{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections            #-}


HAProxy proxying protocol support (see
<http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/1.5/doc/proxy-protocol.txt>) for applications
using io-streams. The proxy protocol allows information about a networked peer
(like remote address and port) to be propagated through a forwarding proxy that
is configured to speak this protocol.

This approach is safer than other alternatives like injecting a special HTTP
header (like "X-Forwarded-For") because the data is sent out of band, requests
without the proxy header fail, and proxy data cannot be spoofed by the client.


module System.IO.Streams.Network.HAProxy
  -- * Proxying requests.
  , behindHAProxyWithLocalInfo
  , decodeHAProxyHeaders
  -- * Information about proxied requests.
  , ProxyInfo
  , socketToProxyInfo
  , makeProxyInfo
  , getSourceAddr
  , getDestAddr
  , getFamily
  , getSocketType
  ) where

import           Control.Applicative                        ((<|>))
import           Control.Monad                              (void, when)
import           Data.Attoparsec.ByteString                 (anyWord8)
import           Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8           (Parser, char, decimal, skipWhile, string, take, takeWhile1)
import           Data.Bits                                  (unsafeShiftR, (.&.))
import qualified Data.ByteString                            as S8
import           Data.ByteString.Char8                      (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8                      as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe                     as S
import           Data.Word                                  (Word16, Word32, Word8)
import           Foreign.C.Types                            (CUInt (..), CUShort (..))
import           Foreign.Ptr                                (castPtr)
import           Foreign.Storable                           (peek)
import qualified Network.Socket                             as N
import           Prelude                                    hiding (take)
import           System.IO.Streams                          (InputStream, OutputStream)
import qualified System.IO.Streams                          as Streams
import qualified System.IO.Streams.Attoparsec               as Streams
import           System.IO.Streams.Network.Internal.Address (getSockAddr)
import           System.IO.Unsafe                           (unsafePerformIO)

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import           Control.Applicative                        ((<$>))

-- | Make a 'ProxyInfo' from a connected socket.
socketToProxyInfo :: N.Socket -> N.SockAddr -> IO ProxyInfo
socketToProxyInfo s sa = do
    da <- N.getSocketName s
    !sty <- getSockType
    return $! makeProxyInfo sa da (addrFamily sa) sty
#if MIN_VERSION_network(2,7,0)
    getSockType = do
        c <- N.getSocketOption s N.Type
        -- This is a kludge until network has better support for returning
        -- SocketType
        case c of
          1 -> return N.Stream
          2 -> return N.Datagram
          _ -> error ("bad socket type: " ++ show c)
    getSockType = let (N.MkSocket _ _ sty _ _) = s in return sty

-- | Parses the proxy headers emitted by HAProxy and runs a user action with
-- the origin/destination socket addresses provided by HAProxy. Will throw a
-- 'Sockets.ParseException' if the protocol header cannot be parsed properly.
-- We support version 1.5 of the protocol (both the "old" text protocol and the
-- "new" binary protocol.). Typed data fields after the addresses are not (yet)
-- supported.
behindHAProxy :: N.Socket         -- ^ A socket you've just accepted
              -> N.SockAddr       -- ^ and its peer address
              -> (ProxyInfo
                  -> InputStream ByteString
                  -> OutputStream ByteString
                  -> IO a)
              -> IO a
behindHAProxy socket sa m = do
    pinfo    <- socketToProxyInfo socket sa
    sockets  <- Streams.socketToStreams socket
    behindHAProxyWithLocalInfo pinfo sockets m

-- | Like 'behindHAProxy', but allows the socket addresses and input/output
-- streams to be passed in instead of created based on an input 'Socket'.
-- Useful for unit tests.
  :: ProxyInfo                                          -- ^ local socket info
  -> (InputStream ByteString, OutputStream ByteString)  -- ^ socket streams
  -> (ProxyInfo
          -> InputStream ByteString
          -> OutputStream ByteString
          -> IO a)              -- ^ user function
  -> IO a
behindHAProxyWithLocalInfo localProxyInfo (is, os) m = do
    proxyInfo <- decodeHAProxyHeaders localProxyInfo is
    m proxyInfo is os

decodeHAProxyHeaders :: ProxyInfo -> (InputStream ByteString) -> IO ProxyInfo
decodeHAProxyHeaders localProxyInfo is0 = do
    -- 536 bytes as per spec
    is <- Streams.throwIfProducesMoreThan 536 is0
    (!isOld, !mbOldInfo) <- Streams.parseFromStream
                              (((True,) <$> parseOldHaProxy)
                               <|> return (False, Nothing)) is
    if isOld
      then maybe (return localProxyInfo)
                 (\(srcAddr, srcPort, destAddr, destPort, f) -> do
                     (_, s) <- getSockAddr srcPort srcAddr
                     (_, d) <- getSockAddr destPort destAddr
                     return $! makeProxyInfo s d f $ getSocketType localProxyInfo)
      else Streams.parseFromStream (parseNewHaProxy localProxyInfo) is

-- | Stores information about the proxied request.
data ProxyInfo = ProxyInfo {
      _sourceAddr :: N.SockAddr
    , _destAddr   :: N.SockAddr
    , _family     :: N.Family
    , _sockType   :: N.SocketType
    } deriving (Show)

-- | Gets the 'N.Family' of the proxied request (i.e. IPv4/IPv6/Unix domain
-- sockets).
getFamily :: ProxyInfo -> N.Family
getFamily p = _family p

-- | Gets the 'N.SocketType' of the proxied request (UDP/TCP).
getSocketType :: ProxyInfo -> N.SocketType
getSocketType p = _sockType p

-- | Gets the network address of the source node for this request (i.e. the
-- client).
getSourceAddr :: ProxyInfo -> N.SockAddr
getSourceAddr p = _sourceAddr p

-- | Gets the network address of the destination node for this request (i.e. the
-- client).
getDestAddr :: ProxyInfo -> N.SockAddr
getDestAddr p = _destAddr p

-- | Makes a 'ProxyInfo' object.
makeProxyInfo :: N.SockAddr      -- ^ the source address
              -> N.SockAddr      -- ^ the destination address
              -> N.Family        -- ^ the socket family
              -> N.SocketType    -- ^ the socket type
              -> ProxyInfo
makeProxyInfo srcAddr destAddr f st = ProxyInfo srcAddr destAddr f st

parseFamily :: Parser (Maybe N.Family)
parseFamily = (string "TCP4" >> return (Just N.AF_INET))
                <|> (string "TCP6" >> return (Just N.AF_INET6))
                <|> (string "UNKNOWN" >> return Nothing)

parseOldHaProxy :: Parser (Maybe (ByteString, Int, ByteString, Int, N.Family))
parseOldHaProxy = do
    string "PROXY "
    gotFamily <- parseFamily
    case gotFamily of
      Nothing  -> skipWhile (/= '\r') >> string "\r\n" >> return Nothing
      (Just f) -> do
          char ' '
          srcAddress <- takeWhile1 (/= ' ')
          char ' '
          destAddress <- takeWhile1 (/= ' ')
          char ' '
          srcPort <- decimal
          char ' '
          destPort <- decimal
          string "\r\n"
          return $! Just $! (srcAddress, srcPort, destAddress, destPort, f)

protocolHeader :: ByteString
protocolHeader = S8.pack [ 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0x0A, 0x00, 0x0D
                         , 0x0A, 0x51, 0x55, 0x49, 0x54, 0x0A ]
{-# NOINLINE protocolHeader #-}

parseNewHaProxy :: ProxyInfo -> Parser ProxyInfo
parseNewHaProxy localProxyInfo = do
    string protocolHeader

    versionAndCommand <- anyWord8
    let version = (versionAndCommand .&. 0xF0) `unsafeShiftR` 4
    let command = (versionAndCommand .&. 0xF) :: Word8

    when (version /= 0x2) $ fail $ "Invalid protocol version: " ++ show version
    when (command > 1) $ fail $ "Invalid command: " ++ show command

    protocolAndFamily <- anyWord8
    let family = (protocolAndFamily .&. 0xF0) `unsafeShiftR` 4
    let protocol = (protocolAndFamily .&. 0xF) :: Word8

    -- 0x0 : AF_UNSPEC : the connection is forwarded for an unknown,
    -- unspecified or unsupported protocol. The sender should use this family
    -- when sending LOCAL commands or when dealing with unsupported protocol
    -- families. The receiver is free to accept the connection anyway and use
    -- the real endpoint addresses or to reject it. The receiver should ignore
    -- address information.

    -- 0x1 : AF_INET : the forwarded connection uses the AF_INET address family
    -- (IPv4). The addresses are exactly 4 bytes each in network byte order,
    -- followed by transport protocol information (typically ports).

    -- 0x2 : AF_INET6 : the forwarded connection uses the AF_INET6 address
    -- family (IPv6). The addresses are exactly 16 bytes each in network byte
    -- order, followed by transport protocol information (typically ports).
    -- 0x3 : AF_UNIX : the forwarded connection uses the AF_UNIX address family
    -- (UNIX). The addresses are exactly 108 bytes each.
    socketType <- toSocketType protocol

    addressLen <- ntohs <$> snarf16

    case () of
        !_ | command == 0x0 || family == 0x0 || protocol == 0x0   -- LOCAL
                -> handleLocal addressLen
           | family == 0x1 -> handleIPv4 addressLen socketType
           | family == 0x2 -> handleIPv6 addressLen socketType
#ifndef WINDOWS
           | family == 0x3 -> handleUnix addressLen socketType
           | otherwise     -> fail $ "Bad family " ++ show family

    toSocketType 0 = return $! N.Stream
    toSocketType 1 = return $! N.Stream
    toSocketType 2 = return $! N.Datagram
    toSocketType _ = fail "bad protocol"

    handleLocal addressLen = do
        -- skip N bytes and return the original addresses
        when (addressLen > 500) $ fail $ "suspiciously long address "
                                          ++ show addressLen
        void $ take (fromIntegral addressLen)
        return localProxyInfo

    handleIPv4 addressLen socketType = do
        when (addressLen < 12) $ fail $ "bad address length "
                                         ++ show addressLen
                                         ++ " for IPv4"
        let nskip = addressLen - 12
        srcAddr  <- snarf32
        destAddr <- snarf32
        srcPort  <- ntohs <$> snarf16
        destPort <- ntohs <$> snarf16
        void $ take $ fromIntegral nskip

        -- Note: we actually want the brain-dead constructors here
        let sa = N.SockAddrInet (fromIntegral srcPort) srcAddr
        let sb = N.SockAddrInet (fromIntegral destPort) destAddr
        return $! makeProxyInfo sa sb (addrFamily sa) socketType

    handleIPv6 addressLen socketType = do
        let scopeId = 0   -- means "reserved", kludge alert!
        let flow    = 0

        when (addressLen < 36) $ fail $ "bad address length "
                                         ++ show addressLen
                                         ++ " for IPv6"
        let nskip = addressLen - 36
        s1 <- ntohl <$> snarf32
        s2 <- ntohl <$> snarf32
        s3 <- ntohl <$> snarf32
        s4 <- ntohl <$> snarf32

        d1 <- ntohl <$> snarf32
        d2 <- ntohl <$> snarf32
        d3 <- ntohl <$> snarf32
        d4 <- ntohl <$> snarf32

        sp <- ntohs <$> snarf16
        dp <- ntohs <$> snarf16

        void $ take $ fromIntegral nskip

        let sa = N.SockAddrInet6 (fromIntegral sp) flow (s1, s2, s3, s4) scopeId
        let sb = N.SockAddrInet6 (fromIntegral dp) flow (d1, d2, d3, d4) scopeId

        return $! makeProxyInfo sa sb (addrFamily sa) socketType
#ifndef WINDOWS
    handleUnix addressLen socketType = do
        when (addressLen < 216) $ fail $ "bad address length "
                                         ++ show addressLen
                                         ++ " for unix"
        addr1 <- take 108
        addr2 <- take 108
        void $ take $ fromIntegral $ addressLen - 216
        let sa = N.SockAddrUnix (toUnixPath addr1)
        let sb = N.SockAddrUnix (toUnixPath addr2)
        return $! makeProxyInfo sa sb (addrFamily sa) socketType

    toUnixPath = S.unpack . fst . S.break (=='\x00')

foreign import ccall unsafe "iostreams_ntohs" c_ntohs :: CUShort -> CUShort
foreign import ccall unsafe "iostreams_ntohl" c_ntohl :: CUInt -> CUInt

ntohs :: Word16 -> Word16
ntohs = fromIntegral . c_ntohs . fromIntegral

ntohl :: Word32 -> Word32
ntohl = fromIntegral . c_ntohl . fromIntegral

snarf32 :: Parser Word32
snarf32 = do
    s <- take 4
    return $! unsafePerformIO $! S.unsafeUseAsCString s $ peek . castPtr

snarf16 :: Parser Word16
snarf16 = do
    s <- take 2
    return $! unsafePerformIO $! S.unsafeUseAsCString s $ peek . castPtr

addrFamily :: N.SockAddr -> N.Family
addrFamily s = case s of
                 (N.SockAddrInet _ _)      -> N.AF_INET
                 (N.SockAddrInet6 _ _ _ _) -> N.AF_INET6
#ifndef WINDOWS
                 (N.SockAddrUnix _ )       -> N.AF_UNIX
                 _                         -> error "unknown family"