imperative-edsl-0.8.2: Deep embedding of imperative programs with code generation
Safe HaskellNone



Typed deep embedding of simple C expressions

This is a subset of C expressions that only have simple non-compound and non-pointed types, and that don't contain any control structures.

(Of course, nothing stops one from translating CExp to something other than C, but its constructors and set of supported types is inspired by C.)



data Unary a where Source #


UnNeg :: Num a => Unary (a -> a) 
UnNot :: Unary (Bool -> Bool) 

data Binary a where Source #


BiAdd :: Num a => Binary (a -> a -> a) 
BiSub :: Num a => Binary (a -> a -> a) 
BiMul :: Num a => Binary (a -> a -> a) 
BiDiv :: Fractional a => Binary (a -> a -> a) 
BiQuot :: Integral a => Binary (a -> a -> a) 
BiRem :: Integral a => Binary (a -> a -> a) 
BiAnd :: Binary (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) 
BiOr :: Binary (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) 
BiEq :: CType a => Binary (a -> a -> Bool) 
BiNEq :: CType a => Binary (a -> a -> Bool) 
BiLt :: (Ord a, CType a) => Binary (a -> a -> Bool) 
BiGt :: (Ord a, CType a) => Binary (a -> a -> Bool) 
BiLe :: (Ord a, CType a) => Binary (a -> a -> Bool) 
BiGe :: (Ord a, CType a) => Binary (a -> a -> Bool) 

type SupportCode = forall m. MonadC m => m () Source #

data Sym sig where Source #

Syntactic symbols for C


Lit :: String -> a -> Sym (Full a) 
Const :: String -> a -> Sym (Full a) 
Fun :: Signature sig => String -> Denotation sig -> Sym sig 
UOp :: Unary (a -> b) -> Sym (a :-> Full b) 
Op :: Binary (a -> b -> c) -> Sym (a :-> (b :-> Full c)) 
Cast :: (a -> b) -> Sym (a :-> Full b) 
Cond :: Sym (Bool :-> (a :-> (a :-> Full a))) 
Var :: VarId -> Sym (Full a) 
ArrIx :: (Integral i, Ix i) => IArr i a -> Sym (i :-> Full a) 
WithCode :: SupportCode -> Sym (a :-> Full a) 


Instances details
Equality Sym Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


equal :: Sym a -> Sym b -> Bool #

hash :: Sym a -> Hash #

Render Sym Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


renderSym :: Sym sig -> String #

renderArgs :: [String] -> Sym sig -> String #

StringTree Sym Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


stringTreeSym :: [Tree String] -> Sym a -> Tree String #

Symbol Sym Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


symSig :: Sym sig -> SigRep sig #

data T sig where Source #





Instances details
Equality T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


equal :: T a -> T b -> Bool #

hash :: T a -> Hash #

Render T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


renderSym :: T sig -> String #

renderArgs :: [String] -> T sig -> String #

StringTree T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


stringTreeSym :: [Tree String] -> T a -> Tree String #

Symbol T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


symSig :: T sig -> SigRep sig #

newtype CExp a Source #

C expression





Instances details
EvalExp CExp Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


evalExp :: CExp a -> a Source #

FreeExp CExp Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp

Associated Types

type FreePred CExp :: Type -> Constraint Source #


constExp :: FreePred CExp a => a -> CExp a Source #

varExp :: FreePred CExp a => VarId -> CExp a Source #

CompExp CExp Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


compExp :: MonadC m => CExp a -> m Exp Source #

Eq (CExp a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


(==) :: CExp a -> CExp a -> Bool #

(/=) :: CExp a -> CExp a -> Bool #

(Fractional a, Ord a, CType a) => Fractional (CExp a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


(/) :: CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp a #

recip :: CExp a -> CExp a #

fromRational :: Rational -> CExp a #

(Num a, Ord a, CType a) => Num (CExp a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp


(+) :: CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp a #

(-) :: CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp a #

(*) :: CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp a #

negate :: CExp a -> CExp a #

abs :: CExp a -> CExp a #

signum :: CExp a -> CExp a #

fromInteger :: Integer -> CExp a #

Syntactic (CExp a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp

Associated Types

type Domain (CExp a) :: Type -> Type #

type Internal (CExp a) #


desugar :: CExp a -> ASTF (Domain (CExp a)) (Internal (CExp a)) #

sugar :: ASTF (Domain (CExp a)) (Internal (CExp a)) -> CExp a #

type FreePred CExp Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp

type Internal (CExp a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp

type Internal (CExp a) = a
type Domain (CExp a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Language.Embedded.CExp

type Domain (CExp a) = T

evalSym :: Sym sig -> Denotation sig Source #

evalCExp :: CExp a -> a Source #

Evaluate an expression

compCExp :: forall m a. MonadC m => CExp a -> m Exp Source #

Compile an expression

constFold :: CExp a -> CExp a Source #

One-level constant folding: if all immediate sub-expressions are literals, the expression is reduced to a single literal

castAST :: forall a b. Typeable b => ASTF T a -> Maybe (ASTF T b) Source #

viewLit :: CExp a -> Maybe a Source #

Get the value of a literal expression

pattern LitP :: forall a a1. () => (CType (DenResult (Full a)), Full a ~ Full a1) => a1 -> CExp a Source #

pattern LitP' :: forall sig a. () => (CType (DenResult sig), sig ~ Full a) => a -> AST T sig Source #

pattern NonLitP :: CExp a Source #

pattern NonLitP' :: ASTF T a Source #

pattern OpP :: forall a a1 a2 a3 b c. () => (CType (DenResult (a2 :-> (a1 :-> Full a))), (a2 :-> (a1 :-> Full a)) ~ (a3 :-> (b :-> Full c))) => Binary (a3 -> b -> c) -> AST T (Full a2) -> AST T (Full a1) -> CExp a Source #

pattern OpP' :: forall sig a1 a2 a3 b c. () => (CType (DenResult (a2 :-> (a1 :-> sig))), (a2 :-> (a1 :-> sig)) ~ (a3 :-> (b :-> Full c))) => Binary (a3 -> b -> c) -> AST T (Full a2) -> AST T (Full a1) -> AST T sig Source #

pattern UOpP :: forall a a1 a2 b. () => (CType (DenResult (a1 :-> Full a)), (a1 :-> Full a) ~ (a2 :-> Full b)) => Unary (a2 -> b) -> AST T (Full a1) -> CExp a Source #

pattern UOpP' :: forall sig a1 a2 b. () => (CType (DenResult (a1 :-> sig)), (a1 :-> sig) ~ (a2 :-> Full b)) => Unary (a2 -> b) -> AST T (Full a1) -> AST T sig Source #

isFloat :: forall a. CType a => CExp a -> Bool Source #

Return whether the type of the expression is a floating-point numeric type

isExact :: CType a => CExp a -> Bool Source #

Return whether the type of the expression is a non-floating-point type

isExact' :: CType a => ASTF T a -> Bool Source #

Return whether the type of the expression is a non-floating-point type

User interface

value :: CType a => a -> CExp a Source #

Construct a literal expression

constant Source #


:: CType a 
=> String

Name of constant

-> a

Value of constant

-> CExp a 

Predefined constant

variable :: CType a => VarId -> CExp a Source #

Create a named variable

withCode :: CType a => (forall m. MonadC m => m ()) -> CExp a -> CExp a Source #

quot_ :: (Eq a, Integral a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp a Source #

Integer division truncated toward zero

(#%) :: (Integral a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp a Source #

Integer remainder satisfying

(x `quot_` y)*y + (x #% y) == x

i2n :: (Integral a, Num b, CType b) => CExp a -> CExp b Source #

Integral type casting

i2b :: Integral a => CExp a -> CExp Bool Source #

Cast integer to Bool

b2i :: (Integral a, CType a) => CExp Bool -> CExp a Source #

Cast Bool to integer

not_ :: CExp Bool -> CExp Bool Source #

Boolean negation

(#&&) :: CExp Bool -> CExp Bool -> CExp Bool Source #

Logical and

(#||) :: CExp Bool -> CExp Bool -> CExp Bool Source #

Logical or

(#==) :: (Eq a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp Bool infix 4 Source #


(#!=) :: (Eq a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp Bool infix 4 Source #


(#<) :: (Ord a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp Bool infix 4 Source #

(#>) :: (Ord a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp Bool infix 4 Source #

(#<=) :: (Ord a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp Bool infix 4 Source #

(#>=) :: (Ord a, CType a) => CExp a -> CExp a -> CExp Bool infix 4 Source #

cond Source #


:: CType a 
=> CExp Bool


-> CExp a

True branch

-> CExp a

False branch

-> CExp a 

Conditional expression

(?) infixl 1 Source #


:: CType a 
=> CExp Bool


-> CExp a

True branch

-> CExp a

False branch

-> CExp a 

Condition operator; use as follows:

cond1 ? a $
cond2 ? b $
cond3 ? c $

(#!) :: (CType a, Integral i, Ix i) => IArr i a -> CExp i -> CExp a Source #

Array indexing