jose-0.11: JSON Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE) and JSON Web Token (JWT) library
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Key stores. Instances are provided for JWK and JWKSet. These instances ignore the header and payload and just return the JWK/s they contain. More complex scenarios, such as efficient key lookup by "kid" or searching a database, can be implemented by writing a new instance.

For example, the following instance looks in a filesystem directory for keys based on either the JWS Header's "kid" parameter, or the "iss" claim in a JWT Claims Set:

-- | A KeyDB is just a filesystem directory
newtype KeyDB = KeyDB FilePath

instance (MonadIO m, HasKid h)
    => VerificationKeyStore m (h p) ClaimsSet KeyDB where
  getVerificationKeys h claims (KeyDB dir) = liftIO $
    fmap catMaybes . traverse findKey $ catMaybes
      [ preview (kid . _Just . param) h
      , preview (claimIss . _Just . string) claims]
    findKey :: T.Text -> IO (Maybe JWK)
    findKey s =
      let path = dir <> "/" <> T.unpack s <> ".jwk"
      in handle
        (\(_ :: IOException) -> pure Nothing)
        (decode <$> L.readFile path)

The next example shows how to retrieve public keys from a JWK Set (/.well-known/jwks.json) resource. For production use, it would be a good idea to cache the HTTP response. Thanks to Steve Mao for this example.

-- | URI of JWK Set
newtype JWKsURI = JWKsURI String

instance (MonadIO m, HasKid h)
    => VerificationKeyStore m (h p) ClaimsSet JWKsURI where
  getVerificationKeys h claims (JWKsURI url) = liftIO $
    maybe [] (:[]) . join
      <$> traverse findKey (preview (kid . _Just . param) h)
    findKey :: T.Text -> IO (Maybe JWK)
    findKey kid' =
      handle (\(_ :: SomeException) -> pure Nothing) $ do
        request <- setRequestCheckStatus <$> parseRequest url
        response <- getResponseBody <$> httpJSON request
        keys <- getVerificationKeys h claims response
        pure $ find (\j -> view jwkKid j == Just kid') keys


class VerificationKeyStore m h s a where Source #

Verification keys. Lookup operates in effect m with access to the JWS header of type h and a payload of type s.

The returned keys are not guaranteed to be used, e.g. if the JWK "use" or "key_ops" field does not allow use for verification.


getVerificationKeys Source #


:: h

JWS header

-> s


-> a 
-> m [JWK] 

Look up verification keys by JWS header and payload.


Instances details
Applicative m => VerificationKeyStore m h s JWK Source #

Use a JWK as a VerificationKeyStore. Can be used with any payload type. Header and payload are ignored. No filtering is performed.

Instance details

Defined in Crypto.JOSE.JWK.Store


getVerificationKeys :: h -> s -> JWK -> m [JWK] Source #

Applicative m => VerificationKeyStore m h s JWKSet Source #

Use a JWKSet as a VerificationKeyStore. Can be used with any payload type. Returns all keys in the set; header and payload are ignored. No filtering is performed.

Instance details

Defined in Crypto.JOSE.JWK.Store


getVerificationKeys :: h -> s -> JWKSet -> m [JWK] Source #