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influxdb- Haskell client library for InfluxDB

Safe HaskellNone




Management query interface

data Query Source #

An InfluxDB query.

A spec of the format is available at https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.5/query_language/spec/.

A Query can be constructed using either

>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>>> "SELECT * FROM series" :: Query
"SELECT * FROM series"
>>> import qualified Database.InfluxDB.Format as F
>>> formatQuery ("SELECT * FROM "%F.key) "series"
"SELECT * FROM \"series\""

NOTE: Currently this library doesn't support type-safe query construction.

manage :: QueryParams -> Query -> IO () Source #

Send a database management query to InfluxDB.

>>> let db = "manage-test"
>>> let p = queryParams db
>>> manage p $ F.formatQuery ("CREATE DATABASE "%F.database) db

Query parameters

data QueryParams Source #

The full set of parameters for the query API


HasCredentials QueryParams Source #

Authentication info for the query

>>> let p = queryParams "foo"
>>> p ^. authentication
>>> let p' = p & authentication ?~ credentials "john" "passw0rd"
>>> p' ^. authentication.traverse.user
HasManager QueryParams Source #
>>> let p = queryParams "foo" & manager .~ Left HC.defaultManagerSettings
HasDatabase QueryParams Source #
>>> let p = queryParams "foo"
>>> p ^. database
HasServer QueryParams Source #
>>> let p = queryParams "foo"
>>> p ^. server.host
HasPrecision QueryRequest QueryParams Source #

Returning JSON responses contain timestamps in the specified precision/format.

>>> let p = queryParams "foo"
>>> p ^. precision

server :: HasServer a => Lens' a Server Source #

InfluxDB server address and port that to interact with.

database :: HasDatabase a => Lens' a Database Source #

Database name to work on.

precision :: HasPrecision ty a => Lens' a (Precision ty) Source #

Time precision parameter.

manager :: HasManager a => Lens' a (Either ManagerSettings Manager) Source #

HTTP manager settings or a manager itself.

If it's set to ManagerSettings, the library will create a Manager from the settings for you.

Management query results


data ShowQuery Source #

>>> v <- query (queryParams "_internal") "SHOW QUERIES" :: IO (V.Vector ShowQuery)


HasDatabase ShowQuery Source #
>>> v <- query (queryParams "_internal") "SHOW QUERIES" :: IO (V.Vector ShowQuery)
>>> v ^.. each.database
QueryResults ShowQuery Source # 

qid :: Lens' ShowQuery Int Source #

Query ID

>>> v <- query (queryParams "_internal") "SHOW QUERIES" :: IO (V.Vector ShowQuery)
>>> v ^.. each.qid

queryText :: Lens' ShowQuery Query Source #

Query text

>>> v <- query (queryParams "_internal") "SHOW QUERIES" :: IO (V.Vector ShowQuery)
>>> v ^.. each.queryText

duration :: Lens' ShowQuery NominalDiffTime Source #

Duration of the query

>>> v <- query (queryParams "_internal") "SHOW QUERIES" :: IO (V.Vector ShowQuery)
>>> v ^.. each.duration


key :: Lens' ShowSeries Key Source #

Series name

>>> v <- query (queryParams "_internal") "SHOW SERIES" :: IO (V.Vector ShowSeries)
>>> length $ v ^.. each.key