-- Components ("boxes") which can be put together to make tools.
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, CPP #-}
module Jukebox.Toolbox where

import Jukebox.Options
import Jukebox.Form
import Jukebox.Name
import Jukebox.TPTP.Print
import Control.Monad
import Jukebox.TPTP.Parse
import Jukebox.Tools.Clausify hiding (run)
import Jukebox.Tools.AnalyseMonotonicity hiding (guards)
import Jukebox.Tools.EncodeTypes
import Jukebox.Tools.GuessModel
import Jukebox.Tools.InferTypes
import Jukebox.Tools.HornToUnit
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Jukebox.TPTP.FindFile
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Jukebox.SMTLIB as SMT
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Control.Applicative
import Data.IORef
import Data.Set(Set)

-- Some standard flags.

data GlobalFlags =
  GlobalFlags {
    quiet :: Bool }
  deriving Show

globalFlags :: OptionParser GlobalFlags
globalFlags =
  inGroup "Output options" $
  GlobalFlags <$>
    -- Use flag rather than bool to avoid getting a --no-quiet option in the
    -- help message
    flag "quiet"
      ["Only print essential information."]
      False (pure True)

data TSTPFlags =
  TSTPFlags {
    tstp :: Bool }
  deriving Show

tstpFlags :: OptionParser TSTPFlags
tstpFlags =
  inGroup "Output options" $
  TSTPFlags <$>
    bool "tstp"
      ["Produce TSTP-compatible output (off by default)."]

-- Printing output messages.

-- Print a message as a TPTP comment.
comment :: String -> IO ()
comment msg = mapM_ putStrLn ["% " ++ line | line <- lines msg]

-- Do something only when output is enabled.
quietly :: GlobalFlags -> IO () -> IO ()
quietly globals action = unless (quiet globals) action

-- Indent a piece of text.
indent :: String -> String
indent msg =
  unlines ["  " ++ line | line <- lines msg]

-- Combinators for boxes.

-- Boxes typically have the type OptionParser (a -> IO b).
-- The following two combinators chain boxes together.
(=>>=) :: OptionParser (a -> IO b) -> OptionParser (b -> IO c) -> OptionParser (a -> IO c)
f =>>= g = (>=>) <$> f <*> g
infixl 1 =>>= -- same fixity as >=>

(=>>) :: OptionParser (IO a) -> OptionParser (IO b) -> OptionParser (IO b)
x =>> y = (>>) <$> x <*> y
infixl 1 =>> -- same fixity as >>

-- Process all files that were passed in on the command line.

forAllFilesBox :: OptionParser ((FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO ())
forAllFilesBox = forAllFiles <$> filenames

forAllFiles :: [FilePath] -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO ()
forAllFiles [] _ = do
  hPutStrLn stderr "No input files specified! Try --help."
  hPutStrLn stderr "You can use \"-\" to read from standard input."
  exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
forAllFiles xs f = mapM_ f xs

-- Read in a single problem.

readProblemBox :: OptionParser (FilePath -> IO (Problem Form))
readProblemBox = readProblem <$> findFileFlags

readProblem :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Problem Form)
readProblem dirs f = do
  r <- parseProblem dirs f
  case r of
    Left err -> do
      hPutStrLn stderr err
      exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
    Right x -> return x

-- Write output to a file.

printProblemBox :: OptionParser (Problem Form -> IO ())
printProblemBox = prettyPrintIO showProblem <$> writeFileBox

printProblemSMTBox :: OptionParser (Problem Form -> IO ())
printProblemSMTBox = prettyPrintIO SMT.showProblem <$> writeFileBox

printClausesBox :: OptionParser (Problem Clause -> IO ())
printClausesBox = prettyPrintIO showClauses <$> writeFileBox

prettyPrintIO :: (a -> String) -> (String -> IO ()) -> a -> IO ()
prettyPrintIO shw write prob = do
  write (shw prob ++ "\n")

writeFileBox :: OptionParser (String -> IO ())
writeFileBox =
  inGroup "Output options" $
  flag "output"
    ["Where to write the output file (stdout by default)."]
    (fmap myWriteFile argFile)
  where myWriteFile "/dev/null" _ = return ()
        myWriteFile "-" contents = putStr contents
        myWriteFile file contents = writeFile file contents

-- Clausify a problem.

clausifyBox :: OptionParser (Problem Form -> IO CNF)
clausifyBox =
  (\flags prob -> return $! clausify flags prob) <$> clausifyFlags

-- Make sure that the problem only has one conjecture.

oneConjectureBox :: OptionParser (CNF -> IO (Problem Clause))
oneConjectureBox = oneConjecture <$> flags
    flags =
      inGroup "Input and clausifier options" $
      flag "conjecture"
        ["If the problem has multiple conjectures, take only this one.",
         "Conjectures are numbered from 1."]
        Nothing (Just <$> argNum)

oneConjecture :: Maybe Int -> CNF -> IO (Problem Clause)
oneConjecture conj cnf =
  run cnf $ \(CNF axioms obligs _ _) ->
    case conj of
      Just n ->
        if n <= length obligs then choose axioms (obligs !! (n-1))
        else err ["Conjecture number out of bounds:",
                  "problem after clausification has " ++ show (length obligs) ++ " conjectures"]
      Nothing ->
        case obligs of
          [cs] -> choose axioms cs
          _ ->
            err ["Can't handle more than one conjecture in input problem!",
                 "This problem has " ++ show (length obligs) ++ " conjectures.",
                 "Try using the --conjecture flag."]
    err msgs = return $ do
      mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) msgs
      exitWith (ExitFailure 1)

    choose axioms cs = return (return (axioms ++ cs))

-- Turn a set of clauses back into formulas.

toFormulasBox :: OptionParser (Problem Clause -> IO (Problem Form))
toFormulasBox = pure $ \prob -> return (map (fmap toForm) prob)

-- Solve all conjectures in a problem and report the final SZS status.

-- A solver is given a problem in CNF and should return an answer.
-- It is also given a function of type IO () -> IO ().
-- Wrapping an action in this function delays the action until after
-- the answer is printed; this can be useful for e.g. printing a proof
-- when the prover might be running under a timeout.
type Solver = (IO () -> IO ()) -> Problem Clause -> IO Answer

forAllConjecturesBox :: OptionParser (Solver -> CNF -> IO ())
forAllConjecturesBox = forAllConjectures <$> tstpFlags

forAllConjectures :: TSTPFlags -> Solver -> CNF -> IO ()
forAllConjectures (TSTPFlags tstp) solve CNF{..} = do
  todo <- newIORef (return ())
  loop 1 todo conjectures Nothing
  -- XXX fix this to properly combine refutations from parts
  where loop _ todo [] mref =
          result todo (unsatisfiable mref)
        loop i todo (c:cs) _ = do
          when multi $ do
            join (readIORef todo)
            writeIORef todo (return ())
          answer <- solve (\x -> modifyIORef todo (>> x)) (axioms ++ c)
          when multi $ do
            putStrLn $ "Partial result (" ++ part i ++ "): " ++ show answer
            putStrLn ""
          case answer of
            Sat _ mmodel -> result todo (satisfiable mmodel)
            Unsat _ mref -> loop (i+1) todo cs mref
            NoAnswer x -> result todo (NoAnswer x)
        multi = length conjectures > 1
        part i = show i ++ "/" ++ show (length conjectures)
        result todo x = do
          when tstp $ do
            mapM_ putStrLn (answerSZS x)
            putStrLn ""
          join (readIORef todo)
          putStrLn ("RESULT: " ++ show x ++ " (" ++ explainAnswer x ++ ").")

-- Convert a problem from TFF to FOF.

toFofBox :: OptionParser (Problem Form -> IO (Problem Form))
toFofBox = toFof <$> clausifyBox <*> schemeBox

toFof :: (Problem Form -> IO CNF) -> Scheme -> Problem Form -> IO (Problem Form)
toFof clausify scheme f = do
  CNF{..} <- clausify f
  -- In some cases we might get better results by considering each
  -- problem (axioms + conjecture) separately, but no big deal.
  m <- monotone (map what (axioms ++ concat conjectures))
  let isMonotone ty =
        case Map.lookup ty m of
          Just Nothing -> False
          Just (Just _) -> True
          Nothing  -> True -- can happen if clausifier removed all clauses about a type
  return (translate scheme isMonotone f)

schemeBox :: OptionParser Scheme
schemeBox =
  inGroup "Options for encoding types" $
  flag "encoding"
    ["Which type encoding to use (guards by default)."]
    (const guards)
      [("guards", const guards),
       ("tags", tags)])
  <*> tagsFlags

-- Analyse monotonicity.

analyseMonotonicityBox :: OptionParser (Problem Clause -> IO (Set Type))
analyseMonotonicityBox = pure analyseMonotonicity

showMonotonicityBox :: OptionParser (Problem Clause -> IO String)
showMonotonicityBox =
  pure $ \cs -> do
    m <- monotone (map what cs)
    let info (ty, Nothing) = [base ty ++ ": not monotone"]
        info (ty, Just m) =
          [prettyShow ty ++ ": monotone"] ++
          [ case ext of
               CopyExtend -> []
               TrueExtend -> ["  " ++ base p ++ " true-extended"]
               FalseExtend -> ["  " ++ base p ++ " false-extended"]
          | (p, ext) <- Map.toList m ]

    return (unlines (concat (map info (Map.toList m))))

-- Guess an infinite model.

guessModelBox :: OptionParser (Problem Form -> IO (Problem Form))
guessModelBox =
  inGroup "Options for the model guesser:" $
  (\expansive univ prob -> return (guessModel expansive univ prob))
    <$> expansive <*> universe
  where universe = flag "universe"
                   ["Which universe to find the model in (peano by default)."]
                   (argOption [("peano", Peano), ("trees", Trees)])
        expansive = manyFlags "expansive"
                    ["Allow a function to construct 'new' terms in its base case."]
                    (arg "<function>" "expected a function name" Just)

-- Infer types.

inferBox :: OptionParser (Problem Clause -> IO (Problem Clause, Type -> Type))
inferBox = pure (\prob -> return (run prob inferTypes))

printInferredBox :: OptionParser ((Problem Clause, Type -> Type) -> IO (Problem Clause))
printInferredBox = pure $ \(prob, rep) -> do
  forM_ (types prob) $ \ty ->
    putStrLn $ show ty ++ " => " ++ show (rep ty)
  return prob

-- Translate Horn problems to unit equality.

hornToUnitBox :: OptionParser (Problem Clause -> IO (Either Answer (Problem Clause)))
hornToUnitBox = hornToUnitIO <$> hornFlags

hornToUnitIO :: HornFlags -> Problem Clause -> IO (Either Answer (Problem Clause))
hornToUnitIO flags prob = do
  res <- hornToUnit flags prob
  case res of
    Left clause -> do
      mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) [
        "Expected a Horn problem, but the input file contained",
        "the following non-Horn clause:",
        indent (show (pPrintClauses [clause])) ]
      exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
    Right prob -> return prob