{- |
AIFC\/IMA audio decoding functions in this module are ported from
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings        #-}
module Sound.Jammit.Internal.Audio
( readIMA
, writeWAV
, clamp
, metronomeClick
) where

import           Control.Monad                (liftM2, unless)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class       (liftIO)
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource)
import qualified Data.ByteString              as B
import           Data.ByteString.Char8        ()
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe       as B
import           Data.Conduit                 ((.|))
import qualified Data.Conduit                 as C
import qualified Data.Conduit.Audio           as A
import qualified Data.Conduit.List            as CL
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable         as V
import           Foreign                      (Int16, Int32, Ptr, Word16,
                                               Word32, Word8, castPtr,
                                               finalizerFree, mallocBytes,
                                               newForeignPtr, shiftL, shiftR)
import           GHC.IO.Handle                (HandlePosn (..))
import qualified System.IO                    as IO
import           System.IO.Unsafe             (unsafePerformIO)

parseChunk :: IO.Handle -> IO (B.ByteString, (HandlePosn, HandlePosn))
parseChunk h = do
  ctype <- B.hGet h 4
  clen <- fmap toInteger (readBE h :: IO Word32)
  startPosn <- IO.hGetPosn h
  IO.hSeek h IO.RelativeSeek clen
  endPosn <- IO.hGetPosn h
  return (ctype, (startPosn, endPosn))

  :: Maybe HandlePosn -> IO.Handle -> IO [(B.ByteString, (HandlePosn, HandlePosn))]
parseChunksUntil maybeEnd h = do
  eof <- IO.hIsEOF h
  HandlePosn _ here <- IO.hGetPosn h
  let pastEnd = case maybeEnd of
        Nothing                 -> False
        Just (HandlePosn _ end) -> end <= here
  if eof || pastEnd
    then return []
    else liftM2 (:) (parseChunk h) (parseChunksUntil maybeEnd h)

readIMA :: (MonadResource m) => FilePath -> IO (A.AudioSource m Int16)
readIMA fp = do
  let insideChunk h ctype maybeEnd f = do
        here <- liftIO $ IO.hGetPosn h
        chunks <- liftIO $ parseChunksUntil maybeEnd h
        case lookup ctype chunks of
          Nothing -> error $ "readIMA: no chunk of type " ++ show ctype
          Just (start, end) -> do
            liftIO $ IO.hSetPosn start
            x <- f end
            liftIO $ IO.hSetPosn here
            return x
      expect x act = act >>= \y -> if x == y
        then return ()
        else error $ "Expected " <> show x <> " but found " <> show y
  frames <- IO.withBinaryFile fp IO.ReadMode $ \h -> do
    let chunkBefore = insideChunk h
    "FORM" `chunkBefore` Nothing $ \formEnd -> do
      expect "AIFC" $ liftIO $ B.hGet h 4
      "COMM" `chunkBefore` Just formEnd $ \_ -> do
        expect 2 $ liftIO (readBE h :: IO Word16) -- channels
        frames <- liftIO (readBE h :: IO Word32) -- number of chunk pairs
        bits <- liftIO (readBE h :: IO Word16) -- bits per sample, 0 means 16?
        unless (bits `elem` [0, 16]) $ error "readIMA: bits per sample not 16 or 0"
        -- next 10 bytes are sample rate as long float
        -- for now we just compare to the known 44100
        expect 0x400eac44 $ liftIO (readBE h :: IO Word32)
        expect 0 $ liftIO (readBE h :: IO Word32)
        expect 0 $ liftIO (readBE h :: IO Word16)
        expect "ima4" $ liftIO $ B.hGet h 4
        return frames
  let src = C.bracketP
        (IO.openBinaryFile fp IO.ReadMode)
        $ \h -> do
          let chunkBefore = insideChunk h
          "FORM" `chunkBefore` Nothing $ \formEnd -> do
            expect "AIFC" $ liftIO $ B.hGet h 4
            "SSND" `chunkBefore` Just formEnd $ \_ -> do
              expect 0 $ liftIO (readBE h :: IO Word32) -- offset
              expect 0 $ liftIO (readBE h :: IO Word32) -- blocksize
              let go _     _     0         = return ()
                  go predL predR remFrames = do
                    chunkL <- liftIO $ B.hGet h 34
                    chunkR <- liftIO $ B.hGet h 34
                    let (predL', vectL) = decodeChunk (predL, chunkL)
                        (predR', vectR) = decodeChunk (predR, chunkR)
                    C.yield $ A.interleave [vectL, vectR]
                    go predL' predR' $ remFrames - 1
              go 0 0 frames
  return $ A.AudioSource src 44100 2 $ fromIntegral frames

foreign import ccall unsafe "decode_chunk"
  c_decodeChunk :: Ptr Word8 -> Ptr Word8 -> Int16 -> IO Int16

decodeChunk :: (Int16, B.ByteString) -> (Int16, V.Vector Int16)
decodeChunk (initPredictor, chunk) = unsafePerformIO $ do
  B.unsafeUseAsCString chunk $ \cstr -> do
    p <- mallocBytes 128
    lastPredictor <- c_decodeChunk (castPtr cstr) p initPredictor
    fp <- newForeignPtr finalizerFree $ castPtr p
    return (lastPredictor, V.unsafeFromForeignPtr0 fp 64)

clamp :: (Ord a) => (a, a) -> a -> a
clamp (vmin, vmax) v
  | v < vmin  = vmin
  | v > vmax  = vmax
  | otherwise = v

writeWAV :: (MonadResource m) => FilePath -> A.AudioSource m Int16 -> m ()
writeWAV fp (A.AudioSource s r c _) = C.runConduit $ s .| C.bracketP
  (IO.openBinaryFile fp IO.WriteMode)
  (\h -> do
    let chunk ctype f = do
          let getPosn = liftIO $ IO.hGetPosn h
          liftIO $ B.hPut h ctype
          lenPosn <- getPosn
          liftIO $ B.hPut h $ B.pack [0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF] -- filled in later
          HandlePosn _ start <- getPosn
          x <- f
          endPosn@(HandlePosn _ end) <- getPosn
          liftIO $ do
            IO.hSetPosn lenPosn
            writeLE h (fromIntegral $ end - start :: Word32)
            IO.hSetPosn endPosn
          return x
    chunk "RIFF" $ do
      liftIO $ B.hPut h "WAVE"
      chunk "fmt " $ liftIO $ do
        writeLE h (1                            :: Word16) -- 1 is PCM
        writeLE h (fromIntegral c               :: Word16) -- channels
        writeLE h (floor r                      :: Word32) -- sample rate
        writeLE h (floor r * fromIntegral c * 2 :: Word32) -- avg. bytes per second = rate * block align
        writeLE h (fromIntegral c * 2           :: Word16) -- block align = chans * (bps / 8)
        writeLE h (16                           :: Word16) -- bits per sample
      chunk "data" $ CL.mapM_ $ \v -> liftIO $ do
        V.forM_ v $ writeLE h

class BE a where
  readBE :: IO.Handle -> IO a

instance BE Word32 where
  readBE h = do
    [a, b, c, d] <- fmap B.unpack $ B.hGet h 4
    return $ sum
      [ fromIntegral a `shiftL` 24
      , fromIntegral b `shiftL` 16
      , fromIntegral c `shiftL` 8
      , fromIntegral d

instance BE Int32 where
  readBE h = fmap fromIntegral (readBE h :: IO Word32)

instance BE Word16 where
  readBE h = do
    [a, b] <- fmap B.unpack $ B.hGet h 2
    return $ sum
      [ fromIntegral a `shiftL` 8
      , fromIntegral b

instance BE Int16 where
  readBE h = fmap fromIntegral (readBE h :: IO Word16)

class LE a where
  writeLE :: IO.Handle -> a -> IO ()

instance LE Word32 where
  writeLE h w = B.hPut h $ B.pack [a, b, c, d] where
    a = fromIntegral w
    b = fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 8
    c = fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 16
    d = fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 24

instance LE Word16 where
  writeLE h w = B.hPut h $ B.pack [a, b] where
    a = fromIntegral w
    b = fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 8

instance LE Int32 where
  writeLE h w = writeLE h (fromIntegral w :: Word32)

instance LE Int16 where
  writeLE h w = writeLE h (fromIntegral w :: Word16)

metronomeSamples :: V.Vector Int16
metronomeSamples = V.fromList

metronomeClick :: (Monad m) => A.AudioSource m Int16
metronomeClick = A.AudioSource
  { A.rate = 44100
  , A.channels = 2
  , A.frames = 6190
  , A.source = C.yield metronomeSamples