json-rpc-client- JSON-RPC 2.0 on the client side.

Safe HaskellNone




Functions for implementing the client side of JSON-RPC 2.0. See http://www.jsonrpc.org/specification.




The demo folder contains a client and server that communicate using a shared set of Signatures. The client runs the server as a subprocess, sending requests to stdin and receiving responses from stdout. Compile both programs with the demo flag. Then run the client by passing it a command to run the server (e.g., demo-client demo-server).


type Connection m = ByteString -> m (Maybe ByteString) Source

Function used to send requests to the server. Nothing represents no response, as when a JSON-RPC server receives only notifications.

type RpcResult m r = ExceptT RpcError m r

Return type of a method. A method call can either fail with an RpcError or succeed with a result of type r.


data Signature ps r Source

Signature specifying the name, parameter names and types (ps), and return type (r) of a method.


Signature Text ps 


Show ps => Show (Signature ps r) Source 

data p ::: ps infixr 9 Source

A node in a linked list specifying parameter names and types. It is right associative.


Text ::: ps infixr 9 


Show ps => Show ((:::) p ps) Source 
(ClientFunction ps r f, ToJSON a) => ClientFunction ((:::) a ps) r (a -> f) Source 
ConvertParams ps1 ps2 => ConvertParams ((:::) p ps1) ((:+:) p ps2) Source 

Single Requests

toFunction Source


:: (Monad m, ClientFunction ps r f, ComposeMultiParam (Batch r -> RpcResult m r) f g) 
=> Connection m

Function for sending requests to the server.

-> Signature ps r

Method signature.

-> g

Client-side function with a return type of RpcResult m r.

Creates a function for calling a JSON-RPC method on the server.

toFunction_ Source


:: (Monad m, ClientFunction ps r f, ComposeMultiParam (Batch r -> RpcResult m ()) f g) 
=> Connection m

Function for sending requests to the server.

-> Signature ps r

Method signature.

-> g

Client-side function with a return type of RpcResult m ().

Creates a function for calling a JSON-RPC method on the server as a notification.

Batch Requests

data Batch r Source

A batch call. Batch multiple requests by combining values of this type using its Applicative and Alternative instances before running them with runBatch.

toBatchFunction Source


:: ClientFunction ps r f 
=> Signature ps r

Method signature.

-> f

Client-side function with a return type of Batch r.

Creates a function for calling a JSON-RPC method as part of a batch request.

toBatchFunction_ Source


:: (ClientFunction ps r f, ComposeMultiParam (Batch r -> Batch ()) f g) 
=> Signature ps r

Method signature.

-> g

Client-side function with a return type of Batch ().

Creates a function for calling a JSON-RPC method as a notification and as part of a batch request.

voidBatch :: Batch r -> Batch () Source

Converts all requests in a batch to notifications.

runBatch Source


:: Monad m 
=> Connection m

Function for sending requests to the server.

-> Batch r

Batch to be evaluated.

-> RpcResult m r


Evaluates a batch. The process depends on its size:

  1. If the batch is empty, the server function is not called.
  2. If the batch has exactly one request, it is sent as a request object.
  3. If the batch has multiple requests, they are sent as an array of request objects.


RpcError is used for all server-side errors, as described in the specification. Additionally, the error code -31999 is used for any errors that occur while parsing the server's response.

data RpcError :: *

JSON-RPC error.




errCode :: Int
errMsg :: Text
errData :: Maybe Value

clientCode :: Int Source

Code used for all client-side errors. It is -31999.

Type Classes

class ClientFunction ps r f | ps r -> f, f -> ps r Source

Relationship between the parameters (ps), return type (r), and client-side batch function (f) of a JSON-RPC method.


FromJSON r => ClientFunction () r (Batch r) Source 
(ClientFunction ps r f, ToJSON a) => ClientFunction ((:::) a ps) r (a -> f) Source 

class ComposeMultiParam f g h | f g -> h, g h -> f Source

Relationship between a function (g) taking any number of arguments and yielding a Batch a, a function (f) taking a Batch a, and the function (h) that applies g to all of its arguments and then applies f to the result.


ComposeMultiParam f g h => ComposeMultiParam f (a -> g) (a -> h) Source 
ComposeMultiParam (Batch a -> b) (Batch a) b Source