Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
This module is not meant to be imported directly and may contain internal mechanisms that will change without notice.
- readMay :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
- newtype Namespace = Namespace {
- unNamespace :: [Text]
- intercalateNs :: Namespace -> [Text]
- newtype Environment = Environment {}
- data Severity
- data Verbosity
- renderSeverity :: Severity -> Text
- textToSeverity :: Text -> Maybe Severity
- newtype LogStr = LogStr {}
- logStr :: StringConv a Text => a -> LogStr
- ls :: StringConv a Text => a -> LogStr
- showLS :: Show a => a -> LogStr
- newtype ThreadIdText = ThreadIdText {}
- mkThreadIdText :: ThreadId -> ThreadIdText
- data Item a = Item {}
- itemTime :: forall a. Lens' (Item a) UTCTime
- itemThread :: forall a. Lens' (Item a) ThreadIdText
- itemSeverity :: forall a. Lens' (Item a) Severity
- itemProcess :: forall a. Lens' (Item a) ProcessID
- itemPayload :: forall a a. Lens (Item a) (Item a) a a
- itemNamespace :: forall a. Lens' (Item a) Namespace
- itemMessage :: forall a. Lens' (Item a) LogStr
- itemLoc :: forall a. Lens' (Item a) (Maybe Loc)
- itemHost :: forall a. Lens' (Item a) HostName
- itemEnv :: forall a. Lens' (Item a) Environment
- itemApp :: forall a. Lens' (Item a) Namespace
- newtype LocShow = LocShow Loc
- newtype LocJs = LocJs {}
- processIDToText :: ProcessID -> Text
- textToProcessID :: Text -> Maybe ProcessID
- newtype ProcessIDJs = ProcessIDJs {}
- data PayloadSelection
- class ToObject a where
- class ToObject a => LogItem a where
- payloadKeys :: Verbosity -> a -> PayloadSelection
- data AnyLogPayload = ToJSON a => AnyLogPayload a
- newtype SimpleLogPayload = SimpleLogPayload {
- unSimpleLogPayload :: [(Text, AnyLogPayload)]
- sl :: ToJSON a => Text -> a -> SimpleLogPayload
- payloadObject :: LogItem a => Verbosity -> a -> Object
- itemJson :: LogItem a => Verbosity -> Item a -> Value
- data Scribe = Scribe {}
- data ScribeHandle = ScribeHandle {}
- data WorkerMessage where
- NewItem :: LogItem a => Item a -> WorkerMessage
- PoisonPill :: WorkerMessage
- permitItem :: Severity -> Item a -> Bool
- data LogEnv = LogEnv {}
- logEnvTimer :: Lens' LogEnv (IO UTCTime)
- logEnvScribes :: Lens' LogEnv (Map Text ScribeHandle)
- logEnvPid :: Lens' LogEnv ProcessID
- logEnvHost :: Lens' LogEnv HostName
- logEnvEnv :: Lens' LogEnv Environment
- logEnvApp :: Lens' LogEnv Namespace
- initLogEnv :: Namespace -> Environment -> IO LogEnv
- registerScribe :: Text -> Scribe -> ScribeSettings -> LogEnv -> IO LogEnv
- spawnScribeWorker :: Scribe -> TBQueue WorkerMessage -> IO (Async ())
- data ScribeSettings = ScribeSettings {}
- scribeBufferSize :: Lens' ScribeSettings Int
- defaultScribeSettings :: ScribeSettings
- unregisterScribe :: Text -> LogEnv -> LogEnv
- clearScribes :: LogEnv -> LogEnv
- closeScribe :: Text -> LogEnv -> IO LogEnv
- closeScribes :: LogEnv -> IO LogEnv
- class MonadIO m => Katip m where
- getLogEnv :: m LogEnv
- localLogEnv :: (LogEnv -> LogEnv) -> m a -> m a
- newtype KatipT m a = KatipT {}
- runKatipT :: LogEnv -> KatipT m a -> m a
- katipNoLogging :: Katip m => m a -> m a
- logItem :: (Applicative m, LogItem a, Katip m) => a -> Namespace -> Maybe Loc -> Severity -> LogStr -> m ()
- tryWriteTBQueue :: TBQueue a -> a -> STM Bool
- logF :: (Applicative m, LogItem a, Katip m) => a -> Namespace -> Severity -> LogStr -> m ()
- logException :: (Katip m, LogItem a, MonadCatch m, Applicative m) => a -> Namespace -> Severity -> m b -> m b
- logMsg :: (Applicative m, Katip m) => Namespace -> Severity -> LogStr -> m ()
- liftLoc :: Loc -> Q Exp
- getLoc :: HasCallStack => Maybe Loc
- getLocTH :: ExpQ
- logT :: ExpQ
- logLoc :: (Applicative m, LogItem a, Katip m, HasCallStack) => a -> Namespace -> Severity -> LogStr -> m ()
- locationToString :: Loc -> String
Represents a heirarchy of namespaces going from general to specific. For instance: ["processname", "subsystem"]. Note that single-segment namespaces can be created using IsString/OverloadedStrings, so "foo" will result in Namespace ["foo"].
Namespace | |
Eq Namespace Source # | |
Ord Namespace Source # | |
Read Namespace Source # | |
Show Namespace Source # | |
IsString Namespace Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods fromString :: String -> Namespace # | |
Generic Namespace Source # | |
Semigroup Namespace Source # | |
Monoid Namespace Source # | |
Lift Namespace Source # | |
ToJSON Namespace Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core | |
FromJSON Namespace Source # | |
type Rep Namespace Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core |
intercalateNs :: Namespace -> [Text] Source #
Ready namespace for emission with dots to join the segments.
newtype Environment Source #
Application environment, like prod
, devel
, testing
Environment | |
Fields |
DebugS | Debug messages |
InfoS | Information |
NoticeS | Normal runtime Conditions |
WarningS | General Warnings |
ErrorS | General Errors |
CriticalS | Severe situations |
AlertS | Take immediate action |
EmergencyS | System is unusable |
Bounded Severity Source # | |
Enum Severity Source # | |
Eq Severity Source # | |
Ord Severity Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core | |
Read Severity Source # | |
Show Severity Source # | |
Generic Severity Source # | |
Lift Severity Source # | |
ToJSON Severity Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core | |
FromJSON Severity Source # | |
type Rep Severity Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core type Rep Severity = D1 (MetaData "Severity" "Katip.Core" "katip-" False) (((C1 (MetaCons "DebugS" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 (MetaCons "InfoS" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)) :+: (C1 (MetaCons "NoticeS" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 (MetaCons "WarningS" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type))) :+: ((C1 (MetaCons "ErrorS" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 (MetaCons "CriticalS" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)) :+: (C1 (MetaCons "AlertS" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 (MetaCons "EmergencyS" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)))) |
Verbosity controls the amount of information (columns) a Scribe
emits during logging.
The convention is:
- V0
implies no additional payload information is included in message.
- V3
implies the maximum amount of payload information.
- Anything in between is left to the discretion of the developer.
Enum Verbosity Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods succ :: Verbosity -> Verbosity # pred :: Verbosity -> Verbosity # fromEnum :: Verbosity -> Int # enumFrom :: Verbosity -> [Verbosity] # enumFromThen :: Verbosity -> Verbosity -> [Verbosity] # enumFromTo :: Verbosity -> Verbosity -> [Verbosity] # enumFromThenTo :: Verbosity -> Verbosity -> Verbosity -> [Verbosity] # | |
Eq Verbosity Source # | |
Ord Verbosity Source # | |
Read Verbosity Source # | |
Show Verbosity Source # | |
Generic Verbosity Source # | |
Lift Verbosity Source # | |
ToJSON Verbosity Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core | |
FromJSON Verbosity Source # | |
type Rep Verbosity Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core type Rep Verbosity = D1 (MetaData "Verbosity" "Katip.Core" "katip-" False) ((C1 (MetaCons "V0" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 (MetaCons "V1" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type)) :+: (C1 (MetaCons "V2" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type) :+: C1 (MetaCons "V3" PrefixI False) (U1 :: Type -> Type))) |
renderSeverity :: Severity -> Text Source #
Log message with Builder underneath; use <>
to concat in O(1).
newtype ThreadIdText Source #
ThreadIdText | |
Fields |
Eq ThreadIdText Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core | |
Ord ThreadIdText Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods compare :: ThreadIdText -> ThreadIdText -> Ordering # (<) :: ThreadIdText -> ThreadIdText -> Bool # (<=) :: ThreadIdText -> ThreadIdText -> Bool # (>) :: ThreadIdText -> ThreadIdText -> Bool # (>=) :: ThreadIdText -> ThreadIdText -> Bool # max :: ThreadIdText -> ThreadIdText -> ThreadIdText # min :: ThreadIdText -> ThreadIdText -> ThreadIdText # | |
Show ThreadIdText Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ThreadIdText -> ShowS # show :: ThreadIdText -> String # showList :: [ThreadIdText] -> ShowS # | |
ToJSON ThreadIdText Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods toJSON :: ThreadIdText -> Value # toEncoding :: ThreadIdText -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [ThreadIdText] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [ThreadIdText] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON ThreadIdText Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core |
This has everything each log message will contain.
Item | |
itemThread :: forall a. Lens' (Item a) ThreadIdText Source #
processIDToText :: ProcessID -> Text Source #
newtype ProcessIDJs Source #
ProcessIDJs | |
Fields |
ToJSON ProcessIDJs Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods toJSON :: ProcessIDJs -> Value # toEncoding :: ProcessIDJs -> Encoding # toJSONList :: [ProcessIDJs] -> Value # toEncodingList :: [ProcessIDJs] -> Encoding # | |
FromJSON ProcessIDJs Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core |
data PayloadSelection Source #
Field selector by verbosity within JSON payload.
Eq PayloadSelection Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods (==) :: PayloadSelection -> PayloadSelection -> Bool # (/=) :: PayloadSelection -> PayloadSelection -> Bool # | |
Show PayloadSelection Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods showsPrec :: Int -> PayloadSelection -> ShowS # show :: PayloadSelection -> String # showList :: [PayloadSelection] -> ShowS # | |
Semigroup PayloadSelection Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods (<>) :: PayloadSelection -> PayloadSelection -> PayloadSelection # sconcat :: NonEmpty PayloadSelection -> PayloadSelection # stimes :: Integral b => b -> PayloadSelection -> PayloadSelection # | |
Monoid PayloadSelection Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods mappend :: PayloadSelection -> PayloadSelection -> PayloadSelection # mconcat :: [PayloadSelection] -> PayloadSelection # |
class ToObject a where Source #
Katip requires JSON objects to be logged as context. This
typeclass provides a default instance which uses ToJSON and
produces an empty object if toJSON
results in any type other than
object. If you have a type you want to log that produces an Array
or Number for example, you'll want to write an explicit instance
here. You can trivially add a ToObject instance for something with
a ToJSON instance like:
instance ToObject Foo
Minimal complete definition
ToObject () Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core | |
ToObject Object Source # | |
ToObject SimpleLogPayload Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods toObject :: SimpleLogPayload -> Object Source # | |
ToObject LogContexts Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Monadic Methods toObject :: LogContexts -> Object Source # |
class ToObject a => LogItem a where Source #
Payload objects need instances of this class. LogItem makes it so
that you can have very verbose items getting logged with lots of
extra fields but under normal circumstances, if your scribe is
configured for a lower verbosity level, it will only log a
selection of those keys. Furthermore, each Scribe
can be
configured with a different Verbosity
level. You could even use
, unregisterScribe
, and clearScribes
to at
runtime swap out your existing scribes for more verbose debugging
scribes if you wanted to.
When defining payloadKeys
, don't redundantly declare the same
keys for higher levels of verbosity. Each level of verbosity
automatically and recursively contains all keys from the level
before it.
payloadKeys :: Verbosity -> a -> PayloadSelection Source #
List of keys in the JSON object that should be included in message.
LogItem () Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods payloadKeys :: Verbosity -> () -> PayloadSelection Source # | |
LogItem SimpleLogPayload Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods payloadKeys :: Verbosity -> SimpleLogPayload -> PayloadSelection Source # | |
LogItem LogContexts Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Monadic Methods payloadKeys :: Verbosity -> LogContexts -> PayloadSelection Source # |
data AnyLogPayload Source #
ToJSON a => AnyLogPayload a |
newtype SimpleLogPayload Source #
SimpleLogPayload | |
payloadObject :: LogItem a => Verbosity -> a -> Object Source #
Constrain payload based on verbosity. Backends should use this to automatically bubble higher verbosity levels to lower ones.
itemJson :: LogItem a => Verbosity -> Item a -> Value Source #
Convert log item to its JSON representation while trimming its payload based on the desired verbosity. Backends that push JSON messages should use this to obtain their payload.
Scribes are handlers of incoming items. Each registered scribe knows how to push a log item somewhere.
Guidelines for writing your own Scribe
Scribes should always take a Severity
and Verbosity
Severity is used to *exclude log messages* that are < the provided
Severity. For instance, if the user passes InfoS, DebugS items
should be ignored. Katip provides the permitItem
utility for this.
Verbosity is used to select keys from the log item's payload. Each
instance describes what keys should be retained for each
Verbosity level. Use the payloadObject
utility for extracting the keys
that should be permitted.
There is no built-in mechanism in katip for telling a scribe that
its time to shut down. unregisterScribe
merely drops it from the
. This means there are 2 ways to handle resources as a scribe:
- Pass in the resource when the scribe is created. Handle allocation and release of the resource elsewhere. This is what the Handle scribe does.
- Return a finalizing function that tells the scribe to shut
returns anIO (Scribe, IO ())
. The finalizer will flush any queued log messages and shut down gracefully before returning. This can be hooked into your application's shutdown routine to ensure you never miss any log messages on shutdown.
Scribe | |
data ScribeHandle Source #
ScribeHandle | |
data WorkerMessage where Source #
NewItem :: LogItem a => Item a -> WorkerMessage | |
PoisonPill :: WorkerMessage |
permitItem :: Severity -> Item a -> Bool Source #
Should this item be logged given the user's maximum severity?
LogEnv | |
:: Namespace | A base namespace for this application |
-> Environment | Current run environment (e.g. |
-> IO LogEnv |
Create a reasonable default InitLogEnv. Uses an AutoUdate
updates the timer every 1ms. If you need even more timestamp
precision at the cost of performance, consider setting
with getCurrentTime
Add a scribe to the list. All future log calls will go to this scribe in addition to the others.
spawnScribeWorker :: Scribe -> TBQueue WorkerMessage -> IO (Async ()) Source #
data ScribeSettings Source #
ScribeSettings | |
Fields |
Eq ScribeSettings Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods (==) :: ScribeSettings -> ScribeSettings -> Bool # (/=) :: ScribeSettings -> ScribeSettings -> Bool # | |
Show ScribeSettings Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Core Methods showsPrec :: Int -> ScribeSettings -> ShowS # show :: ScribeSettings -> String # showList :: [ScribeSettings] -> ShowS # |
defaultScribeSettings :: ScribeSettings Source #
Reasonable defaults for a scribe. Buffer size of 4096.
Remove a scribe from the environment. This does *not* finalize
the scribe. This mainly only makes sense to use with something like
MonadReader's local
function to temporarily disavow a single
logger for a block of code.
clearScribes :: LogEnv -> LogEnv Source #
Unregister *all* scribes. Note that this is *not* for closing or
finalizing scribes, use closeScribes
for that. This mainly only
makes sense to use with something like MonadReader's local
function to temporarily disavow any loggers for a block of code.
Finalize a scribe. The scribe is removed from the environment, its finalizer is called and it can never be written to again. Note that this will throw any exceptions yoru finalizer will throw, and that LogEnv is immutable, so it will not be removed in that case.
closeScribes :: LogEnv -> IO LogEnv Source #
Call this at the end of your program. This is a blocking call that stop writing to a scribe's queue, waits for the queue to empty, finalizes each scribe in the log environment and then removes it. Finalizers are all run even if one of them throws, but the exception will be re-thrown at the end.
class MonadIO m => Katip m where Source #
Monads where katip logging actions can be performed. Katip is the most basic logging monad. You will typically use this directly if you either don't want to use namespaces/contexts heavily or if you want to pass in specific contexts and/or namespaces at each log site.
For something more powerful, look at the docs for KatipContext
which keeps a namespace and merged context. You can write simple
functions that add additional namespacing and merges additional
context on the fly.
was added to allow for lexically-scoped modifications
of the log env that are reverted when the supplied monad
completes. katipNoLogging
, for example, uses this to temporarily
pause log outputs.
Katip m => Katip (MaybeT m) Source # | |
Katip m => Katip (ResourceT m) Source # | |
MonadIO m => Katip (KatipT m) Source # | |
MonadIO m => Katip (NoLoggingT m) Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Monadic Methods getLogEnv :: NoLoggingT m LogEnv Source # localLogEnv :: (LogEnv -> LogEnv) -> NoLoggingT m a -> NoLoggingT m a Source # | |
MonadIO m => Katip (KatipContextT m) Source # | |
Defined in Katip.Monadic Methods getLogEnv :: KatipContextT m LogEnv Source # localLogEnv :: (LogEnv -> LogEnv) -> KatipContextT m a -> KatipContextT m a Source # | |
Katip m => Katip (ExceptT s m) Source # | |
(Katip m, Monoid s) => Katip (WriterT s m) Source # | |
Katip m => Katip (StateT s m) Source # | |
Katip m => Katip (StateT s m) Source # | |
(Katip m, Monoid s) => Katip (WriterT s m) Source # | |
Katip m => Katip (ReaderT s m) Source # | |
(Katip m, Monoid w) => Katip (RWST r w s m) Source # | |
(Katip m, Monoid w) => Katip (RWST r w s m) Source # | |
A concrete monad you can use to run logging actions. Use this if
you prefer an explicit monad transformer stack and adding layers as
opposed to implementing Katip
for your monad.
katipNoLogging :: Katip m => m a -> m a Source #
Disable all scribes for the given monadic action, then restore them afterwards. Works in any Katip monad.
logItem :: (Applicative m, LogItem a, Katip m) => a -> Namespace -> Maybe Loc -> Severity -> LogStr -> m () Source #
Log with everything, including a source code location. This is
very low level and you typically can use logT
in its place.
:: (Applicative m, LogItem a, Katip m) | |
=> a | Contextual payload for the log |
-> Namespace | Specific namespace of the message. |
-> Severity | Severity of the message |
-> LogStr | The log message |
-> m () |
Log with full context, but without any code location.
:: (Katip m, LogItem a, MonadCatch m, Applicative m) | |
=> a | Log context |
-> Namespace | Namespace |
-> Severity | Severity |
-> m b | Main action being run |
-> m b |
Perform an action while logging any exceptions that may occur.
Inspired by onException
> logException () mempty ErrorS (error "foo")
logMsg :: (Applicative m, Katip m) => Namespace -> Severity -> LogStr -> m () Source #
Log a message without any payload/context or code location.
getLoc :: HasCallStack => Maybe Loc Source #
For use when you want to include location in your logs. This will
fill the 'Maybe Loc' gap in logF
of this module, and relies on implicit
callstacks when available (GHC > 7.8).
-tagged logging when using template-haskell.
$(logT) obj mempty InfoS "Hello world"
logLoc :: (Applicative m, LogItem a, Katip m, HasCallStack) => a -> Namespace -> Severity -> LogStr -> m () Source #
-tagged logging using Stack
when available.
This function does not require template-haskell as it
automatically uses implicit-callstacks
when the code is compiled using GHC > 7.8. Using an older version of the
compiler will result in the emission of a log line without any location information,
so be aware of it. Users using GHC <= 7.8 may want to use the template-haskell function
for maximum compatibility.
logLoc obj mempty InfoS "Hello world"
locationToString :: Loc -> String Source #