lambdabot-core- Lambdabot core functionality
data Nick Source #
The type of nicknames isolated from a message.
The tag of the server this nick is on
The server-specific nickname of this nick
Defined in Lambdabot.Nick
(==) :: Nick -> Nick -> Bool #
(/=) :: Nick -> Nick -> Bool #
compare :: Nick -> Nick -> Ordering #
(<) :: Nick -> Nick -> Bool #
(<=) :: Nick -> Nick -> Bool #
(>) :: Nick -> Nick -> Bool #
(>=) :: Nick -> Nick -> Bool #
max :: Nick -> Nick -> Nick #
min :: Nick -> Nick -> Nick #
fmtNick :: String -> Nick -> String Source #
Format a nickname for display. This will automatically omit the server field if it is the same as the server of the provided message.
parseNick :: String -> String -> Nick Source #
Parse a nickname received in a message. If the server field is not provided, it defaults to the same as that of the message.
Failed to load file 'doc-index.json' containing definitions in this package.