{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGuaGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGuaGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGuaGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Data.Aeson.AutoType.CodeGen.HaskellFormat(
displaySplitTypes, normalizeTypeName
) where
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Control.Lens.TH
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Control.Exception(assert)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Set (Set )
import Data.List (foldl1')
import Data.Char (isAlpha, isDigit)
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Control.Monad.State.Strict(State, runState)
import qualified Data.Graph as Graph
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Aeson.AutoType.Type
import Data.Aeson.AutoType.Extract
import Data.Aeson.AutoType.Format
import Data.Aeson.AutoType.Split (toposort)
import Data.Aeson.AutoType.Util ()
trace _ x = x
fst3 :: (t, t1, t2) -> t
fst3 (a, _b, _c) = a
data DeclState = DeclState { _decls :: [Text]
, _counter :: Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Generic)
makeLenses ''DeclState
type DeclM = State DeclState
type Map k v = Map.HashMap k v
stepM :: DeclM Int
stepM = counter %%= (\i -> (i, i+1))
tShow :: (Show a) => a -> Text
tShow = Text.pack . show
wrapAlias :: Text -> Text -> Text
wrapAlias identifier contents = Text.unwords ["type", identifier, "=", contents]
wrapDecl :: Text -> Text -> Text
wrapDecl identifier contents = Text.unlines [header, contents, " } deriving (Show,Eq,GHC.Generics.Generic)"]
header = Text.concat ["data ", identifier, " = ", identifier, " { "]
type MappedKey = (Text, Text, Text, Bool)
makeFromJSON :: Text -> [MappedKey] -> Text
makeFromJSON identifier contents =
Text.unlines [
Text.unwords ["instance FromJSON", identifier, "where"]
, Text.unwords [" parseJSON (Object v) =", makeParser identifier contents]
, " parseJSON _ = mzero" ]
makeParser identifier [] = Text.unwords ["return ", identifier]
makeParser identifier _ = Text.unwords [identifier, "<$>", inner]
inner = " <*> " `Text.intercalate`
map takeValue contents
takeValue (jsonId, _, ty, True ) = Text.concat ["v .:? \"", jsonId, "\""]
takeValue (jsonId, _, _ , False) = Text.concat ["v .: \"", jsonId, "\""]
makeToJSON :: Text -> [MappedKey] -> Text
makeToJSON identifier contents =
Text.unlines [
Text.concat ["instance ToJSON ", identifier, " where"]
, Text.concat [" toJSON (", identifier, " {", wildcard, "}) = object [", inner ", ", "]"]
, maybeToEncoding
maybeToEncoding | null contents = ""
| otherwise =
Text.concat [" toEncoding (", identifier, " {", wildcard, "}) = pairs (", inner "<>", ")"]
wildcard | null contents = ""
| otherwise = ".."
inner separator = separator `Text.intercalate`
map putValue contents
putValue (jsonId, haskellId, _typeText, _nullable) = Text.unwords [escapeText jsonId, ".=", haskellId]
escapeText = Text.pack . show . Text.unpack
genericIdentifier :: DeclM Text
genericIdentifier = do
i <- stepM
return $! "Obj" `Text.append` tShow i
newDecl :: Text -> [(Text, Type)] -> DeclM Text
newDecl identifier kvs = do attrs <- forM kvs $ \(k, v) -> do
formatted <- formatType v
return (k, normalizeFieldName identifier k, formatted, isNullable v)
let decl = Text.unlines [wrapDecl identifier $ fieldDecls attrs
,makeFromJSON identifier attrs
,makeToJSON identifier attrs]
addDecl decl
return identifier
fieldDecls attrList = Text.intercalate ",\n" $ map fieldDecl attrList
fieldDecl :: (Text, Text, Text, Bool) -> Text
fieldDecl (_jsonName, haskellName, fType, _nullable) = Text.concat [
" ", haskellName, " :: ", fType]
addDecl decl = decls %%= (\ds -> ((), decl:ds))
newAlias :: Text -> Type -> DeclM Text
newAlias identifier content = do formatted <- formatType content
addDecl $ Text.unlines [wrapAlias identifier formatted]
return identifier
normalizeFieldName :: Text -> Text -> Text
normalizeFieldName identifier = escapeKeywords .
uncapitalize .
(normalizeTypeName identifier `Text.append`) .
keywords :: Set Text
keywords = Set.fromList ["type", "data", "module", "class", "where", "let", "do"]
escapeKeywords :: Text -> Text
escapeKeywords k | k `Set.member` keywords = k `Text.append` "_"
escapeKeywords k = k
formatType :: Type -> DeclM Text
formatType TString = return "Text"
formatType TInt = return "Int"
formatType TDouble = return "Double"
formatType TBool = return "Bool"
formatType (TLabel l) = return $ normalizeTypeName l
formatType (TUnion u) = wrap <$> case length nonNull of
0 -> return emptyTypeRepr
1 -> formatType $ head nonNull
_ -> Text.intercalate ":|:" <$> mapM formatType nonNull
nonNull = Set.toList $ Set.filter (TNull /=) u
wrap :: Text -> Text
wrap inner | TNull `Set.member` u = Text.concat ["(Maybe (", inner, "))"]
| otherwise = inner
formatType (TArray a) = do inner <- formatType a
return $ Text.concat ["[", inner, "]"]
formatType (TObj o) = do ident <- genericIdentifier
newDecl ident d
d = Map.toList $ unDict o
formatType e | e `Set.member` emptySetLikes = return emptyTypeRepr
formatType t = return $ "ERROR: Don't know how to handle: " `Text.append` tShow t
emptyTypeRepr :: Text
emptyTypeRepr = "(Maybe Value)"
runDecl :: DeclM a -> Text
runDecl decl = Text.unlines $ finalState ^. decls
initialState = DeclState [] 1
(_, finalState) = runState decl initialState
type TypeTree = Map Text [Type]
type TypeTreeM a = State TypeTree a
addType :: Text -> Type -> TypeTreeM ()
addType label typ = modify $ Map.insertWith (++) label [typ]
splitTypeByLabel' :: Text -> Type -> TypeTreeM Type
splitTypeByLabel' _ TString = return TString
splitTypeByLabel' _ TInt = return TInt
splitTypeByLabel' _ TDouble = return TDouble
splitTypeByLabel' _ TBool = return TBool
splitTypeByLabel' _ TNull = return TNull
splitTypeByLabel' _ (TLabel r) = assert False $ return $ TLabel r
splitTypeByLabel' l (TUnion u) = do m <- mapM (splitTypeByLabel' l) $ Set.toList u
return $! TUnion $! Set.fromList m
splitTypeByLabel' l (TArray a) = do m <- splitTypeByLabel' (l `Text.append` "Elt") a
return $! TArray m
splitTypeByLabel' l (TObj o) = do kvs <- forM (Map.toList $ unDict o) $ \(k, v) -> do
component <- splitTypeByLabel' k v
return (k, component)
addType l (TObj $ Dict $ Map.fromList kvs)
return $! TLabel l
splitTypeByLabel :: Text -> Type -> Map Text Type
splitTypeByLabel topLabel t = Map.map (foldl1' unifyTypes) finalState
finalize (TLabel l) = assert (l == topLabel) $ return ()
finalize topLevel = addType topLabel topLevel
initialState = Map.empty
(_, finalState) = runState (splitTypeByLabel' topLabel t >>= finalize) initialState
formatObjectType :: Text -> Type -> DeclM Text
formatObjectType identifier (TObj o) = newDecl identifier d
d = Map.toList $ unDict o
formatObjectType identifier other = newAlias identifier other
displaySplitTypes :: Map Text Type -> Text
displaySplitTypes dict = trace ("displaySplitTypes: " ++ show (toposort dict)) $ runDecl declarations
declarations =
forM (toposort dict) $ \(name, typ) ->
formatObjectType (normalizeTypeName name) typ
normalizeTypeName :: Text -> Text
normalizeTypeName = ifEmpty "JsonEmptyKey" .
escapeKeywords .
escapeFirstNonAlpha .
Text.concat .
map capitalize .
filter (not . Text.null) .
Text.split (not . acceptableInVariable)
ifEmpty x "" = x
ifEmpty _ nonEmpty = nonEmpty
acceptableInVariable c = isAlpha c || isDigit c
escapeFirstNonAlpha cs | Text.null cs = cs
escapeFirstNonAlpha cs@(Text.head -> c) | isAlpha c = cs
escapeFirstNonAlpha cs = "_" `Text.append` cs
allLabels :: Type -> [Text]
allLabels = flip go []
go (TLabel l) ls = l:ls
go (TArray t) ls = go t ls
go (TUnion u) ls = Set.foldr go ls u
go (TObj o) ls = Map.foldr go ls $ unDict o
go _other ls = ls