{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
Module      : Instana.SDK.Internal.Id
Description : A module for working with trace IDs and span IDs
module Instana.SDK.Internal.Id
   ( Id
   , generate
   , fromString
   , toByteString
   , toText
   -- exposed for testing purposes
   , createFromIntsForTest

import           Control.Monad         (replicateM)
import           Data.Aeson            (FromJSON, ToJSON, Value)
import qualified Data.Aeson            as Aeson
import           Data.Aeson.Types      (Parser)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BSC8
import           Data.List             (foldl)
import           Data.Text             (Text)
import qualified Data.Text             as T
import           GHC.Generics
import           Numeric               (showHex)
import qualified System.Random         as Random

-- |Represents an ID (trace ID, span ID).
data Id =
    -- |a representation of a 64 bit ID with just enough Int components to
    -- reach 64 bits (used when generating new random IDs)
    IntComponents [Int]
    -- |a representation of a 64 bit ID as a plain string (used when
    -- deserializing IDs, for example when reading HTTP headers)
  | IdString String
  deriving (Eq, Generic, Show)

instance FromJSON Id where
  parseJSON :: Value -> Parser Id
  parseJSON = Aeson.withText "Id string" $
    \string -> return $ IdString $ (T.unpack string)

instance ToJSON Id where
  toJSON :: Id -> Value
  toJSON =
    Aeson.String . toText

appendAsHex :: Int -> String -> Int -> String
appendAsHex noOfComponents accumulator intValue =
  appendPaddedHex accumulator intValue
    toHex = (flip showHex) "" . abs
    padding = 64 `div` noOfComponents `div` 4
    toPaddedHex = leftPad padding . toHex
    appendPaddedHex = flip ((++) . toPaddedHex)

leftPad :: Int -> String -> String
leftPad digits s
  | length s < digits = replicate (digits - length s) '0' ++ s
  | otherwise         = s

-- |Generates a new random ID.
generate :: IO Id
generate = do
  -- The number of bits used for an Haskell Int depends on the GHC
  -- implementation. It is guaranteed to cover the range from -2^29 to 2^29 - 1.
  -- On modern systems it is often -2^63 to 2^63 - 1.
  -- We need 64 bits, so we actually need to generate multiple Ints (usually
  -- two) and stitch them together during JSON decoding.
    requiredNumberOfIntComponents = 64 `div` bitsPerInt
  (randomInts :: [Int]) <-
    replicateM requiredNumberOfIntComponents Random.randomIO
  return $ IntComponents $ randomInts

bitsPerInt :: Int
bitsPerInt =
  floor $ logBase (2 :: Double) $ fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int)

-- |Converts a string into an ID.
fromString :: String -> Id
fromString = IdString

-- |Converts an ID into a String
toString :: Id -> String
toString theId =
  case theId of
    IntComponents intComponents ->
        noOfComponents = length intComponents
        (appendAsHex noOfComponents)
        (reverse intComponents)
    IdString string ->

-- |Converts an ID into a Text
toText :: Id -> Text
toText =
  T.pack . toString

-- |Converts an ID into a ByteString
toByteString :: Id -> BSC8.ByteString
toByteString =
  BSC8.pack . toString

-- |Only exposed for testing, do not use this.
createFromIntsForTest :: [Int] -> Id
createFromIntsForTest = IntComponents