{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Kubernetes.Client.Config
( KubeConfigSource(..)
, addCACertData
, addCACertFile
, applyAuthSettings
, clientHooksL
, defaultTLSClientParams
, disableServerCertValidation
, disableServerNameValidation
, disableValidateAuthMethods
, loadPEMCerts
, mkInClusterClientConfig
, mkKubeClientConfig
, newManager
, onCertificateRequestL
, onServerCertificateL
, parsePEMCerts
, serviceAccountDir
, setCAStore
, setClientCert
, setMasterURI
, setTokenAuth
, tlsValidation
import qualified Kubernetes.OpenAPI.Core as K
import Control.Applicative ( (<|>) )
import Control.Exception.Safe ( MonadThrow
, throwM
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO
, liftIO
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyB
import Data.Either.Combinators
import Data.Function ( (&) )
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import Data.Yaml
import Kubernetes.Client.Auth.ClientCert
import Kubernetes.Client.Auth.GCP
import Kubernetes.Client.Auth.OIDC
import Kubernetes.Client.Auth.Token
import Kubernetes.Client.Auth.TokenFile
import Kubernetes.Client.Internal.TLSUtils
import Kubernetes.Client.KubeConfig
import Network.Connection ( TLSSettings(..) )
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as NH
import Network.HTTP.Client.TLS ( mkManagerSettings )
import qualified Network.TLS as TLS
import System.Environment ( getEnv )
import System.FilePath
data KubeConfigSource = KubeConfigFile FilePath
| KubeConfigCluster
:: OIDCCache -> KubeConfigSource -> IO (NH.Manager, K.KubernetesClientConfig)
mkKubeClientConfig oidcCache (KubeConfigFile f) = do
kubeConfig <- decodeFileThrow f
masterURI <-
<$> getCluster kubeConfig
& either (const $ pure "localhost:8080") return
tlsParams <- configureTLSParams kubeConfig (takeDirectory f)
clientConfig <- K.newConfig & fmap (setMasterURI masterURI)
(tlsParamsWithAuth, clientConfigWithAuth) <- case getAuthInfo kubeConfig of
Left _ -> return (tlsParams, clientConfig)
Right (_, auth) ->
applyAuthSettings oidcCache auth (tlsParams, clientConfig)
mgr <- newManager tlsParamsWithAuth
return (mgr, clientConfigWithAuth)
mkKubeClientConfig _ KubeConfigCluster = mkInClusterClientConfig
:: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => m (NH.Manager, K.KubernetesClientConfig)
mkInClusterClientConfig = do
caStore <- loadPEMCerts $ serviceAccountDir ++ "/ca.crt"
defTlsParams <- liftIO defaultTLSClientParams
mgr <- liftIO . newManager . setCAStore caStore $ disableServerNameValidation
host <- liftIO $ getEnv "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST"
port <- liftIO $ getEnv "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT"
cfg <- setMasterURI (T.pack $ "https://" ++ host ++ ":" ++ port) <$> liftIO
(K.newConfig >>= setTokenFileAuth (serviceAccountDir ++ "/token"))
return (mgr, cfg)
:: T.Text
-> K.KubernetesClientConfig
-> K.KubernetesClientConfig
setMasterURI masterURI kcfg =
kcfg { K.configHost = (LazyB.fromStrict . T.encodeUtf8) masterURI }
newManager :: TLS.ClientParams -> IO NH.Manager
newManager cp = NH.newManager (mkManagerSettings (TLSSettings cp) Nothing)
serviceAccountDir :: FilePath
serviceAccountDir = "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount"
configureTLSParams :: Config -> FilePath -> IO TLS.ClientParams
configureTLSParams cfg dir = do
defaultTLS <- defaultTLSClientParams
withCACertData <- addCACertData cfg defaultTLS
withCACertFile <- addCACertFile cfg dir withCACertData
return $ tlsValidation cfg withCACertFile
tlsValidation :: Config -> TLS.ClientParams -> TLS.ClientParams
tlsValidation cfg tlsParams = case getCluster cfg of
Left _ -> tlsParams
Right c -> case insecureSkipTLSVerify c of
Just True -> disableServerCertValidation tlsParams
_ -> tlsParams
:: (MonadThrow m) => Config -> TLS.ClientParams -> m TLS.ClientParams
addCACertData cfg tlsParams =
eitherCertText =
getCluster cfg
& (>>= (maybeToRight "cert data not provided" . certificateAuthorityData
in case eitherCertText of
Left _ -> pure tlsParams
Right certBase64 -> do
certText <-
B64.decode (T.encodeUtf8 certBase64)
& either (throwM . Base64ParsingFailed) pure
updateClientParams tlsParams certText & either throwM return
addCACertFile :: Config -> FilePath -> TLS.ClientParams -> IO TLS.ClientParams
addCACertFile cfg dir tlsParams = do
let eitherCertFile =
getCluster cfg
>>= maybeToRight "cert file not provided"
. certificateAuthority
& fmap T.unpack
& fmap (dir </>)
case eitherCertFile of
Left _ -> return tlsParams
Right certFile -> do
certText <- B.readFile certFile
return $ updateClientParams tlsParams certText & fromRight tlsParams
:: OIDCCache
-> AuthInfo
-> (TLS.ClientParams, K.KubernetesClientConfig)
-> IO (TLS.ClientParams, K.KubernetesClientConfig)
applyAuthSettings oidcCache auth input =
fromMaybe (pure input)
$ clientCertFileAuth auth input
<|> clientCertDataAuth auth input
<|> tokenAuth auth input
<|> tokenFileAuth auth input
<|> gcpAuth auth input
<|> cachedOIDCAuth oidcCache auth input