-- Copyright (C) 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017  Fraser Tweedale
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
--      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}


A JSON Web Key (JWK) is a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data
structure that represents a cryptographic key.  This module also
defines a JSON Web Key Set (JWK Set) JSON data structure for
representing a set of JWKs.

-- Generate RSA JWK and set "kid" param to
-- base64url-encoded SHA-256 thumbprint of key.
doGen :: IO JWK
doGen = do
  jwk <- 'genJWK' (RSAGenParam (4096 \`div` 8))
    h = view 'thumbprint' jwk :: Digest SHA256
    kid = view (re ('base64url' . 'digest') . utf8) h
  pure $ set 'jwkKid' (Just kid) jwk

module Crypto.JOSE.JWK
  -- * JWK generation
  , KeyMaterialGenParam(..)
  , Crv(..)
  , OKPCrv(..)
  , JWK
  , AsPublicKey(..)

  -- * Parts of a JWK
  , jwkMaterial
  , jwkUse
  , KeyUse(..)
  , jwkKeyOps
  , KeyOp(..)
  , jwkAlg
  , JWKAlg(..)
  , jwkKid
  , jwkX5u
  , jwkX5c
  , jwkX5t
  , jwkX5tS256

  -- * Converting from other key formats
  , fromKeyMaterial
  , fromRSA
  , fromOctets

#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(0,10,0)
  -- * JWK Thumbprint
  , thumbprint
  , digest
  , Types.base64url
  , module Crypto.Hash

  -- * JWK Set
  , JWKSet(..)

  -- Miscellaneous
  , bestJWSAlg

  , module Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWK
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Word (Word8)

import Control.Lens hiding ((.=))
import Control.Lens.Cons.Extras (recons)
import Control.Monad.Except (MonadError(throwError))
import Crypto.Hash
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA as RSA
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import Data.List.NonEmpty
import qualified Data.Text as T

import Test.QuickCheck

import Crypto.JOSE.Error
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWE.Alg as JWA.JWE
import Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWK
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWS as JWA.JWS
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.TH
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types as Types
import qualified Crypto.JOSE.Types.Internal as Types

-- | RFC 7517 §4.4.  "alg" (Algorithm) Parameter
-- See also RFC 7518 §6.4. which states that for "oct" keys, an
-- "alg" member SHOULD be present to identify the algorithm intended
-- to be used with the key, unless the application uses another
-- means or convention to determine the algorithm used.
data JWKAlg = JWSAlg JWA.JWS.Alg | JWEAlg JWA.JWE.Alg
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance FromJSON JWKAlg where
  parseJSON v = (JWSAlg <$> parseJSON v) <|> (JWEAlg <$> parseJSON v)

instance ToJSON JWKAlg where
  toJSON (JWSAlg alg) = toJSON alg
  toJSON (JWEAlg alg) = toJSON alg

-- | RFC 7517 §4.3.  "key_ops" (Key Operations) Parameter
$(Crypto.JOSE.TH.deriveJOSEType "KeyOp"
  [ "sign", "verify", "encrypt", "decrypt"
  , "wrapKey", "unwrapKey", "deriveKey", "deriveBits"

-- | RFC 7517 §4.2.  "use" (Public Key Use) Parameter
$(Crypto.JOSE.TH.deriveJOSEType "KeyUse" ["sig", "enc"])

-- | RFC 7517 §4.  JSON Web Key (JWK) Format
data JWK = JWK
    _jwkMaterial :: Crypto.JOSE.JWA.JWK.KeyMaterial
  , _jwkUse :: Maybe KeyUse
  , _jwkKeyOps :: Maybe [KeyOp]
  , _jwkAlg :: Maybe JWKAlg
  , _jwkKid :: Maybe T.Text
  , _jwkX5u :: Maybe Types.URI
  , _jwkX5c :: Maybe (NonEmpty Types.Base64X509)
  , _jwkX5t :: Maybe Types.Base64SHA1
  , _jwkX5tS256 :: Maybe Types.Base64SHA256
  deriving (Eq, Show)
makeLenses ''JWK

instance FromJSON JWK where
  parseJSON = withObject "JWK" $ \o -> JWK
    <$> parseJSON (Object o)
    <*> o .:? "use"
    <*> o .:? "key_ops"
    <*> o .:? "alg"
    <*> o .:? "kid"
    <*> o .:? "x5u"
    <*> o .:? "x5c"
    <*> o .:? "x5t"
    <*> o .:? "x5t#S256"

instance ToJSON JWK where
  toJSON (JWK {..}) = object $ catMaybes
    [ fmap ("alg" .=) _jwkAlg
    , fmap ("use" .=) _jwkUse
    , fmap ("key_ops" .=) _jwkKeyOps
    , fmap ("kid" .=) _jwkKid
    , fmap ("x5u" .=) _jwkX5u
    , fmap ("x5c" .=) _jwkX5c
    , fmap ("x5t" .=) _jwkX5t
    , fmap ("x5t#S256" .=) _jwkX5tS256
    ++ Types.objectPairs (toJSON _jwkMaterial)

-- | Generate a JWK.  Apart from key parameters, no other parameters are set.
genJWK :: MonadRandom m => KeyMaterialGenParam -> m JWK
genJWK p = fromKeyMaterial <$> genKeyMaterial p

instance Arbitrary JWK where
  arbitrary = JWK
    <$> arbitrary
    <*> pure Nothing
    <*> pure Nothing
    <*> pure Nothing
    <*> arbitrary
    <*> pure Nothing
    <*> pure Nothing
    <*> arbitrary
    <*> arbitrary

fromKeyMaterial :: KeyMaterial -> JWK
fromKeyMaterial k = JWK k z z z z z z z z where z = Nothing

-- | Convert RSA private key into a JWK
fromRSA :: RSA.PrivateKey -> JWK
fromRSA = fromKeyMaterial . RSAKeyMaterial . toRSAKeyParameters

-- | Convert octet string into a JWK
fromOctets :: Cons s s Word8 Word8 => s -> JWK
fromOctets =
  fromKeyMaterial . OctKeyMaterial . OctKeyParameters . Types.Base64Octets
  . view recons

instance AsPublicKey JWK where
  asPublicKey = to (jwkMaterial (view asPublicKey))

-- | RFC 7517 §5.  JWK Set Format
newtype JWKSet = JWKSet [JWK] deriving (Eq, Show)

instance FromJSON JWKSet where
  parseJSON = withObject "JWKSet" (\o -> JWKSet <$> o .: "keys")

instance ToJSON JWKSet where
  toJSON (JWKSet ks) = object ["keys" .= toJSON ks]

-- | Choose the cryptographically strongest JWS algorithm for a
-- given key.  The JWK "alg" algorithm parameter is ignored.
  :: (MonadError e m, AsError e)
  => JWK
  -> m JWA.JWS.Alg
bestJWSAlg jwk = case view jwkMaterial jwk of
  ECKeyMaterial k -> pure $ case view ecCrv k of
    P_256 -> JWA.JWS.ES256
    P_384 -> JWA.JWS.ES384
    P_521 -> JWA.JWS.ES512
  RSAKeyMaterial k ->
      Types.Base64Integer n = view rsaN k
      if n >= 2 ^ (2040 :: Integer)
      then pure JWA.JWS.PS512
      else throwError (review _KeySizeTooSmall ())
  OctKeyMaterial (OctKeyParameters (Types.Base64Octets k))
    | B.length k >= 512 `div` 8 -> pure JWA.JWS.HS512
    | B.length k >= 384 `div` 8 -> pure JWA.JWS.HS384
    | B.length k >= 256 `div` 8 -> pure JWA.JWS.HS256
    | otherwise -> throwError (review _KeySizeTooSmall ())
  OKPKeyMaterial (Ed25519Key _ _) -> pure JWA.JWS.EdDSA
  OKPKeyMaterial _ -> throwError (review _KeyMismatch "Cannot sign with OKP ECDH key")

#if MIN_VERSION_aeson(0,10,0)
-- | Compute the JWK Thumbprint of a JWK
thumbprint :: HashAlgorithm a => Getter JWK (Digest a)
thumbprint = to (hash . L.toStrict . thumbprintRepr)

-- | Prism from ByteString to @HashAlgorithm a => Digest a@.
-- Use @'re' digest@ to view the bytes of a digest
digest :: HashAlgorithm a => Prism' B.ByteString (Digest a)
digest = prism' BA.convert digestFromByteString

-- | JWK canonicalised for thumbprint computation
thumbprintRepr :: JWK -> L.ByteString
thumbprintRepr k = Builder.toLazyByteString . fromEncoding . pairs $
  case view jwkMaterial k of
    ECKeyMaterial k' -> "crv" .=
      view ecCrv k'
      <> "kty" .= ("EC" :: T.Text)
      <> "x" .= view ecX k'
      <> "y" .= view ecY k'
    RSAKeyMaterial k' ->
      "e" .= view rsaE k' <> "kty" .= ("RSA" :: T.Text) <> "n" .= view rsaN k'
    OctKeyMaterial (OctKeyParameters k') ->
      "k" .= k' <> "kty" .= ("oct" :: T.Text)
    OKPKeyMaterial (Ed25519Key pk _) -> okpSeries "Ed25519" pk
    OKPKeyMaterial (X25519Key pk _) -> okpSeries "X25519" pk
    b64 = Types.Base64Octets . BA.convert
    okpSeries crv pk =
      "crv" .= (crv :: T.Text) <> "kty" .= ("OKP" :: T.Text) <> "x" .= b64 pk