-- |
-- Module      :  Templates.Templates
-- Maintainer  :  bartek@skrivapa.se
-- Stability   :  development
-- Portability :  portable
-- This is main templating module. It provides basic interface for
-- generation templates (RenderTemplate) with 'renderTemplate'
-- function. We also provide types for templates and few functions for
-- loading and testing
-- 1) There is a folder called templates, All templates files (*.st) are there. Each files contains many templates
--    definitions, and there must be line starting with # between each two templates.
--    Template definition has form 'nameOfTemplate=bodyOfTemplate'.
-- 2) Template body is just String Template and you should be able to find more
--    info at http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/HStringTemplate
-- 3) All templates are in a global scope. Watch out for conflicting names.
--    On dev computers they are loaded on every request, so one can change them without stoping server.
-- 4) To generate a template in haskell call renderTemplate.
--       First param is a set of all templates. Usually you can get it from 'Context'.
--       Next is a name of template that You wan't to render.
--       Last one is some for of list of params.
--       As a result you get IO String.
--        If template will fail You will get error info inside. But this is only for syntax errors.
--        If You will forget a param there will be info in log, and template set param value to something empty.
-- Current policy is to use fields. You can find usage of
-- [(String,String)] as params and also composition of setAttribute
-- functions in a code.  This are old concepts and will be droped at
-- some point.
-- How to user fields:
--  - there is one function ('field') that sets one field
--  - fields form a monad so you can use do notation for setting many fields
--  - value of a field can be almoust everything (String, Int, Maybe, List, Map, types that are instances of Data and Typeable etc)
--  - IO wrapped values and fields can be also a values of a field.
-- Example
-- >      userView tempates user =
-- >        renderTemplate templates "userView" $ do
-- >          userFields
-- >
-- >      userFields user = do
-- >        field "name" $ username user
-- >        field "company" $ usercompany user
-- >        field "documents" $ map (documentFields) getUserDocumentsFromDB
-- >
-- >      documentFields document = do
-- >        field "id" $ documentid document
-- >        field "title" $ documenttitle document
-- Why we want to use fields
--      - They force reuse. We write documentFields, and reuse it every time we want to pass document info to template.
--      - Fields can be extended. If I want to have extended info about user I use 'userFields' to set basic info and
--        then add advanced fields
--      - No need to first bind from IO, then pass to template
--      - They support advanced structures like lists and maybe's
-- Some extra info:
--  In templates use maybe. You can use 'if' in template body to check for Nothing
--  Always change ByteString to String. We have a problems with encoding, so please watch for this.
-- Please also see example.hs for a running example
module Text.StringTemplates.Templates ( Fields
                                      , runFields
                                      , TemplatesMonad(..)
                                      , renderTemplate
                                      , renderTemplate_
                                      , renderTemplateI
                                      , TemplatesT(..)
                                      , runTemplatesT
                                      , renderHelper
                                      ) where

import Text.StringTemplate.Base hiding (ToSElem, toSElem, render)
import Text.StringTemplates.Templates.Class
import Text.StringTemplates.TemplatesLoader

import Text.StringTemplates.Fields
import Control.Monad.Base (MonadBase)
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl(..), MonadTransControl(..), ComposeSt, defaultLiftBaseWith, defaultRestoreM, defaultLiftWith, defaultRestoreT)

-- | renders a template by name
renderTemplate :: TemplatesMonad m =>
                 String     -- ^ template name
               -> Fields m () -- ^ template params
               -> m String
renderTemplate name fields = do
  ts <- getTemplates
  renderHelper ts name fields

-- | renders a template by name (params function cannot use side effects)
renderTemplateI :: TemplatesMonad m =>
                  String            -- ^ template name
                -> Fields Identity () -- ^ template params
                -> m String
renderTemplateI name fields = do
  ts <- getTemplates
  return $ renderTemplateMain ts name ([]::[(String, String)]) (setManyAttrib $ runIdentity $ runFields fields)

-- | renders a template by name without any params
renderTemplate_ :: TemplatesMonad m =>
                  String -- ^ template name
                -> m String
renderTemplate_ name = renderTemplate name $ return ()

renderHelper :: Monad m => Templates -> String -> Fields m () -> m String
renderHelper ts name fields = do
  attrs <- runFields fields
  return $ renderTemplateMain ts name ([]::[(String, String)]) (setManyAttrib attrs)

type InnerTemplatesT = ReaderT (String, GlobalTemplates)

-- | Simple implementation of TemplatesMonad
newtype TemplatesT m a = TemplatesT { unTT :: InnerTemplatesT m a }
  deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadTrans, MonadBase b, MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask)

runTemplatesT :: (Functor m, Monad m) =>
                (String, GlobalTemplates) -- ^ (default language name, global templates)
              -> TemplatesT m a -> m a
runTemplatesT ts action = runReaderT (unTT action) ts

instance MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (TemplatesT m) where
#if MIN_VERSION_monad_control(1,0,0)
  type StM (TemplatesT m) a = ComposeSt TemplatesT m a
  liftBaseWith = defaultLiftBaseWith
  restoreM     = defaultRestoreM
  newtype StM (TemplatesT m) a = StM { unStM :: ComposeSt TemplatesT m a }
  liftBaseWith = defaultLiftBaseWith StM
  restoreM     = defaultRestoreM unStM
  {-# INLINE liftBaseWith #-}
  {-# INLINE restoreM #-}

instance MonadTransControl TemplatesT where
#if MIN_VERSION_monad_control(1,0,0)
  type StT TemplatesT m = StT InnerTemplatesT m
  liftWith = defaultLiftWith TemplatesT unTT
  restoreT = defaultRestoreT TemplatesT
  newtype StT TemplatesT m = StT { unStT :: StT InnerTemplatesT m }
  liftWith = defaultLiftWith TemplatesT unTT StT
  restoreT = defaultRestoreT TemplatesT unStT
  {-# INLINE liftWith #-}
  {-# INLINE restoreT #-}

instance (Applicative m, Monad m) => TemplatesMonad (TemplatesT m) where
  getTemplates = TemplatesT $ do
    (lang, ts) <- ask
    return $ localizedVersion lang ts
  getTextTemplatesByLanguage lang = TemplatesT $ do
    (_, ts) <- ask
    return $ localizedVersion lang ts