module Data.Geo.Jord.Length
, kilometres
, metres
, nauticalMiles
, readLength
, readLengthE
, readLengthF
, toKilometres
, toMetres
, toNauticalMiles
, isZero
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Data.Geo.Jord.Parse
import Data.Geo.Jord.Quantity
import Prelude hiding (fail, length)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Text.Read hiding (pfail)
newtype Length = Length
{ millimetres :: Int
} deriving (Eq)
instance Read Length where
readsPrec _ = readP_to_S length
instance Show Length where
show l
| m <= 10000.0 = show m ++ "m"
| otherwise = show (m / 1000.0) ++ "km"
m = toMetres l
instance Quantity Length where
add a b = Length (millimetres a + millimetres b)
sub a b = Length (millimetres a - millimetres b)
nauticalMiles :: Double -> Length
nauticalMiles nm = metres (nm * 1852.0)
metres :: Double -> Length
metres m = Length (round (m * 1000.0))
kilometres :: Double -> Length
kilometres km = metres (km * 1000.0)
readLength :: String -> Length
readLength s = read s :: Length
readLengthE :: String -> Either String Length
readLengthE s =
case readMaybe s of
Nothing -> Left ("couldn't read length " ++ s)
Just l -> Right l
readLengthF :: (MonadFail m) => String -> m Length
readLengthF s =
let p = readEither s
in case p of
Left e -> fail e
Right l -> return l
toKilometres :: Length -> Double
toKilometres l = toMetres l / 1000.0
toMetres :: Length -> Double
toMetres (Length mm) = fromIntegral mm / 1000.0
toNauticalMiles :: Length -> Double
toNauticalMiles l = toMetres l / 1852.0
isZero :: Length -> Bool
isZero (Length mm) = mm == 0
length :: ReadP Length
length = do
v <- number
u <- string "m" <|> string "km" <|> string "Nm"
case u of
"m" -> return (metres v)
"km" -> return (kilometres v)
"Nm" -> return (nauticalMiles v)
_ -> pfail