{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}

module Kubernetes.Client.Config where

import qualified Kubernetes.OpenAPI.Core            as K
import qualified Kubernetes.OpenAPI.Model           as K

import           Control.Exception.Safe     (Exception, MonadThrow, throwM)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class     (MonadIO, liftIO)
import qualified Data.ByteString            as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy       as LazyB
import           Data.Default.Class         (def)
import           Data.Either                (rights)
import           Data.Monoid                ((<>))
import           Data.PEM                   (pemContent, pemParseBS)
import qualified Data.Text                  as T
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding         as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO               as T
import           Data.Typeable              (Typeable)
import           Data.X509                  (SignedCertificate,
import qualified Data.X509                  as X509
import           Data.X509.CertificateStore (CertificateStore, makeCertificateStore)
import qualified Data.X509.Validation       as X509
import           Lens.Micro                 (Lens', lens, set)
import           Network.Connection         (TLSSettings (..))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client        as NH
import           Network.HTTP.Client.TLS    (mkManagerSettings)
import           Network.TLS                (Credential, defaultParamsClient)
import qualified Network.TLS                as TLS
import qualified Network.TLS.Extra          as TLS
import           System.Environment         (getEnv)
import           System.X509                (getSystemCertificateStore)

-- |Sets the master URI in the 'K.KubernetesClientConfig'.
    :: T.Text                -- ^ Master URI
    -> K.KubernetesClientConfig
    -> K.KubernetesClientConfig
setMasterURI server kcfg =
    kcfg { K.configHost = (LazyB.fromStrict . T.encodeUtf8) server }

-- |Disables the client-side auth methods validation. This is necessary if you are using client cert authentication.
disableValidateAuthMethods :: K.KubernetesClientConfig -> K.KubernetesClientConfig
disableValidateAuthMethods kcfg = kcfg { K.configValidateAuthMethods = False }

-- |Configures the 'K.KubernetesClientConfig' to use token authentication.
    :: T.Text             -- ^Authentication token
    -> K.KubernetesClientConfig
    -> K.KubernetesClientConfig
setTokenAuth token kcfg = kcfg
    { K.configAuthMethods = [K.AnyAuthMethod (K.AuthApiKeyBearerToken $ "Bearer " <> token)]

-- |Creates a 'NH.Manager' that can handle TLS.
newManager :: TLS.ClientParams -> IO NH.Manager
newManager cp = NH.newManager (mkManagerSettings (TLSSettings cp) Nothing)

-- |Default TLS settings using the system CA store.
defaultTLSClientParams :: IO TLS.ClientParams
defaultTLSClientParams = do
    let defParams = defaultParamsClient "" ""
    systemCAStore <- getSystemCertificateStore
    return defParams
        { TLS.clientSupported = def
            { TLS.supportedCiphers = TLS.ciphersuite_strong
        , TLS.clientShared    = (TLS.clientShared defParams)
            { TLS.sharedCAStore = systemCAStore

clientHooksL :: Lens' TLS.ClientParams TLS.ClientHooks
clientHooksL = lens TLS.clientHooks (\cp ch -> cp { TLS.clientHooks = ch })

onServerCertificateL :: Lens' TLS.ClientParams (CertificateStore -> TLS.ValidationCache -> X509.ServiceID -> X509.CertificateChain -> IO [X509.FailedReason])
onServerCertificateL =
  clientHooksL . lens TLS.onServerCertificate (\ch osc -> ch { TLS.onServerCertificate = osc })

-- |Don't check whether the cert presented by the server matches the name of the server you are connecting to.
-- This is necessary if you specify the server host by its IP address.
disableServerNameValidation :: TLS.ClientParams -> TLS.ClientParams
disableServerNameValidation =
  set onServerCertificateL (X509.validate X509.HashSHA256 def (def { X509.checkFQHN = False }))

-- |Insecure mode. The client will not validate the server cert at all.
disableServerCertValidation :: TLS.ClientParams -> TLS.ClientParams
disableServerCertValidation = set onServerCertificateL (\_ _ _ _ -> return [])

-- |Use a custom CA store.
setCAStore :: [SignedCertificate] -> TLS.ClientParams -> TLS.ClientParams
setCAStore certs cp = cp
    { TLS.clientShared = (TLS.clientShared cp)
        { TLS.sharedCAStore = (makeCertificateStore certs)

onCertificateRequestL :: Lens' TLS.ClientParams (([TLS.CertificateType], Maybe [TLS.HashAndSignatureAlgorithm], [X509.DistinguishedName]) -> IO (Maybe (X509.CertificateChain, TLS.PrivKey)))
onCertificateRequestL =
  clientHooksL . lens TLS.onCertificateRequest (\ch ocr -> ch { TLS.onCertificateRequest = ocr })

-- |Use a client cert for authentication.
setClientCert :: Credential -> TLS.ClientParams -> TLS.ClientParams
setClientCert cred = set onCertificateRequestL (\_ -> return $ Just cred)

-- |Parses a PEM-encoded @ByteString@ into a list of certificates.
parsePEMCerts :: B.ByteString -> Either String [SignedCertificate]
parsePEMCerts b = do
    pems <- pemParseBS b
    return $ rights $ map (decodeSignedCertificate . pemContent) pems

data ParsePEMCertsException = ParsePEMCertsException String deriving (Typeable, Show)

instance Exception ParsePEMCertsException

-- |Loads certificates from a PEM-encoded file.
loadPEMCerts :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => FilePath -> m [SignedCertificate]
loadPEMCerts p = do
    liftIO (B.readFile p)
        >>= either (throwM . ParsePEMCertsException) return
        .   parsePEMCerts

serviceAccountDir :: FilePath
serviceAccountDir = "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount"

cluster :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => m (NH.Manager, K.KubernetesClientConfig)
cluster = do
  caStore <- loadPEMCerts $ serviceAccountDir ++ "/ca.crt"
  defTlsParams <- liftIO defaultTLSClientParams
  mgr <- liftIO . newManager . setCAStore caStore $ disableServerNameValidation defTlsParams
  tok <- liftIO . T.readFile $ serviceAccountDir ++ "/token"
  host <- liftIO $ getEnv "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST"
  port <- liftIO $ getEnv "KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT"
  config <- setTokenAuth tok . setMasterURI (T.pack $ "https://" ++ host ++ ":" ++ port) <$> liftIO K.newConfig
  return (mgr, config)