-- |
-- Module:      Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- Copyright:   (c) 2020 Cedric Liegeois
-- License:     BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Cedric Liegeois <ofmooseandmen@yahoo.fr>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- Geographical Position calculations on great circles, i.e. using a __sphere__ to represent
-- the celestial body that positions refer to.
-- In order to use this module you should start with the following imports:
-- @
--     import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
--     import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- @
-- If you wish to use both this module and the "Data.Geo.Jord.Geodesic" module you must qualify both imports.
-- All functions are implemented using the vector-based approached described in
-- <http://www.navlab.net/Publications/A_Nonsingular_Horizontal_Point_Representation.pdf Gade, K. (2010). A Non-singular Horizontal Position Representation>
module Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
    -- * The 'GreatCircle' type
    , greatCircleThrough
    , greatCircleHeadingOn
    -- * The 'MinorArc' type
    , MinorArc
    , minorArc
    -- * Calculations
    , alongTrackDistance
    , alongTrackDistance'
    , angularDistance
    , crossTrackDistance
    , crossTrackDistance'
    , destination
    , finalBearing
    , initialBearing
    , interpolate
    , intersection
    , intersections
    , isBetween
    , isInsideSurface
    , mean
    , surfaceDistance
    ) where

import Data.Fixed (Nano)
import Data.List (subsequences)

import Data.Geo.Jord.Internal
import Data.Geo.Jord.Position

-- | A circle on the __surface__ of a __sphere__ which lies in a plane
-- passing through the sphere centre. Every two distinct and non-antipodal points
-- define a unique Great Circle.
-- It is internally represented as its normal vector - i.e. the normal vector
-- to the plane containing the great circle.
data GreatCircle a =
    GreatCircle !Vector3d !a String
    deriving (Eq)

instance (Model a) => Show (GreatCircle a) where
    show (GreatCircle _ _ s) = s

-- | @greatCircleThrough p1 p2@ returns the 'GreatCircle' passing by both positions @p1@ and @p2@.
-- If positions are antipodal, any great circle passing through those positions will be returned.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if given positions are equal.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> let p1 = latLongHeightPos 45.0 (-143.5) (metres 1500) S84
-- >>> let p2 = latLongHeightPos 46.0 14.5 (metres 3000) S84
-- >>> greatCircleThrough p1 p2 -- heights are ignored, great circle is always at surface.
-- Just Great Circle { through 45°0'0.000"N,143°30'0.000"W 1500.0m (S84) & 46°0'0.000"N,14°30'0.000"E 3000.0m (S84) }
greatCircleThrough :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Position a -> Maybe (GreatCircle a)
greatCircleThrough p1 p2
    | llEq p1 p2 = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just (GreatCircle (normal' p1 p2) (model p1) dscr)
    dscr = "Great Circle { through " ++ show p1 ++ " & " ++ show p2 ++ " }"

-- | @greatCircleHeadingOn p b@ returns the 'GreatCircle' passing by position @p@ and
-- heading on bearing @b@.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> let p = latLongPos 45.0 (-143.5) S84
-- >>> let b = decimalDegrees 33.0
-- >>> greatCircleHeadingOn p b
-- Great Circle { by 45°0'0.000"N,143°30'0.000"W 0.0m (S84) & heading on 33°0'0.000" }
greatCircleHeadingOn :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Angle -> GreatCircle a
greatCircleHeadingOn p b = GreatCircle (vsub n' e') (model p) dscr
    v = nvec p
    e = vcross nvNorthPole v -- easting
    n = vcross v e -- northing
    e' = vscale e (cos' b / vnorm e)
    n' = vscale n (sin' b / vnorm n)
    dscr = "Great Circle { by " ++ show p ++ " & heading on " ++ show b ++ " }"

-- | Oriented minor arc of a great circle between two positions: shortest path between
-- positions on a great circle.
data MinorArc a =
    MinorArc !Vector3d (Position a) (Position a)
    deriving (Eq)

instance (Model a) => Show (MinorArc a) where
    show (MinorArc _ s e) = "Minor Arc { from: " ++ show s ++ ", to: " ++ show e ++ " }"

-- | @minorArc p1 p2@ returns the 'MinorArc' from @p1@ to @p2@.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if given positions are equal.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> let p1 = latLongHeightPos 45.0 (-143.5) (metres 1500) S84
-- >>> let p2 = latLongHeightPos 46.0 14.5 (metres 3000) S84
-- Just Minor Arc { from: 45°0'0.000"N,143°30'0.000"W 1500.0m (S84), to: 46°0'0.000"N,14°30'0.000"E 3000.0m (S84) }
minorArc :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Position a -> Maybe (MinorArc a)
minorArc p1 p2
    | llEq p1 p2 = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just (MinorArc (normal' p1 p2) p1 p2)

-- | @alongTrackDistance p a@ computes how far Position @p@ is along a path described
-- by the minor arc @a@: if a perpendicular is drawn from @p@  to the path, the
-- along-track distance is the signed distance from the start point to where the
-- perpendicular crosses the path.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> let p = s84Pos 53.2611 (-0.7972) zero
-- >>> let g = minorArcBetween (s84Pos 53.3206 (-1.7297) zero) (s84Pos 53.1887 0.1334 zero)
-- >>> fmap (alongTrackDistance p) a
-- Right 62.3315757km
alongTrackDistance :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> MinorArc a -> Length
alongTrackDistance p (MinorArc n s _) = alongTrackDistance'' p s n

-- | @alongTrackDistance' p s b@ computes how far Position @p@ is along a path starting
-- at @s@ and heading on bearing @b@: if a perpendicular is drawn from @p@  to the path, the
-- along-track distance is the signed distance from the start point to where the
-- perpendicular crosses the path.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> let p = s84Pos 53.2611 (-0.7972) zero
-- >>> let s = s84Pos 53.3206 (-1.7297) zero
-- >>> let b = decimalDegrees 96.0017325
-- >>> alongTrackDistance' p s b
-- 62.3315757km
alongTrackDistance' :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Position a -> Angle -> Length
alongTrackDistance' p s b = alongTrackDistance'' p s n
    (GreatCircle n _ _) = greatCircleHeadingOn s b

-- | @angularDistance p1 p2 n@ computes the angle between the horizontal Points @p1@ and @p2@.
-- If @n@ is 'Nothing', the angle is always in [0..180], otherwise it is in [-180, +180],
-- signed + if @p1@ is clockwise looking along @n@, - in opposite direction.
angularDistance :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Position a -> Maybe (Position a) -> Angle
angularDistance p1 p2 n = signedAngle v1 v2 vn
    v1 = nvec p1
    v2 = nvec p2
    vn = fmap nvec n

-- | @crossTrackDistance p gc@ computes the signed distance from horizontal Position @p@ to great circle @gc@.
-- Returns a negative 'Length' if Position if left of great circle,
-- positive 'Length' if Position if right of great circle; the orientation of the
-- great circle is therefore important:
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> let gc1 = greatCircleThrough (s84Pos 51 0 zero) (s84Pos 52 1 zero)
-- >>> fmap (crossTrackDistance p) gc1
-- Right -176.7568725km
-- >>>
-- >>> let gc2 = greatCircleThrough (s84Pos 52 1 zero) (s84Pos 51 0 zero)
-- >>> fmap (crossTrackDistance p) gc2
-- Right 176.7568725km
-- >>>
-- >>> let p = s84Pos 53.2611 (-0.7972) zero
-- >>> let gc = greatCircleHeadingOn (s84Pos 53.3206 (-1.7297) zero) (decimalDegrees 96.0)
-- >>> crossTrackDistance p gc
-- -305.6629 metres
crossTrackDistance :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> GreatCircle a -> Length
crossTrackDistance p (GreatCircle n _ _) = arcLength (sub a (decimalDegrees 90)) (radius p)
    a = radians (angleRadians n (nvec p))

-- | @crossTrackDistance' p s b@ computes the signed distance from horizontal Position @p@ to the
-- great circle passing by @s@ and heading on bearing @b@.
-- This is equivalent to:
-- @
--     'crossTrackDistance' p ('greatCircleHeadingOn' s b)
-- @
crossTrackDistance' :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Position a -> Angle -> Length
crossTrackDistance' p s b = crossTrackDistance p (greatCircleHeadingOn s b)

-- | @destination p b d@ computes the position along the great circle, reached from
-- position @p@ having travelled the __surface__ distance @d@ on the initial bearing (compass angle) @b@
-- at __constant__ height.
-- Note that the  bearing will normally vary before destination is reached.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> destination (s84Pos 54 154 (metres 15000)) (decimalDegrees 33) (kilometres 1000)
-- 61°10'44.188"N,164°10'19.254"E 15.0km (S84)
destination :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Angle -> Length -> Position a
destination p b d
    | d == zero = p
    | otherwise = nvh nvd (height p) (model p)
    nv = nvec p
    ed = vunit (vcross nvNorthPole nv) -- east direction vector at v
    nd = vcross nv ed -- north direction vector at v
    r = radius p
    ta = central d r -- central angle
    de = vadd (vscale nd (cos' b)) (vscale ed (sin' b)) -- vunit vector in the direction of the azimuth
    nvd = vadd (vscale nv (cos' ta)) (vscale de (sin' ta))

-- | @surfaceDistance p1 p2@ computes the surface distance on the great circle between the
-- positions @p1@ and @p2@.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> surfaceDistance (northPole S84) (southPole S84)
-- 20015.114352233km
-- >>>
-- >>> surfaceDistance (northPole S84) (northPole S84)
-- 0.0m
surfaceDistance :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Position a -> Length
surfaceDistance p1 p2 = arcLength a (radius p1)
    a = radians (angleRadians (nvec p1) (nvec p2))

-- | @finalBearing p1 p2@ computes the final bearing arriving at @p2@ from @p1@ in compass angle.
-- Compass angles are clockwise angles from true north: 0° = north, 90° = east, 180° = south, 270° = west.
-- The final bearing will differ from the initial bearing by varying degrees according to distance and latitude.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if both positions are equals.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> let p1 = s84Pos 0 1 (metres 12000)
-- >>> let p2 = s84Pos 0 0 (metres 5000)
-- >>> finalBearing p1 p2
-- Just 270°0'0.000"
-- >>>
-- >>> finalBearing p1 p1
-- Nothing
finalBearing :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Position a -> Maybe Angle
finalBearing p1 p2
    | llEq p1 p2 = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just (normalise (initialBearing' p2 p1) (decimalDegrees 180))

-- | @initialBearing p1 p2@ computes the initial bearing from @p1@ to @p2@ in compass angle.
-- Compass angles are clockwise angles from true north: 0° = north, 90° = east, 180° = south, 270° = west.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if both positions are equals.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> let p1 = s84Pos 58.643889 (-5.714722) (metres 12000)
-- >>> let p2 = s84Pos 50.066389 (-5.714722) (metres 12000)
-- >>> initialBearing p1 p2
-- Just 180°0'0.000"
-- >>>
-- >>> initialBearing p1 p1
-- Nothing
initialBearing :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Position a -> Maybe Angle
initialBearing p1 p2
    | llEq p1 p2 = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just (initialBearing' p1 p2)

-- | @interpolate p0 p1 f# computes the position at fraction @f@ between the @p0@ and @p1@.
-- Special conditions:
-- @
--     interpolate p0 p1 0.0 = p0
--     interpolate p0 p1 1.0 = p1
-- @
-- 'error's if @f < 0 || f > 1@
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> let p1 = s84Pos 53.479444 (-2.245278) (metres 10000)
-- >>> let p2 = s84Pos 55.605833 13.035833 (metres 20000)
-- >>> interpolate p1 p2 0.5
-- 54°47'0.805"N,5°11'41.947"E 15.0km (S84)
interpolate :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Position a -> Double -> Position a
interpolate p0 p1 f
    | f < 0 || f > 1 = error ("fraction must be in range [0..1], was " ++ show f)
    | f == 0 = p0
    | f == 1 = p1
    | otherwise = nvh iv ih (model p0)
    nv0 = nvec p0
    h0 = height p0
    nv1 = nvec p1
    h1 = height p1
    iv = vunit (vadd nv0 (vscale (vsub nv1 nv0) f))
    ih = lrph h0 h1 f

-- | Computes the intersection between the two given minor arcs of great circle.
-- see also 'intersections'
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> let a1 = minorArcBetween (s84Pos 51.885 0.235 zero) (s84Pos 48.269 13.093 zero)
-- >>> let a2 = minorArcBetween (s84Pos 49.008 2.549 zero) (s84Pos 56.283 11.304 zero)
-- >>> join (intersection <$> a1 <*> a2)
-- Just 50°54'6.260"N,4°29'39.052"E 0.0m (S84)
intersection :: (Spherical a) => MinorArc a -> MinorArc a -> Maybe (Position a)
intersection a1@(MinorArc n1 s1 _) a2@(MinorArc n2 _ _) =
    case intersections' n1 n2 (model s1) of
        Nothing -> Nothing
        (Just (i1, i2))
            | isBetween i1 a1 && isBetween i1 a2 -> Just i1
            | isBetween i2 a1 && isBetween i2 a2 -> Just i2
            | otherwise -> Nothing

-- | Computes the intersections between the two given 'GreatCircle's.
-- Two great circles intersect exactly twice unless there are equal (regardless of orientation),
-- in which case 'Nothing' is returned.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> let gc1 = greatCircleHeadingOn (s84Pos 51.885 0.235 zero) (decimalDegrees 108.63)
-- >>> let gc2 = greatCircleHeadingOn (s84Pos 49.008 2.549 zero) (decimalDegrees 32.72)
-- >>> intersections gc1 gc2
-- Just (50°54'6.201"N,4°29'39.402"E 0.0m (S84),50°54'6.201"S,175°30'20.598"W 0.0m (S84))
-- >>> let i = intersections gc1 gc2
-- fmap fst i == fmap (antipode . snd) i
-- >>> True
intersections :: (Spherical a) => GreatCircle a -> GreatCircle a -> Maybe (Position a, Position a)
intersections (GreatCircle n1 m _) (GreatCircle n2 _ _) = intersections' n1 n2 m

-- | @isBetween p a@ determines whether position @p@ is within the minor arc
-- of great circle @a@.
-- If @p@ is not on the arc, returns whether @p@ is within the area bound
-- by perpendiculars to the arc at each point (in the same hemisphere).
isBetween :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> MinorArc a -> Bool
isBetween p (MinorArc _ s e) = between && hemisphere
    v0 = nvec p
    v1 = nvec s
    v2 = nvec e
    v10 = vsub v0 v1
    v12 = vsub v2 v1
    v20 = vsub v0 v2
    v21 = vsub v1 v2
    e1 = vdot v10 v12 -- p is on e side of s
    e2 = vdot v20 v21 -- p is on s side of e
    between = e1 >= 0 && e2 >= 0
    hemisphere = vdot v0 v1 >= 0 && vdot v0 v2 >= 0

-- | @isInsideSurface p ps@ determines whether position @p@ is inside the __surface__ polygon defined by
-- positions @ps@ (i.e. ignoring the height of the positions).
-- The polygon can be opened or closed (i.e. if @head ps /= last ps@).
-- Uses the angle summation test: on a sphere, due to spherical excess, enclosed point angles
-- will sum to less than 360°, and exterior point angles will be small but non-zero.
-- Always returns 'False' if @ps@ does not at least defines a triangle.
-- ==== __Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.GreatCircle
-- >>> import Data.Geo.Jord.Position
-- >>>
-- >>> let malmo = s84Pos 55.6050 13.0038 zero
-- >>> let ystad = s84Pos 55.4295 13.82 zero
-- >>> let lund = s84Pos 55.7047 13.1910 zero
-- >>> let helsingborg = s84Pos 56.0465 12.6945 zero
-- >>> let kristianstad = s84Pos 56.0294 14.1567 zero
-- >>> let polygon = [malmo, ystad, kristianstad, helsingborg, lund]
-- >>> let hoor = s84Pos 55.9295 13.5297 zero
-- >>> let hassleholm = s84Pos 56.1589 13.7668 zero
-- >>> isInsideSurface hoor polygon
-- True
-- >>> isInsideSurface hassleholm polygon
-- False
isInsideSurface :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> [Position a] -> Bool
isInsideSurface p ps
    | null ps = False
    | llEq (head ps) (last ps) = isInsideSurface p (init ps)
    | length ps < 3 = False
    | otherwise =
        let aSum = foldl (\a v' -> add a (uncurry signedAngle v' (Just v))) (decimalDegrees 0) (egdes (map (vsub v) vs))
         in abs (toDecimalDegrees aSum) > 180.0
    v = nvec p
    vs = fmap nvec ps

-- | @mean ps@ computes the geographic mean surface position of @ps@, if it is defined.
-- The geographic mean is not defined for antipodals positions (since they
-- cancel each other).
-- Special conditions:
-- @
--     mean [] = Nothing
--     mean [p] = Just p
--     mean [p1, p2, p3] = Just circumcentre
--     mean [p1, .., antipode p1] = Nothing
-- @
mean :: (Spherical a) => [Position a] -> Maybe (Position a)
mean [] = Nothing
mean [p] = Just p
mean ps =
    if null antipodals
        then Just (nvh nv zero (model . head $ ps))
        else Nothing
    vs = fmap nvec ps
    ts = filter (\l -> length l == 2) (subsequences vs)
    antipodals = filter (\t -> (realToFrac (vnorm (vadd (head t) (last t)) :: Double) :: Nano) == 0) ts
    nv = vunit $ foldl vadd vzero vs

-- private
alongTrackDistance'' :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Position a -> Vector3d -> Length
alongTrackDistance'' p s n = arcLength a (radius s)
    a = signedAngle (nvec s) (vcross (vcross n (nvec p)) n) (Just n)

-- | [p1, p2, p3, p4] to [(p1, p2), (p2, p3), (p3, p4), (p4, p1)]
egdes :: [Vector3d] -> [(Vector3d, Vector3d)]
egdes ps = zip ps (tail ps ++ [head ps])

lrph :: Length -> Length -> Double -> Length
lrph h0 h1 f = metres h
    h0' = toMetres h0
    h1' = toMetres h1
    h = h0' + (h1' - h0') * f

intersections' :: (Spherical a) => Vector3d -> Vector3d -> a -> Maybe (Position a, Position a)
intersections' n1 n2 s
    | (vnorm i :: Double) == 0.0 = Nothing
    | otherwise
    , let ni = nvh (vunit i) zero s = Just (ni, antipode ni)
    i = vcross n1 n2

initialBearing' :: Position a -> Position a -> Angle
initialBearing' p1 p2 = normalise a (decimalDegrees 360)
    v1 = nvec p1
    v2 = nvec p2
    gc1 = vcross v1 v2 -- great circle through p1 & p2
    gc2 = vcross v1 nvNorthPole -- great circle through p1 & north pole
    a = radians (signedAngleRadians gc1 gc2 (Just v1))

-- | reference sphere radius.
radius :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Length
radius = equatorialRadius . surface . model

normal' :: (Spherical a) => Position a -> Position a -> Vector3d
normal' p1 p2 = vcross (nvec p1) (nvec p2)

signedAngle :: Vector3d -> Vector3d -> Maybe Vector3d -> Angle
signedAngle v1 v2 n = radians (signedAngleRadians v1 v2 n)