{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- | Module    :  InfBackprop.Tutorial
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2023 Alexey Tochin
-- License     :  BSD3 (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  Alexey Tochin <Alexey.Tochin@gmail.com>
-- Tutorial [inf-backprop](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/inf-backprop) package.
module InfBackprop.Tutorial
  ( -- * Quick start
    -- $quick_start

    -- * Derivatives for symbolic expressions
    -- $derivatives_for_symbolic_expressions

    -- * Symbolic expressions visualization
    -- $symbolic_expressions_visualization

    -- * How it works
    -- $how_it_works

    -- * Declaring custom derivative
    -- $declaring_custom_derivative

    -- * Differentiation of monadic function
    -- $differentiation_monadic_types

    -- * Differentiation with logging
    -- $differentiation_with_logging

import Control.Arrow (Kleisli, (<<<), (>>>))
import Control.Monad.Logger (MonadLogger)
import Debug.SimpleExpr (SimpleExpr, simplify)
import InfBackprop
  ( Backprop,
import Prelude (Maybe (Just, Nothing), Monad)

-- $quick_start
-- >>> :set -XNoImplicitPrelude
-- >>> import Prelude (Float, fmap)
-- >>> import InfBackprop (BackpropFunc, call, derivative, derivativeN, pow)
-- We can define differentiable function
-- \[
--   f(x) := x^2
-- \]
-- as follows
-- >>> smoothF = pow 2 :: BackpropFunc Float Float
-- where 'pow' is a power differentiable function and
-- 'BackpropFunc'@ :: * -> * -> * @
-- is a type for infinitely differentiable (smooth) functions.
-- We can get the function values by 'call' method like
-- >>> f = call smoothF :: Float -> Float
-- >>> fmap f [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
-- [9.0,4.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,4.0,9.0]
-- as well as the first derivative by 'derivative', which is
-- \[
--   f'(x) = 2 \cdot x
-- \]
-- >>> df = derivative smoothF :: Float -> Float
-- >>> fmap df [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
-- [-6.0,-4.0,-2.0,0.0,2.0,4.0,6.0]
-- or the second derivative
-- \[
--   f''(x) = 2
-- \]
-- >>> d2f = derivativeN 2 smoothF :: Float -> Float
-- >>> fmap d2f [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]
-- [2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0,2.0]
-- and so on.
-- A composition of two functions like
-- \[
--   g(x) := \log x^3
-- \]
-- must be defined with the categorical composition '(>>>)' (or '(<<<)')
-- >>> import InfBackprop (log)
-- >>> import Control.Category ((>>>), (<<<))
-- >>> smoothG = pow 3 >>> log
-- For more complicated expressions, for example,
-- \[
--   h(x) := x^2 + x^3
-- \]
-- we use arrow notations '(***)', 'first' and 'second' as follows
-- >>> import InfBackprop ((+), dup)
-- >>> import Control.CatBifunctor ((***))
-- >>> smoothH = dup >>> (pow 2 *** pow 3) >>> (+) :: BackpropFunc Float Float
-- where
-- @
--   dup :: BackpropFunc a (a, a)
-- @
-- is differentiable function that simply splits the single implicit argument @x@ into the tuple '(x, x)'.
-- THis is needed path tje implicit @x@ to two independent functions 'pow' @2@ and 'pow' @3@.
-- The last
-- @
--   (+) :: BackpropFunc (a, a) a
-- @
-- operation transforms the pair of implicit arguments into their sum.

-- $derivatives_for_symbolic_expressions
-- >>> import Prelude (($))
-- >>> import Control.Category ((<<<))
-- >>> import InfBackprop (BackpropFunc, call, derivative, derivativeN, sin, pow, (**), pow, setSecond, const)
-- We use
-- [simple-expr](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/simple-expr)
-- package here.
-- >>> import Debug.SimpleExpr.Expr (SimpleExpr, variable, simplify)
-- For example a symbolic function
-- \[
--   f(x) := \sin x^2
-- \]
-- can be defined as follows
-- >>> x = variable "x"
-- >>> f = sin <<< pow 2 :: BackpropFunc SimpleExpr SimpleExpr
-- see 'Debug.SimpleExpr.Tutorial' for details.
-- We can call the symbolic function like
-- >>> call f x
-- sin(x·x)
-- and find the symbolic derivative
-- \[
--   \frac{d}{d x} f(x) = \frac{d}{d x} \sin x^2 = 2\, x \cos x^2
-- \]
-- as follows
-- >>> simplify $ derivative f x
-- cos(x·x)·(2·x)
-- as well as the second and higher derivatives
-- >>> simplify $ derivativeN 2 f x
-- (((2·x)·-(sin(x·x)))·(2·x))+(2·cos(x·x))

-- $symbolic_expressions_visualization
-- The
-- [simple-expr](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/simple-expr)
-- package is equipped with a visulaisation tool that can be used to illustrate how the differentiation works.
-- >>> import Control.Category ((<<<))
-- >>> import InfBackprop (call, backpropExpr)
-- >>> import Debug.SimpleExpr.Expr (SimpleExpr, variable, simplify)
-- >>> import Debug.SimpleExpr.GraphUtils (exprToGraph)
-- >>> import Data.Graph.VisualizeAlternative (plotDGraph)
-- As a warm up consider a trivial composition of two functions
-- \[
--   g(f(x))
-- \]
-- is defined as
-- >>> x = variable "x"
-- >>> call (backpropExpr "g" <<< backpropExpr "f") x
-- g(f(x))
-- It can be plotted by
-- @ plotExpr $ call (backpropExpr "g" <<< backpropExpr "f") x @
-- ![image description](doc/images/composition.png)
-- The graph for the first derivative can depicted by
-- @ plotExpr $ simplify $ derivative (backpropExpr "g" <<< backpropExpr "f") x @
-- ![image description](doc/images/composition_derivative.png)
-- where
-- 'simplify'@ :: @'SimpleExpr'@ -> @'SimpleExpr`
-- is a simple removal such things like @*1@ and @+0@.
-- As well as the second derivative is straightforward
-- @ plotExpr $ simplify $ derivativeN 2 (backpropExpr "g" <<< backpropExpr "f") x @
-- ![image description](doc/images/composition_second_derivative.png)

-- $how_it_works
-- The idea would be clear from the example of three functions composition
-- \[
--   g(f(h(x)))
-- \]
-- with a focus on function @f@.
-- Its first derivative over @x@ is
-- \[
--   g(f(h(x))).
-- \]
-- \[
--   h'(x) \cdot f'(h(x)) \cdot g'(f(h(x))).
-- \]
-- According to the backpropagation strategy, the order of the calculation should be as follows.
-- 1. Find @h(x)@.
-- 2. Find @f(h(x))@.
-- 3. Find @g(f(h(x)))@.
-- 4. Find the top derivative @g'(f(h(x)))@.
-- 5. Find the next to the top derivative @f'(h(x))@.
-- 6. Multiply @g'(f(h(x)))@ on @f'(h(x))@.
-- 7. Find the next derivative @h'(x)@.
-- 8. Multiply the output of point 6 on @h'(x)@.
-- The generalization for longer composition is straightforward.
-- All calculations related to the function @f@ can be divided into two parts.
-- We have to find @f@ of @h(x)@ first (forward step) and then the derivative @f'@ of the same argument @h(x)@ and
-- multiply it on the derivative @g'(f(h(x)))@ obtained during the similar calculations for @g@ (backward step).
-- Notice that the value of @h(x)@ is reused on the backward step.
-- To implement this, we define type 'Backprop' (see the corresponding
-- documentation for details).

-- $declaring_custom_derivative
-- >>> import Prelude (Float)
-- >>> import qualified Prelude
-- >>> import Control.Category ((>>>))
-- >>> import InfBackprop ((*), negate, dup, BackpropFunc, Backprop(MkBackprop), second)
-- As an illustrative example a differentiable version of 'cos' numerical function can be defined as follows
-- (see the documentation for 'Backprop' for details)
-- @
--   cos :: BackpropFunc Float Float
--   cos = MkBackprop call' forward' backward' where
--     call' :: Float -> Float
--     call' = Prelude.cos
--     forward' :: BackpropFunc Float (Float, Float)
--     forward' = dup >>> first cos
--     backward' :: BackpropFunc (Float, Float) Float
--     backward' = second (sin >>> negate) >>> (*)
--   sin :: BackpropFunc Float Float
--   sin = ...
-- @
-- Here we use @Prelude@ implementation for ordinary @cos@ function in 'call'.
-- The forward function is differentiable (which is needed for further derivatives) function
-- with two output values.
-- Roughly speaking 'forward' is
-- @x -> (sin x, x)@.
-- The first term of the tuple is just @sin@ and
-- the second terms @x@ in the tuple is the value to be reused on the backward step.
-- The 'backward' is
-- @(dy, x) -> dy * (-cos x)@,
-- where @dy@ is the derivative found on the previous backward step and the second value is @x@ stored by `forward`.
-- We simply multiply with @(*)@ the derivative @dy@ on the derivative of @sin@ that is @-cos@.
-- The stored value is not necessary just @x@. It could be anything useful for the backward step, see for example
-- the implementation for @exp@ and the corresponding
-- [example](InfBackprop.Tutorial#differentiation_with_logging)
-- below.

-- $differentiation_monadic_types #differentiation_monadic_types#
-- Differentiable versions of monadic functions @a -> m b@ can also be backpropagated.
-- For example, consider a real-valued power function defined for positive real numbers.
-- For a negative number, it returns 'Nothing', which is a signal to stop computing the derivative and return 'Nothing'
-- in the spirit of the behavior of the monad 'Maybe'.
-- For this purpose, we can use that the type 'Backprop' type is defined for any category,
-- not only for functions @(->)@.
-- In particular, we can try 'Backprop'@(@'Kleisli' 'Maybe'@)@ instead of 'Backprop'@(->)@ from the previous sections.
-- >>> import Prelude (Maybe, Maybe(Just, Nothing), ($), Ord, (>), Float)
-- >>> import InfBackprop (Backprop(MkBackprop), derivative, dup, (*), linear, pureBackprop, first, second)
-- >>> import Control.Arrow (Kleisli(Kleisli), runKleisli, (>>>))
-- >>> import qualified NumHask as NH
-- The functoin
-- @
--  pureBackprop :: Monad m => Backprop (->) a b -> Backprop (Kleisli m) a b
-- @
-- is to trivially lift an ordinary backpropagation functions to the monadic function type.
-- Define the power function as follows
-- >>> :{
--  powR :: forall a. (Ord a, NH.ExpField a) =>
--    a -> Backprop (Kleisli Maybe) a a
--  powR p = MkBackprop call' forward' backward'
--    where
--      call' :: Kleisli Maybe a a
--      call' = Kleisli $ \x -> if x > NH.zero
--        then Just $ x NH.** p
--        else Nothing
--      --
--      forward' :: Backprop (Kleisli Maybe) a (a, a)
--      forward' = pureBackprop dup >>> first (powR p)
--      --
--      backward' :: Backprop (Kleisli Maybe) (a, a) a
--      backward' = second der >>> pureBackprop (*) where
--        der = powR (p NH.- NH.one) >>> pureBackprop (linear p)
-- :}
-- and calculate
-- \[
--  \frac{d}{dx} x^{\frac12} = \frac{1}{2 \sqrt{x}}
-- \]
-- for @x=4@ and @x=-4@ like
-- >>> runKleisli (derivative (powR 0.5)) (4 :: Float)
-- Just 0.25
-- >>> runKleisli (derivative (powR 0.5)) (-4 :: Float)
-- Nothing

-- $differentiation_with_logging #differentiation_with_logging#
-- Our objective now is to add logging to the derivative calculation.
-- The type 'Backprop' @cat a b@ type is parametrized by a category @cat@, input @a@ and output @b@.
-- If @cat@ is @(->)@ the type is reduced to 'BackpropFunc' we worked with above.
-- To add logging to the calculation we shall replace @(->)@ by
-- 'MonadLogger' @m =>@ 'Kleisli' @m@.
-- We will need the imports below
-- >>> import Prelude (Integer, Float, ($), (+), (*))
-- >>> import Control.Monad.Logger (runStdoutLoggingT, MonadLogger)
-- >>> import Control.Arrow ((>>>), runKleisli, Kleisli)
-- >>> import InfBackprop (derivative, loggingBackpropExpr)
-- >>> import Debug.SimpleExpr.Expr (variable)
-- >>> import Debug.LoggingBackprop (initUnaryFunc, initBinaryFunc, pureKleisli, exp, sin)
-- where the module 'Debug.loggingBackpropExpr' contains some useful functionality.
-- For example, lifts for unary functions
-- @
--  initUnaryFunc :: (Show a, Show b, MonadLogger m) => String -> (a -> b) -> Kleisli m a b
-- @
-- and binary functions
-- @
--  initBinaryFunc :: (Show a, Show b, Show c, MonadLogger m) => String -> (a -> b -> c) -> Kleisli m (a, b) c
-- @
-- These two terms map given functions to Kleisli category terms, that allows logging during their execution.
-- Let us first explain how it works with the following example.
-- \[
--  f(x) = y \cdot 3 + y \cdot 4, \quad y = x + 2.
-- \]
-- This function can be defined as follows
-- >>> :{
--  fLogging :: MonadLogger m => Kleisli m Integer Integer
--  fLogging =
--    initUnaryFunc "+2" (+2) >>>
--    (pureKleisli (\x -> (x, x))) >>>
--    (initUnaryFunc "*3" (*3) *** initUnaryFunc "*4" (*4)) >>>
--    initBinaryFunc "sum" (+)
-- :}
-- We run the calculation with @ x = 5 @ as follows
-- >>> runStdoutLoggingT $ runKleisli fLogging 5
-- [Info] Calculating +2 of 5 => 7
-- [Info] Calculating *3 of 7 => 21
-- [Info] Calculating *4 of 7 => 28
-- [Info] Calculating sum of 21 and 28 => 49
-- 49
-- We are now ready to consider an example with derivatives.
-- Let us calculate a simple example as follows
-- \[
--  \frac{d}{dx} \mathrm{f} (e^x) = e^x f'(e^x)
-- \]
-- We define symbolic function @f@ by
-- @
--  loggingBackpropExpr :: String -> BackpropFunc SimpleExpr SimpleExpr
-- @
-- and the entire derivative is
-- >>> runStdoutLoggingT $ runKleisli (derivative (exp >>> loggingBackpropExpr "f")) (variable "x")
-- [Info] Calculating exp of x => exp(x)
-- [Info] Calculating f of exp(x) => f(exp(x))
-- [Info] Calculating f' of exp(x) => f'(exp(x))
-- [Info] Calculating multiplication of 1 and f'(exp(x)) => 1·f'(exp(x))
-- [Info] Calculating multiplication of 1·f'(exp(x)) and exp(x) => (1·f'(exp(x)))·exp(x)
-- (1·f'(exp(x)))·exp(x)
-- For illustration we can set 'f = sin' and 'x=2'
-- \[
--  \left. \frac{d}{dx} \sin (e^x) \right|_{x=2} = e^2 \cos (e^2)
-- \]
-- >>> runStdoutLoggingT $ runKleisli (derivative (exp >>> sin)) (2 :: Float)
-- [Info] Calculating exp of 2.0 => 7.389056
-- [Info] Calculating sin of 7.389056 => 0.893855
-- [Info] Calculating cos of 7.389056 => 0.44835615
-- [Info] Calculating multiplication of 1.0 and 0.44835615 => 0.44835615
-- [Info] Calculating multiplication of 0.44835615 and 7.389056 => 3.312929
-- 3.312929
-- The first thing to mention in these logs is that the last forward step
-- @sin(exp x)@
-- is still computed, unlike the examples from the previous section.
-- This is due to the monadic nature of the calculation chain, that must disappear as soon as we return to
-- @(->)@ from 'Kleisli' @m@.
-- The second thing to mention here is that the exponent
-- @exp x@
-- is calculated only once thanks to the cache term passed from the `forward` to the `backward` method.