ipfs-1.0.1: Access IPFS locally and remotely
newtype CID Source #
Defined in Network.IPFS.CID.Types
(==) :: CID -> CID -> Bool #
(/=) :: CID -> CID -> Bool #
compare :: CID -> CID -> Ordering #
(<) :: CID -> CID -> Bool #
(<=) :: CID -> CID -> Bool #
(>) :: CID -> CID -> Bool #
(>=) :: CID -> CID -> Bool #
max :: CID -> CID -> CID #
min :: CID -> CID -> CID #
readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS CID #
readList :: ReadS [CID] #
readPrec :: ReadPrec CID #
readListPrec :: ReadPrec [CID] #
showsPrec :: Int -> CID -> ShowS #
show :: CID -> String #
showList :: [CID] -> ShowS #
fromString :: String -> CID #
Associated Types
type Rep CID :: Type -> Type #
from :: CID -> Rep CID x #
to :: Rep CID x -> CID #
toJSON :: CID -> Value #
toEncoding :: CID -> Encoding #
toJSONList :: [CID] -> Value #
toEncodingList :: [CID] -> Encoding #
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser CID #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [CID] #
toUrlPiece :: CID -> Text #
toEncodedUrlPiece :: CID -> Builder #
toHeader :: CID -> ByteString #
toQueryParam :: CID -> Text #
parseUrlPiece :: Text -> Either Text CID #
parseHeader :: ByteString -> Either Text CID #
parseQueryParam :: Text -> Either Text CID #
display :: CID -> Utf8Builder #
textDisplay :: CID -> Text #
declareNamedSchema :: Proxy CID -> Declare (Definitions Schema) NamedSchema #
toParamSchema :: Proxy CID -> ParamSchema t #
mimeRender :: Proxy PlainText -> CID -> ByteString #
mimeRender :: Proxy OctetStream -> CID -> ByteString #
mimeUnrender :: Proxy PlainText -> ByteString -> Either String CID #
mimeUnrenderWithType :: Proxy PlainText -> MediaType -> ByteString -> Either String CID #
mimeUnrender :: Proxy PlainText -> ByteString -> Either String [CID] #
mimeUnrenderWithType :: Proxy PlainText -> MediaType -> ByteString -> Either String [CID] #
mkCID :: Text -> CID Source #
Smart constructor for CID