -> String
extractMetar body = case lines body of
ls@("No errors" : _) -> case takeWhile (/= ',') (last ls) of
"raw_text" -> "No result."
l -> l
_ -> "Request failed."