{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Language.JVM.Attribute.StackMapTable
( StackMapTable (..)
, DeltaOffset
, StackMapFrame (..)
, StackMapFrameType (..)
, emptyStackMapTable
, VerificationTypeInfo (..)
, offsetDelta
, offsetDeltaInv
) where
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Get hiding (label)
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Foldable
import Numeric
import Unsafe.Coerce
import Language.JVM.Attribute.Base
import Language.JVM.ByteCode
import Language.JVM.Constant
import Language.JVM.Staged
import Language.JVM.Type
import Language.JVM.Utils
instance IsAttribute (StackMapTable Low) where
attrName = Const "StackMapTable"
newtype StackMapTable r = StackMapTable
{ stackMapTable :: Choice (SizedList16 (StackMapFrame Low)) [StackMapFrame High] r
emptyStackMapTable :: StackMapTable High
emptyStackMapTable = StackMapTable []
type DeltaOffset i = Choice Word16 Int i
data StackMapFrame r = StackMapFrame
{ deltaOffset :: DeltaOffset r
, frameType :: StackMapFrameType r
data StackMapFrameType r
= SameFrame
| SameLocals1StackItemFrame (VerificationTypeInfo r)
| ChopFrame Word8
| AppendFrame [VerificationTypeInfo r]
| FullFrame
(SizedList16 (VerificationTypeInfo r))
(SizedList16 (VerificationTypeInfo r))
instance Binary (StackMapFrame Low) where
get = do
ft <- getWord8
| 0 <= ft && ft <= 63
= return $ StackMapFrame (fromIntegral ft) SameFrame
| 64 <= ft && ft <= 127
= StackMapFrame (fromIntegral $ ft - 64) . SameLocals1StackItemFrame <$> get
| 128 <= ft && ft <= 246
= fail $ "Reserved for further use: '0x" ++ showHex ft "'"
| ft == 247
= StackMapFrame <$> getWord16be <*> (SameLocals1StackItemFrame <$> get)
| 248 <= ft && ft <= 250
= StackMapFrame <$> getWord16be <*> pure (ChopFrame (251 - ft))
| ft == 251
= StackMapFrame <$> getWord16be <*> pure SameFrame
| 252 <= ft && ft <= 254
= do
offset' <- getWord16be
locals <- replicateM (fromIntegral $ ft - 251) get
return $ StackMapFrame offset' (AppendFrame locals)
| ft == 255
= StackMapFrame <$> getWord16be <*> (FullFrame <$> get <*> get)
| otherwise
= fail $ "Unknown frame type '0x" ++ showHex ft "'"
put (StackMapFrame off frame) =
case frame of
| off <= 63 ->
putWord8 (fromIntegral off)
| otherwise -> do
putWord8 251
putWord16be off
SameLocals1StackItemFrame vt
| off <= 63 -> do
putWord8 $ fromIntegral (64 + off)
put vt
| otherwise -> do
putWord8 247
putWord16be off
put vt
ChopFrame w
| 0 < w && w <= 3 -> do
putWord8 (251 - w)
putWord16be off
| otherwise ->
fail $ "Can't write a cutoff value outside ]0,3], but was: " ++ show w
AppendFrame vs
| length vs <= 3 && 0 < length vs -> do
putWord8 (fromIntegral $ 251 + length vs)
putWord16be off
mapM_ put vs
| otherwise ->
fail $ "The AppendFrame has to contain at least 1 and at most 3 elements: " ++ show vs
FullFrame ls1 ls2 -> do
putWord8 255
putWord16be off
put ls1
put ls2
data VerificationTypeInfo r
= VTTop
| VTInteger
| VTFloat
| VTLong
| VTDouble
| VTNull
| VTUninitializedThis
| VTObject !(Ref JRefType r)
| VTUninitialized !(ByteCodeRef r)
instance Binary (VerificationTypeInfo Low) where
get = getWord8 >>= \case
0 -> pure VTTop
1 -> pure VTInteger
2 -> pure VTFloat
3 -> pure VTLong
4 -> pure VTDouble
5 -> pure VTNull
6 -> pure VTUninitializedThis
7 -> VTObject <$> get
8 -> VTUninitialized <$> get
tag -> fail $ "Unexpected tag : '0x" ++ showHex tag "'"
put = \case
VTTop -> putWord8 0
VTInteger -> putWord8 1
VTFloat -> putWord8 2
VTLong -> putWord8 3
VTDouble -> putWord8 4
VTNull -> putWord8 5
VTUninitializedThis -> putWord8 6
VTObject s -> do putWord8 7; put s
VTUninitialized s -> do putWord8 8; put s
instance ByteCodeStaged StackMapTable where
evolveBC f (StackMapTable ls) =
label "StackMapTable" $
StackMapTable . reverse . snd <$> foldl' acc (return (0, [])) ls
acc a (StackMapFrame delta frm) = do
(lidx, lst) <- a
frm' <- evolveBC f frm
let bco = if lst /= [] then offsetDelta lidx delta else delta
x <- f bco
return (bco, StackMapFrame x frm' : lst)
devolveBC f (StackMapTable ls) =
label "StackMapTable" $
StackMapTable . SizedList . reverse . snd <$> foldl' acc (return (0 :: Word16, [])) ls
acc a (StackMapFrame x frm) = do
(lidx, lst) <- a
frm' <- devolveBC f frm
tidx <- f x
let delta = if lst /= [] then offsetDeltaInv lidx tidx else tidx
return (tidx, StackMapFrame delta frm' : lst)
offsetDelta ::
-> Word16
-> Word16
offsetDelta lidx delta
= lidx + delta + 1
offsetDeltaInv ::
-> Word16
-> Word16
offsetDeltaInv lidx tidx
= tidx - lidx - 1
instance ByteCodeStaged StackMapFrameType where
evolveBC f x =
case x of
SameLocals1StackItemFrame a ->
SameLocals1StackItemFrame <$> evolveBC f a
AppendFrame ls ->
AppendFrame <$> mapM (evolveBC f) ls
FullFrame bs as ->
FullFrame <$> mapM (evolveBC f) bs <*> mapM (evolveBC f) as
a ->
return $ unsafeCoerce a
devolveBC f x =
case x of
SameLocals1StackItemFrame a ->
SameLocals1StackItemFrame <$> devolveBC f a
AppendFrame ls ->
AppendFrame <$> mapM (devolveBC f) ls
FullFrame bs as ->
FullFrame <$> mapM (devolveBC f) bs <*> mapM (devolveBC f) as
a ->
return $ unsafeCoerce a
instance ByteCodeStaged VerificationTypeInfo where
devolveBC f x =
case x of
VTObject a -> VTObject <$> unlink a
VTUninitialized r -> VTUninitialized <$> f r
a -> return $ unsafeCoerce a
evolveBC f x =
case x of
VTObject a -> VTObject <$> link a
VTUninitialized r -> VTUninitialized <$> f r
a -> return $ unsafeCoerce a
$(deriveBaseWithBinary ''StackMapTable)
$(deriveBase ''StackMapFrame)
$(deriveBase ''StackMapFrameType)
$(deriveBase ''VerificationTypeInfo)