{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
Module      : Instana.SDK.Span.NonRootEntry
Description : An entry span that is not the root of a trace
module Instana.SDK.Span.NonRootEntry
  ( NonRootEntry(..)
  , addData
  , addToErrorCount
  , setServiceName
  ) where

import           Data.Aeson              (Value)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Extra.Merge  as AesonExtra
import           Data.Text               (Text)
import           GHC.Generics

import           Instana.SDK.Internal.Id (Id)

-- |An entry span that is not the root span of a trace.
data NonRootEntry =
      -- |The trace ID
      traceId     :: Id
      -- |The span ID
    , spanId      :: Id
      -- |The ID of the parent span
    , parentId    :: Id
      -- |The span name/type, e.g. a short string like "haskell.wai.server",
      -- "haskell.http.client". For SDK spans this is always "sdk", the actual
      -- name is then in span.data.sdk.name.
    , spanName    :: Text
      -- |The time the span started
    , timestamp   :: Int
      -- |The number of errors that occured during processing
    , errorCount  :: Int
      -- |An attribute for overriding the name of the service in Instana
    , serviceName :: Maybe Text
      -- |Additional data for the span. Must be provided as an
      -- 'Data.Aeson.Value'.
    , spanData    :: Value
    } deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

-- |Add to the error count.
addToErrorCount :: Int -> NonRootEntry -> NonRootEntry
addToErrorCount increment nonRootEntry =
    ec = errorCount nonRootEntry
  nonRootEntry { errorCount = ec + increment }

-- |Override the name of the service for the associated call in Instana.
setServiceName :: Text -> NonRootEntry -> NonRootEntry
setServiceName serviceName_ nonRootEntry =
  nonRootEntry { serviceName = Just serviceName_ }

-- |Add a value to the span's data section.
addData :: Value -> NonRootEntry -> NonRootEntry
addData newData nonRootEntry =
    currentData = spanData nonRootEntry
    mergedData = AesonExtra.lodashMerge currentData newData
  nonRootEntry { spanData = mergedData }