{-# LANGUAGE Safe #-}
module Text.LambdaOptions.Example.Example_5_Repl (
) where
import qualified System.IO as IO
import qualified Text.LambdaOptions as L
data Command
= Quit
| DisplayHelp
| ComputeSum [Double]
| ComputeProduct [Double]
options :: L.Options Command
options = do
(L.kw "help"
`L.text` "Display this help text.")
$ DisplayHelp
(L.kw "quit"
`L.text` "Quits the program.")
$ Quit
(L.kw "sum"
`L.argText` "NUMS*"
`L.text` "Sums NUMS and prints the result.")
$ ComputeSum . L.unList
(L.kw "product"
`L.argText` "NUMS*"
`L.text` "Multiplies NUMS and prints the result.")
$ ComputeProduct . L.unList
getCommand :: IO Command
getCommand = do
putStr ">> "
input <- getLine
let args = words input
case L.runOptions options args of
Left e -> do
putStrLn $ L.prettyOptionsError e
putStrLn $ L.getHelpDescription options
Right cs -> case cs of
[] -> getCommand
[c] -> pure c
_ -> do
putStrLn "Please enter only one command."
putStrLn $ L.getHelpDescription options
type Quit = Bool
execCommand :: Command -> IO Quit
execCommand c = case c of
Quit -> pure True
DisplayHelp -> do
putStrLn $ L.getHelpDescription options
pure False
ComputeSum xs -> do
print $ sum xs
pure False
ComputeProduct xs -> do
print $ product xs
pure False
readEvalPrintLoop :: IO ()
readEvalPrintLoop = do
c <- getCommand
quit <- execCommand c
putStrLn ""
case quit of
True -> pure ()
False -> readEvalPrintLoop
main :: IO ()
main = do
IO.hSetBuffering IO.stdin IO.LineBuffering