{-# LANGUAGE Strict, StrictData, DeriveGeneric, AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
module Graph.IntMap (
EdgeAttribute(..), Graph(..), ExtractNodeType(..),
Edge, Edge8(..),
empty, fromLists, fromMaps,
insertNode, insertNodes, adjustNode,
insertEdge, insertEdges,
mapNode, mapNodeWithKey,
deleteNode, deleteNodes,
deleteEdge, deleteEdges,
isNull, nodes, edges,
lookupNode, lookupEdge,
adjacentNodesByAttr, adjacentNodes,
parents, children,
buildWord64, extractFirstWord32, extractSecondWord32,
buildWord32, extractFirstWord24, extractSecondWord8,
showHex, showHex32
) where
import Data.Bits((.&.), (.|.))
import Data.Char (intToDigit)
import qualified Data.IntMap as I
import Data.IntMap(IntMap)
import Data.Map(Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe(fromJust, isJust, isNothing, catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set(Set(..))
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU
import Data.Word(Word8, Word32)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc(allocaBytes)
import Foreign.Ptr(castPtr, plusPtr)
import Foreign.Storable(peek, pokeByteOff)
import GHC.Generics
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)
import Debug.Trace
newtype Edge8 = Edge8 Word8
instance Show Edge8 where show (Edge8 e) = "Edge " ++ (showHex32 (fromIntegral e))
type Node = Word32
type Edge = (Node,Node)
data Graph nl el = Graph {
outgoingNodes :: IntMap (Set Node),
incomingNodes :: IntMap (Set Node),
nodeLabels :: IntMap nl,
edgeLabels :: Map (Node, Node) el,
is32BitInt :: Bool,
showEdge :: Map Word8 el
} deriving Generic
class EdgeAttribute el where
fastEdgeAttr :: el -> Word8
edgeFromAttr :: Map Word8 el
show_e :: Maybe el -> String
bases :: el -> [Edge8]
class ExtractNodeType nl where
extractNodeType :: nl -> String
instance (EdgeAttribute el, Eq el, Eq nl) => Eq (Graph nl el)
where (Graph o0 i0 n0 e0 b0 _) == (Graph o1 i1 n1 e1 b1 _) = b0 == b1 && o0 == o1 && i0 == i1 && n0 == n1 && e0 == e1
instance (EdgeAttribute el, Show nl, ExtractNodeType nl, Show el, Enum nl) =>
Show (Graph nl el) where
show (Graph outgoingNodes incomingNodes nlGraph elGraph b showEdge) =
(if b then "32bit graph\n" else "64 bit graph\n") ++
"\noutgoing\ndigraph graphviz {\n" ++
concat (zipWith3 lines nodeOrigins0 edges0 nodeDests0) ++
"}\n" ++
"\nincoming\ndigraph graphviz {\n"++
concat (zipWith3 lines nodeOrigins1 edges1 nodeDests1) ++
"}\n\n nodes\n" ++ concat (map ((++"\n"). show) (I.toList nlGraph)) ++
"\n\n edges\n" ++ concat (map ((++"\n"). show) (Map.toList elGraph))
nodeOrigins0 = map (if b then extractFirstWord24 . fromIntegral
else extractFirstWord32 . fromIntegral)
(I.keys outgoingNodes)
edges0 = map (if b then extractSecondWord8 . fromIntegral
else fromIntegral . extractSecondWord32 . fromIntegral)
(I.keys outgoingNodes)
nodeDests0 = map Set.toList (I.elems outgoingNodes)
nodeOrigins1 = map (if b then extractFirstWord24 . fromIntegral
else extractFirstWord32 . fromIntegral)
(I.keys incomingNodes)
edges1 = map (if b then extractSecondWord8 . fromIntegral
else fromIntegral . extractSecondWord32 .fromIntegral)
(I.keys incomingNodes)
nodeDests1 = map Set.toList (I.elems incomingNodes)
lines or e dests = concat (map (line . f) dests) where f d = (or,e,d)
line (or, e, dest) = extr or ++ show or ++ " -> "++ extr dest ++ show dest ++" [ label = \"" ++
show_e (Map.lookup e showEdge) ++ "\" ];\n"
extr n = maybe "" extractNodeType (I.lookup (fromIntegral n) nlGraph)
empty :: EdgeAttribute el => Graph nl el
empty = Graph I.empty I.empty I.empty Map.empty True edgeFromAttr
empty64 :: EdgeAttribute el => Graph nl el
empty64 = Graph I.empty I.empty I.empty Map.empty False edgeFromAttr
fromLists :: (EdgeAttribute el, Enum nl, Show nl, Show el) =>
Bool -> [(Node, nl)] -> [((Node, Node), el)] -> [((Node, Node), el)] -> Graph nl el
fromLists b ns es esDir =
where ms = fromMaps b nls els elsd True
nls = I.fromList (map t ns)
els = Map.fromList es
elsd = Map.fromList esDir
t (k,v) = (fromIntegral k, v)
fromMaps :: (EdgeAttribute el, Show nl, Show el, Enum nl) =>
Bool -> IntMap nl -> Map (Node,Node) el -> Map (Node,Node) el -> Bool -> Graph nl el
fromMaps b nlabels elabels elabelsDir dir =
where newGraph = Graph ograph igraph nlabels unionEdges b edgeFromAttr
ograph = insertNodeEdges b (es0 ++ esDir0) I.empty
igraph = insertNodeEdges b esDir1 I.empty
unionEdges = Map.union (Map.mapKeys ord elabels)
(Map.mapKeys ord elabelsDir)
es0 = (map triple (Map.toList elabels)) ++ (map rev (Map.toList elabels))
esDir0 = map triple (Map.toList elabelsDir)
esDir1 = if dir then map rev (Map.toList elabelsDir) else []
rev ((n0,n1),v) = ((n1,n0), [v])
triple ((n0,n1),v) = ((n0,n1), [v])
ord (n0,n1) | n0 <= n1 = (n0,n1)
| otherwise = (n1,n0)
insertNode :: EdgeAttribute el => Node -> nl -> Graph nl el -> Graph nl el
insertNode n nl graph =
graph { nodeLabels = I.insert (fromIntegral n) nl (nodeLabels graph) }
insertNodes :: EdgeAttribute el => [(Node, nl)] -> Graph nl el -> Graph nl el
insertNodes nodes graph = foldr f graph nodes
where f (n, nl) g = insertNode n nl g
adjustNode :: EdgeAttribute el => (nl -> nl) -> Node -> Graph nl el -> Graph nl el
adjustNode f n graph =
graph { nodeLabels = I.adjust f (fromIntegral n) (nodeLabels graph) }
insertEdge :: EdgeAttribute el => Maybe Bool -> Edge -> el -> Graph nl el -> Graph nl el
insertEdge maybeIsBack (n0, n1) elabel graph =
graph { outgoingNodes = newOutGraph,
incomingNodes = newInGraph,
edgeLabels = if n0 <= n1 then Map.insert (n0,n1) elabel (edgeLabels graph)
else Map.insert (n1,n0) elabel (edgeLabels graph) }
where newOutGraph | isNothing maybeIsBack = insertNodeEdge b ((n0, n1), [elabel]) (outgoingNodes graph)
| not (fromJust maybeIsBack) = insertNodeEdge b ((n0, n1), [elabel])
(insertNodeEdge b ((n1, n0), [elabel]) (outgoingNodes graph))
| otherwise = insertNodeEdge b ((n0, n1), [elabel]) (outgoingNodes graph)
newInGraph | isNothing maybeIsBack = incomingNodes graph
| not (fromJust maybeIsBack) = insertNodeEdge b ((n0, n1), [elabel])
(insertNodeEdge b ((n1, n0), [elabel]) (incomingNodes graph))
| otherwise = insertNodeEdge b ((n1, n0), [elabel]) (incomingNodes graph)
b = is32BitInt graph
insertEdges :: EdgeAttribute el => Maybe Bool -> [(Edge, el)] -> Graph nl el -> Graph nl el
insertEdges maybeIsBack edges graph = foldr f graph edges
where f (e, el) g = insertEdge maybeIsBack e el g
insertNodeEdges :: EdgeAttribute el => Bool -> [((Node,Node),[el])] -> IntMap (Set Node) -> IntMap (Set Node)
insertNodeEdges b es graph =
foldr (insertNodeEdge b) graph es
insertNodeEdge :: EdgeAttribute el => Bool -> ((Node,Node),[el]) -> IntMap (Set Node) -> IntMap (Set Node)
insertNodeEdge b ((n0, n1), edgeLs) g =
insertNodeEdgeAttr b e g
where e = ((n0, n1), overlay edgeLs)
overlay el = Edge8 (sum (map fastEdgeAttr el))
insertNodeEdgeAttr :: Bool -> ((Node,Node),Edge8) -> IntMap (Set Node) -> IntMap (Set Node)
insertNodeEdgeAttr b ((n0, n1), Edge8 attr) graph =
where newValKey | b = fromIntegral (buildWord32 n0 attr)
| otherwise = fromIntegral (buildWord64 n0 (fromIntegral attr))
imap = I.insertWith Set.union newValKey (Set.singleton n1) graph
union (Graph og0 ig0 nlg0 elg0 b0 s)
(Graph og1 ig1 nlg1 elg1 b1 _)
| b0 /= b1 = error "cannot combine 32 bit wiht 62 bit graph"
| otherwise =
where g = Graph (I.union og0 og1) (I.union ig0 ig1) (I.union nlg0 nlg1) (Map.union elg0 elg1) b0 s
mapNode :: EdgeAttribute el => (nl0 -> nl1) -> Graph nl0 el -> Graph nl1 el
mapNode f g = Graph (outgoingNodes g)
(incomingNodes g)
(I.map f (nodeLabels g))
(edgeLabels g) (is32BitInt g) (showEdge g)
mapNodeWithKey :: EdgeAttribute el => (I.Key -> nl0 -> nl1) -> Graph nl0 el -> Graph nl1 el
mapNodeWithKey f g = Graph (outgoingNodes g)
(incomingNodes g)
(I.mapWithKey f (nodeLabels g))
(edgeLabels g) (is32BitInt g) (showEdge g)
deleteNode :: (EdgeAttribute el, Show nl, Show el, Enum nl) => el -> Node -> Graph nl el -> Graph nl el
deleteNode elabel n graph = graph { outgoingNodes = newOutGraph,
incomingNodes = newInGraph,
nodeLabels = I.delete (fromIntegral n) (nodeLabels graph),
edgeLabels = foldr Map.delete (edgeLabels graph) (map ord edgeLabelsToDelete) }
where newOutGraphOrigin = foldr I.delete (outgoingNodes graph) nodeEdges
newInGraphOrigin = foldr I.delete (incomingNodes graph) nodeEdges
newOutGraph = foldr deleten newOutGraphOrigin (map fromIntegral adjNEs)
newInGraph = foldr deleten newInGraphOrigin (map fromIntegral adjNEs)
deleten ne g = I.update delEmpty ne (I.adjust (Set.delete n) ne g)
adjNEs | b = concat $ map (\a -> map (\b -> buildWord32 a (fromIntegral b)) bs) adj
| otherwise = map fromIntegral $
concat $ map (\a -> map (\b -> buildWord64 a (fromIntegral b)) bs) adj
edgeLabelsToDelete = zip (repeat n) adj
adj = adjacentNodes graph n elabel
ord (n0,n1) | n0 <= n1 = (n0,n1)
| otherwise = (n1,n0)
nodeEdges | b = map fromIntegral (map (buildWord32 n) bs)
| otherwise = map fromIntegral (map (buildWord64 n) (map fromIntegral bs))
bs = map (\(Edge8 e) -> e) (bases elabel)
b = is32BitInt graph
deleteNodes elabel graph nodes = foldr (deleteNode elabel) nodes graph
delEmpty x | null x = Nothing
| otherwise = Just x
deleteEdge :: EdgeAttribute el => Maybe Bool -> Edge -> Graph nl el -> Graph nl el
deleteEdge maybeIsBack (n0, n1) graph
| isNothing elabel = graph
| otherwise =
graph { outgoingNodes = newOutGraph,
incomingNodes = newInGraph,
edgeLabels = Map.delete (if n0 <= n1 then (n0, n1) else (n1, n0)) (edgeLabels graph) }
where elabel = Map.lookup (if n0 <= n1 then (n0, n1) else (n1, n0)) (edgeLabels graph)
newOutGraph = ((I.update delEmpty ne0) . (I.update delEmpty ne1) .
(I.adjust (Set.delete n0) ne1) . (I.adjust (Set.delete n1) ne0)) (outgoingNodes graph)
newInGraph = ((I.update delEmpty ne0) . (I.update delEmpty ne1) .
(I.adjust (Set.delete n0) ne1) . (I.adjust (Set.delete n1) ne0)) (incomingNodes graph)
ne0 | is32BitInt graph = fromIntegral (buildWord32 n0 e8)
| otherwise = fromIntegral (buildWord64 n0 (fromIntegral e8))
ne1 | is32BitInt graph = fromIntegral (buildWord32 n1 e8)
| otherwise = fromIntegral (buildWord64 n1 (fromIntegral e8))
e8 = maybe 0 fastEdgeAttr elabel
deleteEdges maybeIsBack graph edges =
foldr (deleteEdge maybeIsBack) edges graph
lookupNode :: (Show nl, EdgeAttribute el) => Node -> Graph nl el -> Maybe nl
lookupNode n g =
where lu = I.lookup (fromIntegral n) (nodeLabels g)
lookupEdge :: (EdgeAttribute el, Show el) => Edge -> Graph nl el -> Maybe el
lookupEdge (n0, n1) g =
where lu | n0 <= n1 = Map.lookup (n0,n1) (edgeLabels g)
| otherwise = Map.lookup (n1,n0) (edgeLabels g)
isNull (Graph ograph igraph nlgr elgr b _) = I.null ograph && I.null igraph && I.null nlgr && Map.null elgr
nodes (Graph ograph igraph nlgr elgr b _) = I.keys nlgr
edges (Graph ograph igraph nlgr elgr b _) = Map.keys elgr
adjacentNodesByAttr :: EdgeAttribute el => Graph nl el -> Bool -> Node -> Edge8 -> VU.Vector Node
adjacentNodesByAttr graph out node (Edge8 attr) =
maybe VU.empty (VU.fromList . Set.toList) val
val = I.lookup key (if out then outgoingNodes graph else incomingNodes graph)
key | is32BitInt graph = fromIntegral (buildWord32 node attr)
| otherwise = fromIntegral (buildWord64 node (fromIntegral attr))
adjacentNodes :: EdgeAttribute el => Graph nl el -> Node -> el -> [Node]
adjacentNodes graph node someEdge =
VU.toList $
VU.concat $ (map (adjacentNodesByAttr graph True node) bs) ++
(map (adjacentNodesByAttr graph False node) bs)
where bs = bases someEdge
children :: EdgeAttribute el => Graph nl el -> Node -> el -> VU.Vector Node
children graph node someEdge =
VU.concat (map (adjacentNodesByAttr graph True node) bs)
where bs = bases someEdge
parents :: EdgeAttribute el => Graph nl el -> Node -> el -> VU.Vector Node
parents graph node someEdge =
VU.concat (map (adjacentNodesByAttr graph False node) bs)
where bs = bases someEdge
{-# INLINE buildWord64 #-}
buildWord64 :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Word
buildWord64 w0 w1
= unsafePerformIO . allocaBytes 8 $ \p -> do
pokeByteOff p 0 w0
pokeByteOff p 4 w1
peek (castPtr p)
{-# INLINE extractFirstWord32 #-}
extractFirstWord32 :: Word -> Word32
extractFirstWord32 w
= unsafePerformIO . allocaBytes 4 $ \p -> do
pokeByteOff p 0 w
peek (castPtr p)
{-# INLINE extractSecondWord32 #-}
extractSecondWord32 :: Word -> Word32
extractSecondWord32 w
= unsafePerformIO . allocaBytes 4 $ \p -> do
pokeByteOff p 0 w
peek (castPtr (plusPtr p 4))
buildWord32 :: Word32 -> Word8 -> Word32
buildWord32 w0 w1
= unsafePerformIO . allocaBytes 4 $ \p -> do
pokeByteOff p 0 w0
pokeByteOff p 3 w1
peek (castPtr p)
{-# INLINE extractFirstWord24 #-}
extractFirstWord24 :: Word32 -> Word32
extractFirstWord24 w = w .&. 0xFFFFFF
{-# INLINE extractSecondWord8 #-}
extractSecondWord8 :: Word32 -> Word8
extractSecondWord8 w
= unsafePerformIO . allocaBytes 1 $ \p -> do
pokeByteOff p 0 w
peek (castPtr (plusPtr p 3))
showHex :: Word -> String
showHex n = showIt 16 n ""
showIt :: Int -> Word -> String -> String
showIt 0 _ r = r
showIt i x r = case quotRem x 16 of
(y, z) -> let c = intToDigit (fromIntegral z)
in c `seq` showIt (i-1) y (c:r)
showHex32 :: Word32 -> String
showHex32 n = showIt 8 n ""
showIt :: Int -> Word32 -> String -> String
showIt 0 _ r = r
showIt i x r = case quotRem x 16 of
(y, z) -> let c = intToDigit (fromIntegral z)
in c `seq` showIt (i-1) y (c:r)