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influxdb- Haskell client library for InfluxDB

Safe HaskellNone




Ping interface

ping :: PingParams -> IO Pong Source #

Send a ping to InfluxDB.

It may throw an InfluxException.

Ping parameters

data PingParams Source #

The full set of parameters for the ping API

Following lenses are available to access its fields:

HasManager PingParams Source #
>>> let p = pingParams & manager .~ Left HC.defaultManagerSettings
Instance details

Defined in Database.InfluxDB.Ping

HasServer PingParams Source #
>>> pingParams ^. server.host
Instance details

Defined in Database.InfluxDB.Ping

server :: HasServer a => Lens' a Server Source #

InfluxDB server address and port that to interact with.

manager :: HasManager a => Lens' a (Either ManagerSettings Manager) Source #

HTTP manager settings or a manager itself.

If it's set to ManagerSettings, the library will create a Manager from the settings for you.

timeout :: Lens' PingParams (Maybe NominalDiffTime) Source #

The number of seconds to wait before returning a response

>>> pingParams ^. timeout
>>> let p = pingParams & timeout ?~ 1


data Pong Source #

Response of a ping request

Eq Pong Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.InfluxDB.Ping


(==) :: Pong -> Pong -> Bool #

(/=) :: Pong -> Pong -> Bool #

Ord Pong Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.InfluxDB.Ping


compare :: Pong -> Pong -> Ordering #

(<) :: Pong -> Pong -> Bool #

(<=) :: Pong -> Pong -> Bool #

(>) :: Pong -> Pong -> Bool #

(>=) :: Pong -> Pong -> Bool #

max :: Pong -> Pong -> Pong #

min :: Pong -> Pong -> Pong #

Show Pong Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Database.InfluxDB.Ping


showsPrec :: Int -> Pong -> ShowS #

show :: Pong -> String #

showList :: [Pong] -> ShowS #

roundtripTime :: Lens' Pong TimeSpec Source #

Round-trip time of the ping

influxdbVersion :: Lens' Pong ByteString Source #

Version string returned by InfluxDB