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in-other-words- A higher-order effect system where the sky's the limit

Safe HaskellNone





newtype Throw e m a where Source #

An effect for throwing exceptions of type e.


Throw :: e -> Throw e m a 

data Catch e m a where Source #

An effect for catching exceptions of type e.


Catch :: m a -> (e -> m a) -> Catch e m a 

type Error e = Bundle '[Throw e, Catch e] Source #

A pseudo-effect for connected Throw e and Catch e effects.

Error e should only ever be used inside of Eff and Effs constraints. It is not a real effect! See Bundle.


throw :: Eff (Throw e) m => e -> m a Source #

catch :: Eff (Catch e) m => m a -> (e -> m a) -> m a Source #

try :: Eff (Catch e) m => m a -> m (Either e a) Source #

catchJust :: forall smallExc bigExc m a. Eff (Error bigExc) m => (bigExc -> Maybe smallExc) -> m a -> (smallExc -> m a) -> m a Source #

tryJust :: forall smallExc bigExc m a. Eff (Error bigExc) m => (bigExc -> Maybe smallExc) -> m a -> m (Either smallExc a) Source #

note :: Eff (Throw e) m => e -> Maybe a -> m a Source #

fromEither :: Eff (Throw e) m => Either e a -> m a Source #

Main Interpreters

runThrow :: forall e m a p. (Carrier m, Threaders '[ErrorThreads] m p) => ThrowC e m a -> m (Either e a) Source #

Run a Throw effect purely.

Unlike runError, this does not provide the ability to catch exceptions. However, it also doesn't impose any primitive effects, meaning runThrow doesn't restrict what interpreters are run before it.

Derivs (ThrowC e m) = Throw e ': Derivs m
Prims (ThrowC e m) = Prims m

runError :: forall e m a p. (Carrier m, Threaders '[ErrorThreads] m p) => ErrorC e m a -> m (Either e a) Source #

Runs connected Throw and Catch effects -- i.e. Error -- purely.

Derivs (ErrorC e m) = Catch e ': Throw e ': Derivs m
Prims (ErrorC e m) = Optional ((->) e) ': Prims m

errorToIO :: forall e m a. (MonadCatch m, Eff (Embed IO) m) => ErrorToIOC e m a -> m (Either e a) Source #

Runs connected Throw and Catch effects -- i.e. Error -- by making use of IO exceptions.

Derivs (ErrorToIOC e m) = Catch e ': Throw e ': Derivs m
Prims (ErrorToIOC e m) = Optional ((->) SomeException) ': Prims m

This has a higher-rank type, as it makes use of ErrorToIOC. This makes errorToIO very difficult to use partially applied. In particular, it can't be composed using ..

If performance is secondary, consider using the slower errorToIOSimple, which doesn't have a higher-rank type.

Other interpreters

errorToErrorIO :: forall e m a. Effs '[ErrorIO, Embed IO] m => InterpretErrorC e m a -> m (Either e a) Source #

Runs connected Throw and Catch effects -- i.e. Error -- by transforming them into ErrorIO and Embed IO

This has a higher-rank type, as it makes use of InterpretErrorC. This makes errorToErrorIO very difficult to use partially applied. In particular, it can't be composed using ..

If performance is secondary, consider using the slower throwToThrowSimple, which doesn't have a higher-rank type.

throwToThrow :: forall smallExc bigExc m a. Eff (Throw bigExc) m => (smallExc -> bigExc) -> InterpretReifiedC (Throw smallExc) m a -> m a Source #

Transforms a Throw smallExc effect into a Throw bigExc effect, by providing a function to convert exceptions of the smaller exception type smallExc to the larger exception type bigExc.

This has a higher-rank type, as it makes use of InterpretReifiedC. This makes throwToThrow very difficult to use partially applied. In particular, it can't be composed using ..

If performance is secondary, consider using the slower throwToThrowSimple, which doesn't have a higher-rank type.

catchToError :: forall smallExc bigExc m a. Eff (Error bigExc) m => (bigExc -> Maybe smallExc) -> InterpretReifiedC (Catch smallExc) m a -> m a Source #

Transforms a Catch smallExc effect into an Error bigExc effect, by providing a function that identifies when exceptions of the larger exception type bigExc correspond to exceptions of the smaller exception type smallExc.

This has a higher-rank type, as it makes use of InterpretReifiedC. This makes catchToError very difficult to use partially applied. In particular, it can't be composed using ..

If performance is secondary, consider using the slower catchToErrorSimple, which doesn't have a higher-rank type.

errorToError :: forall smallExc bigExc m a. Eff (Error bigExc) m => (smallExc -> bigExc) -> (bigExc -> Maybe smallExc) -> InterpretErrorC smallExc m a -> m a Source #

Transforms connected Throw and Catch effects -- i.e. Error -- into another Error effect by providing functions to convert between the two types of exceptions.

This has a higher-rank type, as it makes use of InterpretErrorC. This makes errorToError very difficult to use partially applied. In particular, it can't be composed using ..

If performance is secondary, consider using the slower errorToErrorSimple, which doesn't have a higher-rank type.

Simple variants

errorToIOSimple :: forall e m a p. (Eff (Embed IO) m, MonadCatch m, Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p) => ErrorToIOSimpleC e m a -> m (Either e a) Source #

Runs connected Throw and Catch effects -- i.e. Error -- by making use of IO exceptions.

Derivs (ErrorToIOSimpleC e m) = Catch e ': Throw e ': Derivs m
Prims (ErrorToIOSimpleC e m) = Optional ((->) SomeException) ': Prims m

This is a less performant version of errorToIO that doesn't have a higher-rank type, making it much easier to use partially applied.

errorToErrorIOSimple :: forall e m a p. (Effs '[ErrorIO, Embed IO] m, Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p) => InterpretErrorSimpleC e m a -> m (Either e a) Source #

Runs connected Throw and Catch effects -- i.e. Error -- by transforming them into ErrorIO and Embed IO

This is a less performant version of errorToErrorIO that doesn't have a higher-rank type, making it much easier to use partially applied.

throwToThrowSimple :: forall smallExc bigExc m a p. (Eff (Throw bigExc) m, Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p) => (smallExc -> bigExc) -> InterpretSimpleC (Throw smallExc) m a -> m a Source #

Transforms a Throw smallExc effect into a Throw bigExc effect, by providing a function to convert exceptions of the smaller exception type smallExc to the larger exception type bigExc.

This is a less performant version of throwToThrow that doesn't have a higher-rank type, making it much easier to use partially applied.

catchToErrorSimple :: forall smallExc bigExc m a p. (Eff (Error bigExc) m, Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p) => (bigExc -> Maybe smallExc) -> InterpretSimpleC (Catch smallExc) m a -> m a Source #

Transforms a Catch smallExc effect into an Error bigExc effect, by providing a function that identifies when exceptions of the larger exception type bigExc correspond to exceptions of the smaller exception type smallExc.

This is a less performant version of catchToError that doesn't have a higher-rank type, making it much easier to use partially applied.

errorToErrorSimple :: forall smallExc bigExc m a p. (Eff (Error bigExc) m, Threaders '[ReaderThreads] m p) => (smallExc -> bigExc) -> (bigExc -> Maybe smallExc) -> InterpretErrorSimpleC smallExc m a -> m a Source #

Transforms connected Throw and Catch effects -- i.e. Error -- into another Error effect by providing functions to convert between the two types of exceptions.

This is a less performant version of errorToError that doesn't have a higher-rank type, making it much easier to use partially applied.

Threading constraints

class (forall e. Threads (ExceptT e) p) => ErrorThreads p Source #

ErrorThreads accepts the following primitive effects:

(forall e. Threads (ExceptT e) p) => ErrorThreads p Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


class MonadThrow m => MonadCatch (m :: Type -> Type) #

A class for monads which allow exceptions to be caught, in particular exceptions which were thrown by throwM.

Instances should obey the following law:

catch (throwM e) f = f e

Note that the ability to catch an exception does not guarantee that we can deal with all possible exit points from a computation. Some monads, such as continuation-based stacks, allow for more than just a success/failure strategy, and therefore catch cannot be used by those monads to properly implement a function such as finally. For more information, see MonadMask.

Minimal complete definition


MonadCatch IO 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => IO a -> (e -> IO a) -> IO a #

MonadCatch STM 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => STM a -> (e -> STM a) -> STM a #

e ~ SomeException => MonadCatch (Either e)

Since: exceptions-0.8.3

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e0 => Either e a -> (e0 -> Either e a) -> Either e a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (MaybeT m)

Catches exceptions from the base monad.

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => MaybeT m a -> (e -> MaybeT m a) -> MaybeT m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ListT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => ListT m a -> (e -> ListT m a) -> ListT m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ListT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.List.Church


catch :: Exception e => ListT m a -> (e -> ListT m a) -> ListT m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (NonDetC m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.NonDet


catch :: Exception e => NonDetC m a -> (e -> NonDetC m a) -> NonDetC m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (CullCutC m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.NonDet


catch :: Exception e => CullCutC m a -> (e -> CullCutC m a) -> CullCutC m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (LogicC m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.NonDet


catch :: Exception e => LogicC m a -> (e -> LogicC m a) -> LogicC m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (InterpretFailSimpleC m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Fail

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (InterpretAltSimpleC m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Alt

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ExceptT e m)

Catches exceptions from the base monad.

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e0 => ExceptT e m a -> (e0 -> ExceptT e m a) -> ExceptT e m a #

(MonadCatch m, Monoid w) => MonadCatch (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => WriterT w m a -> (e -> WriterT w m a) -> WriterT w m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => StateT s m a -> (e -> StateT s m a) -> StateT s m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ReaderT r m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => ReaderT r m a -> (e -> ReaderT r m a) -> ReaderT r m a #

(Error e, MonadCatch m) => MonadCatch (ErrorT e m)

Catches exceptions from the base monad.

Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e0 => ErrorT e m a -> (e0 -> ErrorT e m a) -> ErrorT e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (IdentityT m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => IdentityT m a -> (e -> IdentityT m a) -> IdentityT m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (StateT s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => StateT s m a -> (e -> StateT s m a) -> StateT s m a #

(MonadCatch m, Monoid w) => MonadCatch (WriterT w m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => WriterT w m a -> (e -> WriterT w m a) -> WriterT w m a #

MonadCatch (CompositionBaseT ts m) => MonadCatch (CompositionC ts m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Compose


catch :: Exception e => CompositionC ts m a -> (e -> CompositionC ts m a) -> CompositionC ts m a #

Eff (ErrorIO :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) m => MonadCatch (Effly m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Effly


catch :: Exception e => Effly m a -> (e -> Effly m a) -> Effly m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (InterpretPrimSimpleC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Interpret


catch :: Exception e0 => InterpretPrimSimpleC e m a -> (e0 -> InterpretPrimSimpleC e m a) -> InterpretPrimSimpleC e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (InterpretSimpleC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Interpret


catch :: Exception e0 => InterpretSimpleC e m a -> (e0 -> InterpretSimpleC e m a) -> InterpretSimpleC e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (RunMC m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Embed


catch :: Exception e => RunMC m a -> (e -> RunMC m a) -> RunMC m a #

(MonadCatch m, Monoid s) => MonadCatch (WriterLazyC s m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Writer


catch :: Exception e => WriterLazyC s m a -> (e -> WriterLazyC s m a) -> WriterLazyC s m a #

(MonadCatch m, Monoid s) => MonadCatch (ListenLazyC s m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Writer


catch :: Exception e => ListenLazyC s m a -> (e -> ListenLazyC s m a) -> ListenLazyC s m a #

(MonadCatch m, Monoid s) => MonadCatch (TellLazyC s m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Writer


catch :: Exception e => TellLazyC s m a -> (e -> TellLazyC s m a) -> TellLazyC s m a #

(Monoid s, MonadCatch m) => MonadCatch (WriterC s m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Writer


catch :: Exception e => WriterC s m a -> (e -> WriterC s m a) -> WriterC s m a #

(Monoid s, MonadCatch m) => MonadCatch (ListenC s m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Writer


catch :: Exception e => ListenC s m a -> (e -> ListenC s m a) -> ListenC s m a #

(Monoid s, MonadCatch m) => MonadCatch (TellC s m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Writer


catch :: Exception e => TellC s m a -> (e -> TellC s m a) -> TellC s m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (UnliftC m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Unlift


catch :: Exception e => UnliftC m a -> (e -> UnliftC m a) -> UnliftC m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (StateLazyC s m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.State


catch :: Exception e => StateLazyC s m a -> (e -> StateLazyC s m a) -> StateLazyC s m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (StateC s m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.State


catch :: Exception e => StateC s m a -> (e -> StateC s m a) -> StateC s m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (HoistC m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Regional


catch :: Exception e => HoistC m a -> (e -> HoistC m a) -> HoistC m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ReaderC i m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Reader


catch :: Exception e => ReaderC i m a -> (e -> ReaderC i m a) -> ReaderC i m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (HoistOptionC m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Optional


catch :: Exception e => HoistOptionC m a -> (e -> HoistOptionC m a) -> HoistOptionC m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (UnwrapTopC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Newtype


catch :: Exception e0 => UnwrapTopC e m a -> (e0 -> UnwrapTopC e m a) -> UnwrapTopC e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (UnwrapC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Newtype


catch :: Exception e0 => UnwrapC e m a -> (e0 -> UnwrapC e m a) -> UnwrapC e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


catch :: Exception e0 => ErrorC e m a -> (e0 -> ErrorC e m a) -> ErrorC e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


catch :: Exception e0 => ThrowC e m a -> (e0 -> ThrowC e m a) -> ThrowC e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (BaseControlC m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.BaseControl


catch :: Exception e => BaseControlC m a -> (e -> BaseControlC m a) -> BaseControlC m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (FreeT f m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Trans.Free.Church.Alternate


catch :: Exception e => FreeT f m a -> (e -> FreeT f m a) -> FreeT f m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ShiftC r m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Cont


catch :: Exception e => ShiftC r m a -> (e -> ShiftC r m a) -> ShiftC r m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ContC r m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Cont


catch :: Exception e => ContC r m a -> (e -> ContC r m a) -> ContC r m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (SteppedC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Stepped


catch :: Exception e0 => SteppedC e m a -> (e0 -> SteppedC e m a) -> SteppedC e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (InterceptRC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Intercept


catch :: Exception e0 => InterceptRC e m a -> (e0 -> InterceptRC e m a) -> InterceptRC e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (InterpretFailC h m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Fail


catch :: Exception e => InterpretFailC h m a -> (e -> InterpretFailC h m a) -> InterpretFailC h m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (InterpretAltC h m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Alt


catch :: Exception e => InterpretAltC h m a -> (e -> InterpretAltC h m a) -> InterpretAltC h m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (SubsumeC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal


catch :: Exception e0 => SubsumeC e m a -> (e0 -> SubsumeC e m a) -> SubsumeC e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (IntroC top new m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Intro


catch :: Exception e => IntroC top new m a -> (e -> IntroC top new m a) -> IntroC top new m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ReinterpretSimpleC e new m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Interpret


catch :: Exception e0 => ReinterpretSimpleC e new m a -> (e0 -> ReinterpretSimpleC e new m a) -> ReinterpretSimpleC e new m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (InterpretC h e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Interpret


catch :: Exception e0 => InterpretC h e m a -> (e0 -> InterpretC h e m a) -> InterpretC h e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (InterpretPrimC s e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Interpret


catch :: Exception e0 => InterpretPrimC s e m a -> (e0 -> InterpretPrimC s e m a) -> InterpretPrimC s e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (UnionC l m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Union


catch :: Exception e => UnionC l m a -> (e -> UnionC l m a) -> UnionC l m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (WrapC e e' m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Newtype


catch :: Exception e0 => WrapC e e' m a -> (e0 -> WrapC e e' m a) -> WrapC e e' m a #

(MonadCatch m, Monoid w) => MonadCatch (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => RWST r w s m a -> (e -> RWST r w s m a) -> RWST r w s m a #

(MonadCatch m, Monoid w) => MonadCatch (RWST r w s m) 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Catch


catch :: Exception e => RWST r w s m a -> (e -> RWST r w s m a) -> RWST r w s m a #

MonadCatch (t (u m)) => MonadCatch (ComposeT t u m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Compose


catch :: Exception e => ComposeT t u m a -> (e -> ComposeT t u m a) -> ComposeT t u m a #

Monad m => MonadCatch (ViaAlg s Bracket m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Type.Bracket


catch :: Exception e => ViaAlg s Bracket m a -> (e -> ViaAlg s Bracket m a) -> ViaAlg s Bracket m a #

Monad m => MonadCatch (ViaAlg s (Mask :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Type.Mask


catch :: Exception e => ViaAlg s Mask m a -> (e -> ViaAlg s Mask m a) -> ViaAlg s Mask m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ReinterpretC h e new m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Carrier.Internal.Interpret


catch :: Exception e0 => ReinterpretC h e new m a -> (e0 -> ReinterpretC h e new m a) -> ReinterpretC h e new m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (UnionizeC b m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Union


catch :: Exception e => UnionizeC b m a -> (e -> UnionizeC b m a) -> UnionizeC b m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ExceptionallyC eff exc m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Exceptional


catch :: Exception e => ExceptionallyC eff exc m a -> (e -> ExceptionallyC eff exc m a) -> ExceptionallyC eff exc m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (GainBaseControlC b z m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.BaseControl


catch :: Exception e => GainBaseControlC b z m a -> (e -> GainBaseControlC b z m a) -> GainBaseControlC b z m a #


data ThrowC e m a Source #

MonadBase b m => MonadBase b (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


liftBase :: b α -> ThrowC e m α #

MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

Associated Types

type StM (ThrowC e m) a :: Type #


liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase (ThrowC e m) b -> b a) -> ThrowC e m a #

restoreM :: StM (ThrowC e m) a -> ThrowC e m a #

MonadTrans (ThrowC e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


lift :: Monad m => m a -> ThrowC e m a #

MonadTransControl (ThrowC e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

Associated Types

type StT (ThrowC e) a :: Type #


liftWith :: Monad m => (Run (ThrowC e) -> m a) -> ThrowC e m a #

restoreT :: Monad m => m (StT (ThrowC e) a) -> ThrowC e m a #

Monad m => Monad (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


(>>=) :: ThrowC e m a -> (a -> ThrowC e m b) -> ThrowC e m b #

(>>) :: ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m b -> ThrowC e m b #

return :: a -> ThrowC e m a #

fail :: String -> ThrowC e m a #

Functor m => Functor (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m b #

(<$) :: a -> ThrowC e m b -> ThrowC e m a #

MonadFix m => MonadFix (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


mfix :: (a -> ThrowC e m a) -> ThrowC e m a #

MonadFail m => MonadFail (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


fail :: String -> ThrowC e m a #

Monad m => Applicative (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


pure :: a -> ThrowC e m a #

(<*>) :: ThrowC e m (a -> b) -> ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m b -> ThrowC e m c #

(*>) :: ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m b -> ThrowC e m b #

(<*) :: ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m b -> ThrowC e m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


liftIO :: IO a -> ThrowC e m a #

(Monad m, Monoid e) => Alternative (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


empty :: ThrowC e m a #

(<|>) :: ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m a #

some :: ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m [a] #

many :: ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m [a] #

(Monad m, Monoid e) => MonadPlus (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


mzero :: ThrowC e m a #

mplus :: ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m a #

MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


throwM :: Exception e0 => e0 -> ThrowC e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


catch :: Exception e0 => ThrowC e m a -> (e0 -> ThrowC e m a) -> ThrowC e m a #

MonadMask m => MonadMask (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


mask :: ((forall a. ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m a) -> ThrowC e m b) -> ThrowC e m b #

uninterruptibleMask :: ((forall a. ThrowC e m a -> ThrowC e m a) -> ThrowC e m b) -> ThrowC e m b #

generalBracket :: ThrowC e m a -> (a -> ExitCase b -> ThrowC e m c) -> (a -> ThrowC e m b) -> ThrowC e m (b, c) #

(Carrier m, Threads (ExceptT e) (Prims m)) => Carrier (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

Associated Types

type Derivs (ThrowC e m) :: [Effect] Source #

type Prims (ThrowC e m) :: [Effect] Source #


algPrims :: Algebra' (Prims (ThrowC e m)) (ThrowC e m) a Source #

reformulate :: Monad z => Reformulation' (Derivs (ThrowC e m)) (Prims (ThrowC e m)) (ThrowC e m) z a Source #

algDerivs :: Algebra' (Derivs (ThrowC e m)) (ThrowC e m) a Source #

type StT (ThrowC e) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

type StT (ThrowC e) a = StT (ExceptT e) a
type Derivs (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

type Derivs (ThrowC e m) = (Throw e :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) ': Derivs m
type Prims (ThrowC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

type Prims (ThrowC e m) = Prims m
type StM (ThrowC e m) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

type StM (ThrowC e m) a = StM (ExceptT e m) a

data ErrorC e m a Source #

MonadBase b m => MonadBase b (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


liftBase :: b α -> ErrorC e m α #

MonadBaseControl b m => MonadBaseControl b (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

Associated Types

type StM (ErrorC e m) a :: Type #


liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase (ErrorC e m) b -> b a) -> ErrorC e m a #

restoreM :: StM (ErrorC e m) a -> ErrorC e m a #

MonadTrans (ErrorC e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


lift :: Monad m => m a -> ErrorC e m a #

MonadTransControl (ErrorC e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

Associated Types

type StT (ErrorC e) a :: Type #


liftWith :: Monad m => (Run (ErrorC e) -> m a) -> ErrorC e m a #

restoreT :: Monad m => m (StT (ErrorC e) a) -> ErrorC e m a #

Monad m => Monad (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


(>>=) :: ErrorC e m a -> (a -> ErrorC e m b) -> ErrorC e m b #

(>>) :: ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m b -> ErrorC e m b #

return :: a -> ErrorC e m a #

fail :: String -> ErrorC e m a #

Functor m => Functor (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m b #

(<$) :: a -> ErrorC e m b -> ErrorC e m a #

MonadFix m => MonadFix (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


mfix :: (a -> ErrorC e m a) -> ErrorC e m a #

MonadFail m => MonadFail (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


fail :: String -> ErrorC e m a #

Monad m => Applicative (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


pure :: a -> ErrorC e m a #

(<*>) :: ErrorC e m (a -> b) -> ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m b -> ErrorC e m c #

(*>) :: ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m b -> ErrorC e m b #

(<*) :: ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m b -> ErrorC e m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


liftIO :: IO a -> ErrorC e m a #

(Monad m, Monoid e) => Alternative (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


empty :: ErrorC e m a #

(<|>) :: ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m a #

some :: ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m [a] #

many :: ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m [a] #

(Monad m, Monoid e) => MonadPlus (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


mzero :: ErrorC e m a #

mplus :: ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m a #

MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


throwM :: Exception e0 => e0 -> ErrorC e m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


catch :: Exception e0 => ErrorC e m a -> (e0 -> ErrorC e m a) -> ErrorC e m a #

MonadMask m => MonadMask (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error


mask :: ((forall a. ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m a) -> ErrorC e m b) -> ErrorC e m b #

uninterruptibleMask :: ((forall a. ErrorC e m a -> ErrorC e m a) -> ErrorC e m b) -> ErrorC e m b #

generalBracket :: ErrorC e m a -> (a -> ExitCase b -> ErrorC e m c) -> (a -> ErrorC e m b) -> ErrorC e m (b, c) #

(Carrier m, Threads (ExceptT e) (Prims m)) => Carrier (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

Associated Types

type Derivs (ErrorC e m) :: [Effect] Source #

type Prims (ErrorC e m) :: [Effect] Source #


algPrims :: Algebra' (Prims (ErrorC e m)) (ErrorC e m) a Source #

reformulate :: Monad z => Reformulation' (Derivs (ErrorC e m)) (Prims (ErrorC e m)) (ErrorC e m) z a Source #

algDerivs :: Algebra' (Derivs (ErrorC e m)) (ErrorC e m) a Source #

type StT (ErrorC e) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

type StT (ErrorC e) a = StT (ExceptT e) a
type Derivs (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

type Derivs (ErrorC e m) = (Catch e :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) ': ((Throw e :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) ': Derivs m)
type Prims (ErrorC e m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

type Prims (ErrorC e m) = Optional ((->) e :: Type -> Type) ': Prims m
type StM (ErrorC e m) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Effect.Internal.Error

type StM (ErrorC e m) a = StM (ExceptT e m) a

type ErrorToIOC e m a = forall s s'. ReifiesErrorHandler s s' e (ErrorIOToIOC m) => ErrorToIOC' s s' e m a Source #

type InterpretErrorC e m a = forall s s'. ReifiesErrorHandler s s' e m => InterpretErrorC' s s' e m a Source #

type InterpretErrorC' s s' smallExc = CompositionC '[InterpretC (ViaReifiedH s) (Catch smallExc), InterpretC (ViaReifiedH s') (Throw smallExc)] Source #