Copyright | (C) 2023 Alexey Tochin |
License | BSD3 (see the file LICENSE) |
Maintainer | Alexey Tochin <> |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Extensions |
Tutorial inf-backprop package.
Quick start
:set -XNoImplicitPrelude
import Prelude (Float, fmap)
import InfBackprop (BackpropFunc, call, derivative, derivativeN, pow)
We can define differentiable function
\[ f(x) := x^2 \]
as follows
smoothF = pow 2 :: BackpropFunc Float Float
where pow
is a power differentiable function and
:: * -> * -> *
is a type for infinitely differentiable (smooth) functions.
We can get the function values by call
method like
f = call smoothF :: Float -> Float
fmap f [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
as well as the first derivative by derivative
, which is
\[ f'(x) = 2 \cdot x \]
df = derivative smoothF :: Float -> Float
fmap df [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
or the second derivative
\[ f''(x) = 2 \]
d2f = derivativeN 2 smoothF :: Float -> Float
fmap d2f [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
and so on.
A composition of two functions like
\[ g(x) := \log x^3 \]
must be defined with the categorical composition (>>>)
(or (<<<)
import InfBackprop (log)
import Control.Category ((>>>), (<<<))
smoothG = pow 3 >>> log
For more complicated expressions, for example,
\[ h(x) := x^2 + x^3 \]
we use arrow notations (***)
, first
and second
as follows
import InfBackprop ((+), dup)
import Control.CatBifunctor ((***))
smoothH = dup >>> (pow 2 *** pow 3) >>> (+) :: BackpropFunc Float Float
dup :: BackpropFunc a (a, a)
is differentiable function that simply splits the single implicit argument x
into the tuple '(x, x)'.
THis is needed path tje implicit x
to two independent functions pow
and pow
The last
(+) :: BackpropFunc (a, a) a
operation transforms the pair of implicit arguments into their sum.
Derivatives for symbolic expressions
import Prelude (($))
import Control.Category ((<<<))
import InfBackprop (BackpropFunc, call, derivative, derivativeN, sin, pow, (**), pow, setSecond, const)
We use simple-expr package here.
import Debug.SimpleExpr.Expr (SimpleExpr, variable, simplify)
For example a symbolic function
\[ f(x) := \sin x^2 \]
can be defined as follows
x = variable "x"
f = sin <<< pow 2 :: BackpropFunc SimpleExpr SimpleExpr
see Tutorial
for details.
We can call the symbolic function like
call f x
and find the symbolic derivative
\[ \frac{d}{d x} f(x) = \frac{d}{d x} \sin x^2 = 2\, x \cos x^2 \]
as follows
simplify $ derivative f x
as well as the second and higher derivatives
simplify $ derivativeN 2 f x
Symbolic expressions visualization
The simple-expr package is equipped with a visulaisation tool that can be used to illustrate how the differentiation works.
import Control.Category ((<<<))
import InfBackprop (call, backpropExpr)
import Debug.SimpleExpr.Expr (SimpleExpr, variable, simplify)
import Debug.SimpleExpr.GraphUtils (exprToGraph)
import Data.Graph.VisualizeAlternative (plotDGraph)
As a warm up consider a trivial composition of two functions
\[ g(f(x)) \]
is defined as
x = variable "x"
call (backpropExpr "g" <<< backpropExpr "f") x
It can be plotted by
plotExpr $ call (backpropExpr "g" <<< backpropExpr "f") x
The graph for the first derivative can depicted by
plotExpr $ simplify $ derivative (backpropExpr "g" <<< backpropExpr "f") x
is a simple removal such things like *1
and +0
As well as the second derivative is straightforward
plotExpr $ simplify $ derivativeN 2 (backpropExpr "g" <<< backpropExpr "f") x
How it works
The idea would be clear from the example of three functions composition
with a focus on function f
Its first derivative over x
\[ g(f(h(x))). \]
\[ h'(x) \cdot f'(h(x)) \cdot g'(f(h(x))). \]
According to the backpropagation strategy, the order of the calculation should be as follows.
- Find
. - Find
. - Find
. - Find the top derivative
. - Find the next to the top derivative
. - Multiply
. - Find the next derivative
. - Multiply the output of point 6 on
The generalization for longer composition is straightforward.
All calculations related to the function f
can be divided into two parts.
We have to find f
of h(x)
first (forward step) and then the derivative f'
of the same argument h(x)
multiply it on the derivative g'(f(h(x)))
obtained during the similar calculations for g
(backward step).
Notice that the value of h(x)
is reused on the backward step.
To implement this, we define type Backprop
(see the corresponding
documentation for details).
Declaring custom derivative
import Prelude (Float)
import qualified Prelude
import Control.Category ((>>>))
import InfBackprop ((*), negate, dup, BackpropFunc, Backprop(MkBackprop), second)
As an illustrative example a differentiable version of cos
numerical function can be defined as follows
(see the documentation for Backprop
for details)
cos :: BackpropFunc Float Float cos = MkBackprop call' forward' backward' where call' :: Float -> Float call' = Prelude.cos forward' :: BackpropFunc Float (Float, Float) forward' = dup >>> first cos backward' :: BackpropFunc (Float, Float) Float backward' = second (sin >>> negate) >>> (*) sin :: BackpropFunc Float Float sin = ...
Here we use Prelude
implementation for ordinary cos
function in call
The forward function is differentiable (which is needed for further derivatives) function
with two output values.
Roughly speaking forward
x -> (sin x, x)
The first term of the tuple is just sin
the second terms x
in the tuple is the value to be reused on the backward step.
The backward
(dy, x) -> dy * (-cos x)
where dy
is the derivative found on the previous backward step and the second value is x
stored by forward
We simply multiply with (*)
the derivative dy
on the derivative of sin
that is -cos
The stored value is not necessary just x
. It could be anything useful for the backward step, see for example
the implementation for exp
and the corresponding
Differentiation of monadic function
Differentiable versions of monadic functions a -> m b
can also be backpropagated.
For example, consider a real-valued power function defined for positive real numbers.
For a negative number, it returns Nothing
, which is a signal to stop computing the derivative and return Nothing
in the spirit of the behavior of the monad Maybe
For this purpose, we can use that the type Backprop
type is defined for any category,
not only for functions (->)
In particular, we can try Backprop
instead of Backprop
from the previous sections.
import Prelude (Maybe, Maybe(Just, Nothing), ($), Ord, (>), Float)
import InfBackprop (Backprop(MkBackprop), derivative, dup, (*), linear, pureBackprop, first, second)
import Control.Arrow (Kleisli(Kleisli), runKleisli, (>>>))
import qualified NumHask as NH
The functoin
pureBackprop :: Monad m => Backprop (->) a b -> Backprop (Kleisli m) a b
is to trivially lift an ordinary backpropagation functions to the monadic function type.
Define the power function as follows
powR :: forall a. (Ord a, NH.ExpField a) => a -> Backprop (Kleisli Maybe) a a powR p = MkBackprop call' forward' backward' where call' :: Kleisli Maybe a a call' = Kleisli $ \x -> if x > then Just $ x NH.** p else Nothing -- forward' :: Backprop (Kleisli Maybe) a (a, a) forward' = pureBackprop dup >>> first (powR p) -- backward' :: Backprop (Kleisli Maybe) (a, a) a backward' = second der >>> pureBackprop (*) where der = powR (p NH.- >>> pureBackprop (linear p) :}
and calculate
\[ \frac{d}{dx} x^{\frac12} = \frac{1}{2 \sqrt{x}} \]
for x=4
and x=-4
runKleisli (derivative (powR 0.5)) (4 :: Float)
Just 0.25>>>
runKleisli (derivative (powR 0.5)) (-4 :: Float)
Differentiation with logging
Our objective now is to add logging to the derivative calculation.
The type Backprop
cat a b
type is parametrized by a category cat
, input a
and output b
If cat
is (->)
the type is reduced to BackpropFunc
we worked with above.
To add logging to the calculation we shall replace (->)
m =>
We will need the imports below
import Prelude (Integer, Float, ($), (+), (*))
import Control.Monad.Logger (runStdoutLoggingT, MonadLogger)
import Control.Arrow ((>>>), runKleisli, Kleisli)
import InfBackprop (derivative, loggingBackpropExpr)
import Debug.SimpleExpr.Expr (variable)
import Debug.LoggingBackprop (initUnaryFunc, initBinaryFunc, pureKleisli, exp, sin)
where the module loggingBackpropExpr
contains some useful functionality.
For example, lifts for unary functions
initUnaryFunc :: (Show a, Show b, MonadLogger m) => String -> (a -> b) -> Kleisli m a b
and binary functions
initBinaryFunc :: (Show a, Show b, Show c, MonadLogger m) => String -> (a -> b -> c) -> Kleisli m (a, b) c
These two terms map given functions to Kleisli category terms, that allows logging during their execution.
Let us first explain how it works with the following example.
\[ f(x) = y \cdot 3 + y \cdot 4, \quad y = x + 2. \]
This function can be defined as follows
fLogging :: MonadLogger m => Kleisli m Integer Integer fLogging = initUnaryFunc "+2" (+2) >>> (pureKleisli (\x -> (x, x))) >>> (initUnaryFunc "*3" (*3) *** initUnaryFunc "*4" (*4)) >>> initBinaryFunc "sum" (+) :}
We run the calculation with x = 5
as follows
runStdoutLoggingT $ runKleisli fLogging 5
[Info] Calculating +2 of 5 => 7 [Info] Calculating *3 of 7 => 21 [Info] Calculating *4 of 7 => 28 [Info] Calculating sum of 21 and 28 => 49 49
We are now ready to consider an example with derivatives. Let us calculate a simple example as follows
\[ \frac{d}{dx} \mathrm{f} (e^x) = e^x f'(e^x) \]
We define symbolic function f
loggingBackpropExpr :: String -> BackpropFunc SimpleExpr SimpleExpr
and the entire derivative is
runStdoutLoggingT $ runKleisli (derivative (exp >>> loggingBackpropExpr "f")) (variable "x")
[Info] Calculating exp of x => exp(x) [Info] Calculating f of exp(x) => f(exp(x)) [Info] Calculating f' of exp(x) => f'(exp(x)) [Info] Calculating multiplication of 1 and f'(exp(x)) => 1·f'(exp(x)) [Info] Calculating multiplication of 1·f'(exp(x)) and exp(x) => (1·f'(exp(x)))·exp(x) (1·f'(exp(x)))·exp(x)
For illustration we can set 'f = sin' and 'x=2'
\[ \left. \frac{d}{dx} \sin (e^x) \right|_{x=2} = e^2 \cos (e^2) \]
runStdoutLoggingT $ runKleisli (derivative (exp >>> sin)) (2 :: Float)
[Info] Calculating exp of 2.0 => 7.389056 [Info] Calculating sin of 7.389056 => 0.893855 [Info] Calculating cos of 7.389056 => 0.44835615 [Info] Calculating multiplication of 1.0 and 0.44835615 => 0.44835615 [Info] Calculating multiplication of 0.44835615 and 7.389056 => 3.312929 3.312929
The first thing to mention in these logs is that the last forward step
sin(exp x)
is still computed, unlike the examples from the previous section.
This is due to the monadic nature of the calculation chain, that must disappear as soon as we return to
from Kleisli
The second thing to mention here is that the exponent
exp x
is calculated only once thanks to the cache term passed from the forward
to the backward