knead-arithmetic- Linear algebra and interpolation using LLVM JIT

Safe HaskellNone




bisect :: (C coll, C nodes, Index nodes ~ i, IntegerConstant i, Integral i, Select i, Comparison a) => Vector p coll nodes a -> Scalar p coll a -> Scalar p coll (i, i) -> Scalar p coll (i, i)Source

lookupInterval :: (C coll, C nodes, Index nodes ~ i, nodes ~ i, IntegerConstant i, Integral i, Select i, Num i, Comparison a, C nodes, Storable nodes, Struct nodes ~ nodesStruct, IsSized nodesStruct, C i, Storable i, Struct i ~ iStruct, IsSized iStruct, C coll, Storable coll, C a, Storable a) => Vector p coll nodes a -> Scalar p coll a -> IOScalar p coll iSource

type Interpolator13 a = (a, a) -> (a, a) -> (a, a) -> (a, a) -> a -> aSource

One node before index 0 and three nodes starting from index 0.

sampleBasisFunctions13 :: (Index nodes ~ nodes, C coll, C rows, C nodes, C set, C set, Storable set, Num set, Comparison nodes, PseudoRing nodes, IntegerConstant nodes, Integral nodes, Select nodes, C nodes, Storable nodes, Num nodes, C rows, Storable rows, C coll, Storable coll, Select a, Comparison a, Field a, RationalConstant a, Num a, Storable a, C a, Struct a ~ astruct, IsSized astruct, Struct nodes ~ nodesstruct, IsSized nodesstruct, Struct coll ~ collstruct, IsSized collstruct, Struct rows ~ rowsstruct, IsSized rowsstruct) => Interpolator13 (Exp a) -> Array p nodes a -> Vector p coll rows a -> IO (p -> IO (RowMatrix p coll rows set nodes a))Source